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Development Levels in the Ark: Food Supply (?)

Posted: Tue 02 May 2023, 22:00
by sixsomething
Hello, all!

I've recently begun running a game of MYZ for our group, and while so much immediately made sense - as this is a wonderful game that automatically hooked each player in a different way - there's one little thing that came up in tonight's game that I wanted clarification on. I'm still going through the rulebook, though, so I may have overlooked this somewhere, or it might be that I'm overthinking it!

The Food Supply aspect of the Development Levels (found on page 101 of the rulebook) states that in the 0 to 9 rating, it's a one-to-one ratio of bullet-to-grub purchase/exchange, and then beginning at level 10 to 19, it's a one-to-two bullet-to-grub purchase/exchange. The word "grub" is used time and again, but... does this also refer to water? If the Ark has some source of water for its inhabitants, a player asked if he could purchase water in the same way.

I'm of a few minds regarding this, and one quick answer is, "No," simply because grub (canned goods, food that doesn't spoil quickly, etc.) isn't as easy to find as stuff like Rot-water that can then simply be boiled to produce safe water. In the moment, though, I ruled that he could exchange a bullet for some water so that we could move the scene along. I made a note to come here and ask what the rest of you thought, though, and if you might have interpreted that differently.

Thank you all in advance for your time and consideration! Good gaming to you and yours.

Edit/Addendum: A player at the table took the Talent to be able to make Rot-water safe to drink.

Re: Development Levels in the Ark: Food Supply (?)

Posted: Tue 02 May 2023, 22:09
by Fenhorn
Grub is food and increasing the Food Supply will make food cheaper. Each ark has a water supply (p.100). The water supply will remain the same and the price for water will not change by change when any of the DEV changes.

On a personal basis, at least one player should take the talent Zone Cook both for purify contaminated water but also for purify any contaminated food you find. It will save your life one day or probably many days.

Re: Development Levels in the Ark: Food Supply (?)

Posted: Tue 02 May 2023, 22:33
by sixsomething
Yeah - that's the one he took: Zone Cook. Thanks!

Re: Development Levels in the Ark: Food Supply (?)

Posted: Tue 02 May 2023, 22:36
by sixsomething
Okay, so by the suggestion of that on page 100 - which they chose their source of water - that's clean water, right? So, at the beginning of each day when they're required to drink one water and eat one grub, if they're in the Ark, they get the water for free, but the grub is going to cost them, right?

Re: Development Levels in the Ark: Food Supply (?)

Posted: Tue 02 May 2023, 23:20
by Fenhorn
Yes the Ark's water supply is clean water.

How to do water and grub to the players is a bit up to every group. What we did when we played was that as long as the players work in the ark (on a project or so) they got grub and water during those days they worked. If they where part of an expeditions, the ark also provided some grub and water. But if the players does something else with their lives, they have to pay for the grub and water, most often with various scrap they may have found during their exploration trips.

Re: Development Levels in the Ark: Food Supply (?)

Posted: Wed 03 May 2023, 00:49
by sixsomething
I like that and appreciate your advice and commentary! Thank you.

I am thinking that I'll give them the water, but that the foodstuffs - because there is the associated cost right there in the Development listing - is scarce and that they're going to have to make those purchases on their own.

I am going to continue to watch this thread develop as people see it and feel inclined to answer. Thank you again for your time!

Re: Development Levels in the Ark: Food Supply (?)

Posted: Fri 05 May 2023, 00:55
by DruidGamer
As for your players question about buying Clean Water, the Gear & Services table on p260 has a ration of Clean Water costing half as much as a ration of Grub (so 2 rations of water per bullet). As others have stated Rot Water can be found anywhere that the GM decides is NOT an arid Sector.