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Hadley's Hope Job Structure

Sat 04 Feb 2023, 23:46

I have break down on paper the job structure at Hadley's Hope with weekly salary.

there is 96 staff with a job. others are family and kids.

let me know what you think of this.

here is the break down: ... structure/
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Re: Hadley's Hope Job Structure

Sun 05 Feb 2023, 13:12

Interesting stuff, mate.

But this begs the question, what really does W-Y get out of Hadley's Hope? If they pay out $75k to keep in operational (and that's salaries alone), not to mention the "substantial dollar value attached to the installation", what exactly is W-Y making money off of here? (I'm sure this has been explained in various manuals and books, but I'm clueless)
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Re: Hadley's Hope Job Structure

Sun 05 Feb 2023, 19:28

My guess is that W-Y gets the following out of Hadley's Hope:
* Lease payments for (20?) Atmosphere Processors
* Possibly lease payments for the colony building modules and/or other infrastructure like that big comm tower
* Subsidy from Colonial Administration for "supporting our ongoing colonization efforts" *cough* kickbacks *cough*
* Food service and general store / post exchange type payments selling products direct to colonists

I see them in a position a lot like "building maintenance" and "concession stand" operations for a sports arena owned by someone else.

Now, to me, the question is ... what does Hadley's Hope *produce* - its a roughneck town so something on that moon has to be worth all the expense of terraforming it and staffing up a permanent base of operations rather than just a resource harvesting site at a time.

No one is moving to Hadley for the scenery and because its such a great place to raise your kids.

The purpose of the colony, from ALIEN: THE BLUEPRINTS and THE WEYLAN-YUTANI REPORT seems to be ... running the network of Atmospheric Processors themselves.

So it sounds vague but you can cover it in conspiracy sauce:
Dear Colonial Administration, here's a moon that's 1200km but with .87 surface gee? That's totally worth investigating. And, it has an atmosphere that is within reach of our atmosphere processing tech to stabilize with minimal ongoing or residual infrastructure needed. We've put together a proposal for a 50 year terraform operation with attractive lease options on 20 atmosphere processors and colony modules for a terraforming management outpost. If Colonial Administration can invest $X over the 50 years, we can sell you the remaining colony and atmosphere processors at $1 each and turn them over 100% to the colony. Great stuff right? A whole world... usable ... cheap!"

In Aliens ... W-Y supposedly had no idea the derelict was there - it was purely coincidence they backed a colony there while getting into a LOT of terraforming.

But ... Burke saw the windfall when Ripley's shuttle was recovered.
You could easily say he had the recovery team scrub the shuttle of evidence while Ripley recovered and before the ICC got the urge to go digging her wild story after she recovered and filed a report.
The inside of the Narcissus where the xeno was was covered in its organic goo - that had to be evidence.
And we see on-screen the remains of the harpoon gun under the edge of the door - Ripley didn't clean up everything before she went into cryo.
I can totally picture a scene where Burke was assigned the "case" of what to do with a 57 year missing shuttle, and his eyes lighting up with dollar signs when the goo covering the shelf and consoles was analyzed as "alien".

And what of Alien Isolation ... how much of Marlow and Amanda's stories were laying around the W-Y computer to ping "yes, that moon could be interesting - especially if we can get CCA to pay for it ... too much of a long shot to risk a whole expedition ourselves" kind of meeting.

Were I prepping this - I'd go after the geology. The moon appeared geologically active in 2122 when the Nostromo set down on it ... Dallas & co walk past active vents in the terrain. And its close enough to Calampos to have lots of geologic effects from tidal forces etc.

So, some sort of metals mining, gas giant survey, something in the gas giant atmosphere itself worth harvesting over time... someone ran some numbers in a spreadsheet and said "if we build a colony here and fix up the air ... it could be profitable to harvest X, Y, and Z for the next 100 years"

Those are the kinds of plans you make for a refinery or offshore platform ... and on those timescales. These installations are planned in decades-long blocks...

And Hadley's Hope and the atmosphere processors were probably *not* insured ... LLoyds and other insurers tend not to do that - so the colony was self insured through CCA and W-Y in some split which was a lot of why Burke was extremely not into the idea of nuking things from space.

Hmmm, fire up StarForm, StarGen, or AstroSynthesis ... generate up a bunch of gas giants until you have one with a good 1200km type moon with an atmosphere and see what sort of geology you get... if you can. That gravity number is ... up there. "You can walk on it" ... 1200km ... how? Our moon is more than twice that size aand only has 1/6th of the gee.

That mystery alone ... is worth a whole story arc.
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Re: Hadley's Hope Job Structure

Mon 06 Feb 2023, 17:38

I'm sure it's the weapons & science Division of WY that is financing all terraforming projects everywhere. Where they can find alien & Engineers technology is where they are financing it all. It's 1M$ per year in salary for a site like Hadley's Hope (just in staff cost) so money is driven by the weapon & Science Division, I think. And that's it.

And when they (Weapons & Science Division of WY) have found what they are looking for, they are just cutting them loose (The colony becomes independent). No more salary or financing. And the colony must find ways to survive by herself and make money.
Last edited by _ArthurDallas_ on Mon 06 Feb 2023, 19:11, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hadley's Hope Job Structure

Mon 06 Feb 2023, 17:55

Burke had maybe a 5M$ year budget to look for Alien & Engineer technology. So he was (maybe) in charge of 5 colonies where WY and Burke are thinking they can find something.

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