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Tech roll to distill fuel

Posted: Tue 17 Jan 2023, 01:33
by pestigor
Other than a tangential mention under the Chemist talent (+1 to tech rolls to distill fuel) where else does it say you need to make a tech roll to distill fuel and if so, do you get more liters per shift for more than one success and does that margin increase for larger stills?

Re: Tech roll to distill fuel

Posted: Tue 17 Jan 2023, 01:47
by Fenhorn
My take on this is that this is just a success or fail roll. If you succeed you get what the is listed under the still and if you fail, you have used poor raw material so the batch isn't done yet.

Re: Tech roll to distill fuel

Posted: Tue 17 Jan 2023, 17:48
by welsh
To me, the tech roll should be on assembling the still. Actually distilling the fuel ought to be viewed as a routine task, no skill roll required.

Re: Tech roll to distill fuel

Posted: Tue 14 Feb 2023, 03:44
by Rolando
New FL GM here, old in other games.

I think this is a GM call, as many other things with this systems as I'm understanding it. Assembling the still may surely require a roll, then it is mostly routine work and no roll needed. But from time to time, once a day (or shift if working under some less than ideal circumstances for example) a tech roll may be needed for testing the products and to keep thing from falling apart. Different raw materials, too much humidity or not enough of it, things a chemist may know to look after and similar stuff.

I like the freedom that having no specific required roll gives a GM. Also a player may always try and ask the GM to make a roll to improve the output, even if no roll is needed.