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Interaction between Iron fist and Axe Artist

Posted: Sat 17 Dec 2022, 00:32
by Bluvanguard
Axe artist novice allows a poking attack with accurate vs resolute. If an ability such as iron fist changes the default attribute used to attack (to strong for instance) would it also change this attack to strong vs resolute or is my order of operations off? I assume it states accurate because that's the default attacking skill, but am hoping for some way to get official clarification.

Re: Interaction between Iron fist and Axe Artist

Posted: Sat 17 Dec 2022, 23:05
by Falenthal
Novice Active. The first thing an axe artist learns
is to strike with the short-end of the axe in
order to induce distracting pain before a
mightier blow. The short-end thrust deals
1D6 damage and stuns the enemy if the
character passes a [Accurateā†Resolute]
test, meaning that the character gets to
make an immediate Free Attack.
First of all, this is my opinion and not an official answer.
In the case of Axe Artist, the capacity of dealing 1d6 damage and stunning the enemy is NOT an attack, it is an effect that is added to the normal attack. Therefore, I would rule it to use Accurate.

Iron Fist explicitly says that the change in Attribute is available when performing an attack, not any effect with a weapon.
Novice Passive. The character can fully utilize its
strength and therefore uses Strong instead
of Accurate then making a melee attack.

Re: Interaction between Iron fist and Axe Artist

Posted: Fri 27 Jan 2023, 18:01
by Alucard89
In my opinion it is attack since it deals damage and so it can use Iron Fist, the difference is that you target Resolute becasue you try to stun. I don't count it as "effect" as it doesn't say anywhere that stuff like that is some sort of effect (Effect is Acid, Poison, being on flames etc.). The Stun itself is an effect, but for that effect to occur you first have to hit with melee weapon, so that's attack that leads to stun effect. S

ince it's "hit->stun", I consider it an attack so I rule it can use Iron Fist instead of Accuracy since it is melee attack in my opinion as it is: a) performed with melee weapon and b) deals damage with hit from melee weapon.

Remember that all simillar abilities will always state Accuracy as this is default attacking attribute since there are few abilities that can change that to different attribute for hitting enemy.

Re: Interaction between Iron fist and Axe Artist

Posted: Sat 28 Jan 2023, 16:20
by Falenthal
I wouldn't disagree with that interpretation either. Not exactly how I see it, but I guess if a player of mine would take both abilities, I might allow Strong to be used for the Stun effect and let him enjoy his character.