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Re: Looking for Old C7 Forumites

Posted: Wed 27 Jan 2021, 07:04
by ThrorII
ThrorII here!!!

I was ThrorII in the C7 forums, and pretty much if you see a ThrorII on any other forum (Trek BBS, ODD74, Castles & Crusades, Rancor Pit, Dragonsfoot, etc, it's going to be me.

Re: Looking for Old C7 Forumites

Posted: Fri 29 Jan 2021, 08:06
by jamesrbrown
the adventure "Of Stones & Spiders" was fantastic.
Happen to have a link to it, James?

For some reason I was reading through this thread once again, only to realize I must have sounded like a senile, crazy man to praise the adventure "Of Stones & Spiders" only to turn around and say that I've never read it. I must have been half asleep when I originally replied. Anyhow, I'm sure the author (poosticks7) wouldn't mind me posting it here as it was posted on the old C7 forum back in 2015. This adventure was written using the Wild Adventures system I came up with.

Wild Adventure: Of Stones and Spiders

Part One: Feast Interrupted
While visiting Sunstead within the East Bight and enjoying the hospitality of Ceawin the Generous’ Hall, the feast is interrupted by a sudden arrival. Some of the village folk bring a beautiful young woman into their lord’s hall; the woman is dishevelled, weak looking and obviously distraught. Through her tears she tells her name, Ethelinda, and after a Healing roll (TN 12), she is able to tell a tale of woe:

She is the daughter of Leodgar of Woodland Hall; she tells how she was promised to Ceneric, the son of a prominent elder of Woodsmen-town Daegmund Fiercebrow. It was to be a fine match and she was travelling to Woodsman-town with her two cousins Kenrick and Anulf to deliver her dowry to Ceneric’s father as a pledge of trust.

Her dowry was a precious stone called the Dusk Stone – a treasured heirloom of her household, given to her Great Grandfather by one of the River Maidens of the Black Tarn. Whilst on the journey to Woodsmen-town the trio were set upon by a group of bandits. The two young warriors fought fiercely but fell in defence of their dear cousin. The loathsome bandits spirited both Ethelinda and the Dusk Stone away to their hideout deep within the dark depths of Mirkwood.

While held there she befriended one of the young bandits, little more than a boy, named Wassa. The young lad took pity on her and helped her escape. The two fled into the forest but soon lost their way. They wandered aimlessly for days, what supplies Wassa had brought with them did not last. They chanced upon a stream and desperate to quench his thirst Wassa drank from it. He fell into a deep sleep, his breathing was extremely shallow, and Ethelinda could not bring him round. Not knowing what else to do Ethelinda dragged the boy into a small cave and marked a tree nearby with a simple mark, with the hope of being able to return to find her rescuer.

She followed the stream; leaving marks on trees as she went, hope fading. Fate shone upon her though, in her wanderings she had been steadily moving eastwards and she eventually encountered a logging party out from Sunstead and they gave her food and water and escorted her back to Sunstead, ignoring her pleas to search for her friend.

Ceawin is moved by the young woman’s story and obviously intends to help if he can, knowing he is in the company of valiant adventurers he tries to ascertain whether the heroes would be willing to undertake the dual mission of searching for the brave boy and returning the Dusk Stone to its rightful owner, he pledges to lend the distraught maid whatever succour he can.

Encounter Evaluation
This encounter should be based on the highest valour in the company. Ceawin values bravery and honour above all else. The more they can impress him, the more aid he will offer. Ceawin's chief councillor Henlaf the Old is a cautious individual and moves to temper Ceawin's initial enthusiasm, The Tolerance of the encounter is set at -1. Raise the Tolerance by 1 if one of the PCs was successful in the Healing roll to help Ethelinda.

0-1: Ceawin is dubious about the prowess of the company, he is too respectful to turn down their offer of help but his initial fire to aid the girl is somewhat dampened and he withholds any aid.
2-4: Ceawin is encouraged by the hero’s words. He sends his best woodsmen with them, an old veteran named Torsten, who is a wily tracker.
5: Ceawin is heartily encouraged by the company’s prowess and as well as Torsten offers the aid of one of his best warriors - Gama.
6: As above but also Ceawin offers the aid of another warrior - Leofwine.
7+: Ceawin is enthused by the words of his guests, as well as the aid of a third warrior - Angrim, he promises them a worthy reward if they can complete their quest. He will give them a treasure worth 60 points to the company, or a weapon of renown on their return.

Torast, the Woodsmen
Attribute Level: 4
Specialities: Beast-Lore
Distinctive Features: Cautious
Relevant Skills: Hunting ♦︎♦︎♦︎, Spear ♦︎♦︎♦︎
Endurance: 15

Gama, Leofwine & Angrim, Warriors of Sunstead
Attribute Level: 5
Distinctive Features: (G) Stern (L) Merry (A) Just
Relevant Skills: Long-hafted Axe ♦︎♦︎
Endurance: 18

Part Two: The Search for the Sleeping Boy
The company must follow the stream back to the sleeping boy. Torast (If present) will find the marks that Ethelinda left but any hero can assist him with Hunting or Search rolls. Play up the oppressive nature of the forest during the search.

When the last marker is found the cave must be located. A successful Explore roll is required to find the cave (a failure results in finding the cave after the party of bandits and alert the bandits to the heroes presence in the next part).

Part Three: A Clash with Bandits
A party of bandits have been tracking Wassa and Ethelinda and are in the middle of entering the cave when the heroes approach. They will give battle but will surrender if half their number is defeated)

The boy can be awoken with a Healing roll (TN 18). If this is unsuccessful, Torast and Angrim (if present) will offer to return to Sunstead with the boy. If the boy is awoken he will be well enough to travel and will accompany the heroes or return with Torast (if present) to Sunstead.

One of the defeated bandits will show the heroes the way to their hideout.

Part Four: Overrun Hideout
The bandit’s hideout is a series of caves in the side of a cliff that overlooks the Dusky River, at a particularly fast flowing part of the river. The main approach to the hideout is following the River upstream and crossing a rope bridge to an entrance on the other side. There are several other ways in and out of the hideout and they are usually well watched. Unfortunately for the bandits, while the group that was chasing down the two fugitives was away, the hideout was attacked by a large number of hunting spiders that came forth from their nearby lair. Only the leader of the bandits, Kenhelm, escaped the attack by desperately jumping into the river from an opening in the cliff that overlooked the rapids. He had the Dusk Stone with him.

The heroes and their allies must kill or drive off all the spiders if they are to search the hideout for the stone. Although there is no sign of the Dusk Stone the bandits have a small stash of other treasure.

Part Five: Song of the River Maid
The most elusive of the River Maids, Silver Bell, was intrigued by the Dusk Stone when she sensed it as Kenhelm entered the waters of her river. She recovered the stone from his drowned body and has been singing a song to the stone that the heroes will hear on their return journey. It was in fact her sister Sunshadow who gave the stone to Ethelinda’s Great Grandfather. The heroes can perhaps persuade Silver Bell to return the stone to them so they can, in turn, return it to Ethelinda. But Silver Bell is not easily swayed.

Encounter Evaluation
The tolerance for this encounter is based on the highest wisdom of the company, but there is a -1 penalty because of Silver Bell’s shy nature. If any of the heroes are especially young for their race, then the tolerance can be shifted by +1.

0-1: Silver Bell is unconvinced by the company’s story and decides to keep the stone for herself. She will keep it with her and it will not be seen by mortal man for many years.

2-4: Silver Bell is still unsure of the hero’s words. She will consult with her sister Sunshadow and will eventually return the stone to Ethelinda’s family.

5-6: Moved by their story, she gives the Dusk Stone into their care; she also gifts them with a cordial which has magical benefits. Taking a draft of the cordial will remove a point of shadow. There is enough for three drafts.

7+: As above, but she also bestows a blessing on the heroes that will help with Corruption tests within Mirkwood, which allows a reroll of the feat dice. The blessing lasts for the remainder of this adventure and the next.

Re: Looking for Old C7 Forumites

Posted: Sun 31 Jan 2021, 06:25
by Winterwolf
Hi all - great to see all these familiar names. I was Winterwolf on the C7 forum as on here.
Thanks James for posting Of Stones and Spiders - another interesting adventure.
I've been running one TOR campaign for friends for a few years now although we have only progressed a little way along the DoM campaign along with Of Leaves and Stewed Hobbit (a classic!).
I have also started another TOR campaign with my two young sons and two friends and intend to also run them through DoM intermixed with the Tales from Wilderland adventures.
I'll be very interested to see when TOR 2.0 arrives and what it contains! A Kickstarter in Feb - tantalising!

Regards to all!

Re: Looking for Old C7 Forumites

Posted: Tue 09 Feb 2021, 13:44
by SirGalrim
Heya. I am here too. I was active C7 forums the last 2 years before they shut down. Good to see so many familiar names here. :) I've just been lurking until now, and focused on running my Midnight 5E campaign. But now I am ready for TOR2e and discuss the big news to hit! :D

Re: Looking for Old C7 Forumites

Posted: Sat 13 Feb 2021, 19:54
by Blubbo_Baggins
Well, I'm back.

Re: Looking for Old C7 Forumites

Posted: Sun 14 Feb 2021, 00:33
by wagyora
Wagyora from Brazil here... there and back again!

Re: Looking for Old C7 Forumites

Posted: Mon 08 Mar 2021, 08:48
by jamesrbrown
After uploading all the Wild Adventures tables to my blog, I realized that the name of the author nicknamed "poosticks7" is actually Aiden Harrison. Does anyone know him or heard from him?

Re: Looking for Old C7 Forumites

Posted: Sun 18 Apr 2021, 10:01
by Aiden Harrison
Poosticks the Grey, hmmm yes that is what they used to call me. Now I am Poosticks the White (aka Aiden).

I've been busy writing a novel (and setting), I've not had much of a chance to play The One Ring the last couple of years but I still work on bits and bobs now and then. Actually got a few ideas rattling around in the old noggin for a few TOR projects.

I just signed up for the Kickstarter for the new edition, missed it when it went live.

The wild adventures stuff has come in very handy for adventure writing, we did a good job with them James.

I'll try and be more active here, will be good to throw ideas around with the old guard (and hopefully new).

Re: Looking for Old C7 Forumites

Posted: Sun 18 Apr 2021, 23:34
by Otaku-sempai
Hello Aiden; good to see you!

Re: Looking for Old C7 Forumites

Posted: Tue 20 Apr 2021, 13:22
by Aiden Harrison
Hi Otaku-sempai.

I need to thank you, it was your posts on RPGG that led me to finding the kickstarter (been out the loop).

So... thanks