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Re: [English] Help with translation

Posted: Thu 16 Jun 2016, 09:07
by Brior
Some quick translations while I eat breakfast ;-). I won't try to be poetic, but just translate what each phrase probly means. Some of the words in the original are old or partly made up.

Det rakade huvudet fäller rådet = The shaven head falls Council
* The shaved head gives the advise / The shaved head brings the council down (double meanings are actually an advantage here)
Den fjärde, en gamling, skall av rädsla nedslås = The fourth, an old man, to be intimidated by fear
* pretty correct. Perhaps "shall be burdened by fear"
De rättroende slås av blixt och krig = The law depending struck by lightning and war
* The righteous are struck by lightning and war
Under en furste ska freden lysas = Over a principality peace will illuminate
* Peace shall be declared under a prince (of the Macchiavellian kind)
Röd randas krämarnas gryning = Red dawn shopkeepers daybreak
* The merchants dawn will break in red (?)
Av gammalt lammens grogrund slits = Of old lambs fertile ground torn
* The lambs pasture will be torn by the old (can't say it makes sense even in Swedish)
Tårögd rasar tvehågsen ande = In tears raging two minds spirit
* The vaccilating spirit rages in tears
Lögn bryter trolöshetens band = A lie breaks bonds of faithless
* A lie breaks the bond of faithlessness (well ...)
Eld ur eld omfamnar pilgrimens kärl = Fire of fire embraces the pilgrim vessel
* Fire from fire embraces the pilgrim's vessel (vessel as in cup)
Murar raseras av osynlig hand, faller till botten = Walls razed by the unseen hand, fall to the bottom
* That pretty much is what it says
Den främste av furstar träder åter fram = The preeminence of the rulers comes again forward
* The foremost of rulers again comes forward
Tronar likt fordom med härskarens krans = Enthroned like the of old the ruler's crown
* Enthroned like in the old days with the ruler's crown
Bentorra runor bjuda till råds = Bone dry runes invite the Council
* Bone dry runes invite to Council
Viskar med grenarnas vingar om rening = Whispers of the branches wings of purification
* Whispers of purification with the wings of the branches (!)
Skallrande jordafall djupen får skåda = Rattling earth case the depths behold
* Rattling earthfall behold the depths
Se mästares slakt under måne = See the master slaughter during the moon
* See the master's slaughter under the moon
Ont svider sveket av släktbanda ondska = Wicked stings the treachery of family banda evil
* Painfully stings the treachery of kindred's evil
Rasta får den färdas rustad = Rest receive it travels equipped
* He who travels well equipped gets his rest
Marackel sonar synd uti mängd = Marackel sonar sin quantity UTI
* Marackel (trakorian slang for "copper coins") atones sin in large quantities
Kasta den trefalda trossen i askan = Discard the trefalda baggage in the ashes
* Throw the tri-fold rope in the ash
Kluvna näsan ska krossa narren = Cleaved nose will break the fool
* Cleave-nose will crush the fool (Cleave-nose seems to be a person)
Slav blir den som sover ensam = The slave becomes the sleeping solo
* He who sleeps alone will become a slave
Hemlik vän blir hemligt vunnen = Homely friend becomes secret won
* Home-like friend is secretly won (!)
Bordets skiva ska osten stjäla = The table panel must cheese steal the
* The table will steal the cheese
Randig egg ger rinnande vägg = Striped blades provide flowing wall
* Striped blade yields flowing wall (right ...)
Blek som kolet, kall som branden = Pale as coal, cold as fire
* Correct translation
Stympade drömmar vill drogen skänka = Truncated dreams drugs bestow
* The drug will send you mutilated dreams
Med koppar i hand ska hoppet hämnas = With cups in hand will jump to avenge
* Hope will be revenged with copper in hand
Tråden ser jag runt truten sydd = The thread I see around mouth shut stitched
* The thread I see stiched around the mouth
Väljer väl få av de fattiga svälten = Choose well few of the poor hunger
* Few of the poor chooses starvation
Stål ska skära då sol stiger = Steel will cut as the sun rises
* Yes
Sexben hotar med yxa i höjden = Six legs threaten with an axe held high
* Six-legs (name or thing) threatens, axe held high
Rikt får den rakt faller = Directional gets it directly falls
* Riches to he who falls straight (!)
Kärilet vill till det klaraste vattnet = Kärilet want the clearest water
* The vessel wants to the clearest water
Himmelens spjut hastar mot stenen = Heavens spear horses against the stone
* The spear of heaven hastens towards the stone
Årans gång ångrar sig aldrig = Honor once repents never
* The oar doesn't regret its path (or something)
Långfaren väg är ägares lott = Long road Faren's owners lottery
* A long road is the lot of the owner
Bortom blått vaknar tand av tid = Beyond the blue wakes tooth of time
* Beyond the blue tooth of time wakes up
Den bleke lyfter sin slöja ur djupet = The pale lifts her veil from the depths
* The pale one lifts his veil out of the depths
Mörker under mörker tystnar, tiden föds = Darkness in the dark silent, the time is born
* Darkness turns silent in the dark, time is born
En skall falla, två skall dö = One shall fall, two die
* One shall fall, two shall die
Guld mot silver vänder nattens kyla = Gold to silver turns cold of the night
* Gold against silver turns the cold of the night
Från gudars sköte kommen, i gudars namn förlorad = From the bosom of the gods come, in the gods name is lost
* Come from the womb of gods, lost in the name of gods
Till härskares hall vill den gamle vända = In rulers hall wants the old man turn
* To the ruler's hall, the old one wants to go
Den förste kallas åter av stumma stämmors rop = The first one is called the return of silent polyphonic voice cries
* The first one is called back by calls from silent voices
Ur aska lyfter korpen, väver framtids lycka = From the ashes raises the raven, weaving present period good fortune
* The raven takes wing from the ashes, weaving good fortune
Ensam skall av vänner svikas = Alone will be betrayed by friends
* The alone one will be betrayed by friends
Ur guld kommer grav, ur jord kommer aska = From the gold will tomb from the earth, the ashes
* From gold comes grave, from earth comes ashes
Röd blir sol över rykande städer = Red becomes the sun across smoking cities
* Sun turns red over smoking cities
Tvåhövdad kalv föder tvenne allvar = Two-headed cattle feeding two earnest
* Two-headed calf breeds two serious things
Ädel den som kan elda med sten = Precious as the fire with rock
* Nobel he who can make fire of stone
Oxens hud må oket hålla = Ox skin may hold the yoke
* May the skin of the ox hold the yoke
Två vill lämna en tvetungad lära = Two wish to leave a two-faced teaching
* Two wish to leave double-tongued teachings
Grytans skalle ska skölden gilja = The kettle skull shall shield woo
* The kettle of the skull shall marry the shield
Ord håller en ornes heder = The Word of keeps an honorable Ornes
* The honour of a gelded boar (orne) resides in words (my interpretation)
Spjutets nos vädrar nya släkten = The spear muzzle scents the new generations
* The muzzle of the spear scents new generations
Farsegels vaknar en forntida väktare = Far sail awakens an ancient watchman
* Abroad awakens an ancient watcher (Farsegels is a trakorian term for "abroad" – "farsails")

That's as far as I got this time

/Erik G

Re: [English] Help with translation

Posted: Fri 17 Jun 2016, 02:33
by gribble
Awesome, that's a great start on the prophecies, thanks Erik!

I've now completed my first pass through everything except the Geography and sample adventure chapters. Based on the very rough translations provided by google for the organisations/gods sections, I suspect the Geography sections will be a challenge. 

So I'll stop there for now, and start on my second pass through to tidy everything up. Once that is done I may come back and do the remaining chapters. Thanks everyone for your help so far, and expect quite a few more requests for words and phrases I encounter in that process over the next few weeks!

Re: [English] Help with translation

Posted: Sun 19 Jun 2016, 22:21
by gribble
However, that being said, if people have time to continue to contribute to translating the prophecy verses, it would be much appreciated!

Re: [English] Help with translation

Posted: Fri 07 Oct 2016, 11:55
by Peter
Hi - gutted I only spotted this now. This is an amazing project. I worked on the translation of the Quick Start rules (so if you have any questions re the translations choices made there, please PM me), so I know just how tough it is to find workable translations - in particular for Erik's rich language which is one of the key attractions of the Svavelvinter universe.

Can't wait to see the final outcome of this!

In the meantime, here's my stab at the remaining verses of prophesy. Obviously, I'm not the author so take with a pinch of salt and under Erik's control.

Fördömd den kallhand som följer på krigsskepp = Damned is the cold hand that follows the warships
Örlog vinner den öronlös vandlar = War wins what the earless turns
Vass tand väljer den vilsne = Sharp tooth picks the lost one
Gömda blir offer och dömda till ofärd = The hidden become victims and calamity's prey
Grönlagda nejder grannar nöjer = Verdant tracts please the neighbours
Älskog vill stamma ur eldens spya = Lovemaking will stem from fiery discharge
Tvenne klövar i gyttjan men järnet klyver tjudret = Two hooves in the mud, but the iron cleaves the tether
Sakta låtes den sorgsnes åder = Slowly do the veins of the sad let their blood
Gott blir grymt där guld uppgräves = Good turns grim where gold is dug
Tand vill tiga för timmarnas iglar = The tooth will keep silent for the leeches of hours
Ett såg jag: en saktmodets fågel = One thing I saw: a bird of meekness
Bördor ska hopas där berget häves = Burdens will stack where the rock is no more
Gånge den väl, den gyttjan väljer = Well went he who choose the mud
Enskodde vandraren vaknar till odöd = Oneshod wanderer walks to undeath
Spelande tungan mot skyarna tornar = Ruminant tongue rends the sky
Sten på ställe må ena en stad = Stone in place may unite a city
Fiskens fjäll ska älven färga = Fish scale shall stain the river
Röd spirar, sprider dödens ord = Red sprouts, spread the the words of death
Den gyllene glänser, vill välta sin herre =  The golden one sparkles, wants to topple his master
Bankat brons döljer sanning, samlar lögner = Beaten bronze hides the truth, gathers lies
Trädet förråder sin frukt, äter sitt frö = The tree betrays its fruit, eat its seed
Ur djupet stiger odjuret upp = Out of the depth rises the beast
Jungfrun smider, smeden blöder = The virgin forges and the blacksmith bleeds
Där fältherren somnar vaknar stålet = Where the commander falls asleep the steel awakens
Skum under himlen, river, driver skuggan = Foam under the sky rends and pushes the shadow
Eländet tynger, vakar ynkligt vid graven = Wretchedness burdens, watching pitifully by the tomb
Enögat vakar vid runans slut = One eye watches at the end of the rune
Väcker hoppet upp, stjäl hjärtat = Arousing hope, steals the heart
Bränner sin kärlek, släcker sitt hat = Burns its love, quenches its hate
I ormens spår, tidlöst slingrande =  In the snake's trail, timelessly winding
Med brand i sin skugga och blod i sitt spår = With fire in his shadow, and blood in his tracks
Rider med stormen över havet, under trädet = Ride with the storm over the ocean, beneath the tree
Krossar vänner, kysser främling = Crushes friends, kisses strangers
Sprider död där brödet tvinar = Spreading death where the bread withers
Rött ryker röset, vandraren vaknar = Red smokes the cairn, the walker awakens
I stämman av silver ser ögat sin öppning = In the silver voice the eye sees its opening
Av salt och av siden tar berget tribut = The toll of the mountain is salt and silk
Av vatten och vädjan byggs världen på nytt = By water and pleading the world is rebuilt
Skölden skimrar, sorgen skyler sanningen = The shield shimmers, sorrow veils the truth
Hämnaren använder trubbiga knivar = The avenger uses blunted knives
Farorna hotar vid hemlandets stränder = Hazards threaten the homeland shores
Med speglar och spindelväv föds lögnen på nytt = With mirrors and cobwebs are born lies once again
Över stormens stoder kommer frälsaren och förgöraren = Over the pillars of storm the saviour and destroyer arrives
Kristallen vaknar, krossar den vidsynte = The crystal awakens, crushes the broad-seeing
Hemmet blir främmande, kvicksilvret klämtar = Home will be strange, mercury chimes
Saltet andas igen och svärmen återvänder = The salt breathes again and the swarm returns
Där blodet är kallare än is skiner nyckeln klarast = Where the blood is colder than ice the key shines the brightest
Riket skakar när sanningstiden randas = The realm shakes when the time of truths dawns
Vandraren stupar på templets tröskel = The wanderer falls at the temple threshold
Grönskan dränks i blodets avgrund = Greenery is drowned in the bloody abyss
Främmande är envar som skådat sanningen = Strange is each one who has seen the truth
Skeppen sjunker i gryningens grottor = The ships sink in the caves of dawn
Flottan färdas mot falska mål = The fleet travels against to false destinations
Ingen klinga kan isen bita = No blade can ice bite
Skärpan strävar mot stormens öga = The sharpness strives against the eye of the storm
Det vita ljuset, den frusna marken = The white light, the frozen ground
Befrielsen kommer stor och sval = Liberation comes great and cool
När landet blir vårt bedarrar stormen = Once the country is ours the storm will abate
Flammorna gråter vid ismästarens härd = The flames weep at the hearth of the ice master
Den ensamme vaknar till sjungande stål = The lonely one awakens to the singing of steel
Bortglömda borgar ger konungen andrum = Forgotten castles give the king respite
Den minsta spindeln har skarpast bett = The smallest spider has the sharpest bite
Under sömnens tystnad smittas de trogna = In the silence of sleep the faithful are infected
Enkom den sörjande skymtar förbannelsen = Only the grieving glimpse the curse
I trädgårdens gångar förirrar sig främlingen =  On garden paths the stranger strays
Väggarna rämnar i urtidens återkomst = Walls are rent by the primeval return
Vänliga vindar ska månen förjaga = Fair winds shall drive away the moon
En avhuggen hand stoppar sjukdomens spridning = A severed hand shall stop the spread of the disease
Kärlet vill fyllas med sjudande blod = The vessel wants to be filled with simmering blood
Stålet ska vittra och träet förglasas = The steel shall crumble and wood be vitrified
Aldrig mer hemland, aldrig mer hopp = No more homeland, no more hope
Trastarna ängslas, tänderna ärgas = Thrushes are worried, teeth are tarnished
Tornet vacklar av urhornets klang = The tower wavers from the sound of the ur-horn
Djupens furste vet stjärnornas väg = The ruler of the deeps knows the ways of the stars
Slaven blir härskare, ödlan blir vis = The slave turns ruler, the lizard turns wise
Tjurens anlete skrämmer inkräktarna på flykt = The face of the bull scares the intruders off
Hornets dagar randas i dimmor och damm = The days of the horn dawn in mist and dust
Irrgångar döljer den innersta porten = False paths conceal the innermost gateway
Sjöar av blod skall släckas av harm = Lakes of blood shall be extinguished by wrath
Härtåg förirras av tuppens klagan = Marching hosts are led astray by the lament of the rooster
Yxbladet avskiljer ätternas arv = The blade of the axe sets the inheritance of clans
Vargen i vitt ställer världen på ända = The wolf in white turns the world on its head
Tusentals träd sjunger vävarens lov = Thousands of trees sing the praise of the weaver

More to come...!

Re: [English] Help with translation

Posted: Wed 09 Nov 2016, 15:23
by Demosthenes
Bilingual swede here. I'd be glad to lend a hand should the need arise again. 

Re: [English] Help with translation

Posted: Fri 18 Nov 2016, 01:20
by gribble
Thanks Peter! I have been taking a break due to an international move, but I'm keen to get back to this shortly. It may not be until the new year though, as I'll likely be pretty busy with the upcoming silly season.
I'll certainly keep updates posted here!