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Re: More havens ... by AI?

Posted: Thu 01 Jun 2023, 01:52
by afterimagedan
Wow, those are awesome! I hope you make more!

Re: More havens ... by AI?

Posted: Fri 02 Jun 2023, 16:19
by evilgaz
These look interesting! Have you got a prompt guide or something on how you set these up?

Re: More havens ... by AI?

Posted: Sun 18 Jun 2023, 19:07
by lenardg
These look interesting! Have you got a prompt guide or something on how you set these up?
In the first post you can see what I started working with. Using GPT4 model.

I am planning to make / working on a tool that can be used to produce content like this. Would you be interested in using something like that? :)

Re: More havens ... by AI?

Posted: Sun 18 Jun 2023, 22:02
by Jonesy64

Re: More havens ... by AI?

Posted: Mon 10 Jul 2023, 13:56
by lenardg
A little status update for those interested. My GM/DM/Storyteller tool to generate content using AI is coming together slowly. I have a few scenarios I am working with right now, one being The Walking Dead. The tool currently generates NPCs and Havens, and can expand them also. Factions and Missions are currently under construction. I will probably want a few testers soonish, maybe by the end of July (feel free to drop private messages to me if you are interested, but excuse the slow reply, because summer :) ).

An example is included as screenshots.


Re: More havens ... by AI?

Posted: Tue 11 Jul 2023, 04:26
by Jonesy64
Fantastic job! I'd be interested in helping if possible. Have you thought about posting this on the Discord channel or Facebook?

Re: More havens ... by AI?

Posted: Fri 21 Jul 2023, 02:16
by Jonesy64
My attempt to build a haven using Bing AI

'New Hope'
New Hope was founded by a group of survivors who were traveling through the Midwest United States. They stumbled upon the small town and saw that it had potential to be a safe haven. They decided to stay and fortify the town, turning it into a safe haven for other survivors. The leadership of New Hope is committed to keeping everyone safe and providing for their needs.

Location: The safe haven is located in a small town in the Midwest United States. It is situated on the outskirts of the town, surrounded by trees and hills.

Capacity: The safe haven can accommodate up to 50 people.

Supplies: The safe haven has a good supply of food and water that can last for up to 6 months. It also has a small medical clinic with basic supplies.

Defenses: The safe haven is surrounded by a wooden fence that is 10 feet high. It has two gates that are guarded 24/7 by armed guards. The guards are equipped with rifles and pistols. The safe haven also has a watchtower that is manned at all times. The watchtower is equipped with binoculars and a radio.

Defense Score: 4


The roof of one of the buildings leaks during heavy rain.
There is an unguarded underground tunnel that leads to the outside.
There is a weak spot in the fence near the back of the safe haven.

There are 10 buildings in New Hope. They include:

A large community center that serves as the main gathering place for the survivors.
A medical clinic that provides basic medical care.
A food storage building that house all of the food and water supplies.
A weapons storage building that house all of the weapons and ammunition.
Six residential buildings that house the survivors.

The leadership structure of New Hope is a council of five people. The council is made up of John, Sarah, Mike, Emily, and Tom. They are responsible for making decisions about the safe haven and ensuring that everyone’s needs are met. They meet once a week to discuss any issues that have arisen and to plan for the future.

Here are some NPCs that live in New Hope:

John: John is the leader of New Hope. He is a former military officer and has experience leading people in high-stress situations. He is committed to keeping everyone safe and providing for their needs.
Sarah: Sarah is the head of the medical clinic. She is a former nurse and has experience treating a wide range of injuries and illnesses.
Mike: Mike is the head of security. He is a former police officer and has experience dealing with dangerous situations. He is responsible for training the guards and ensuring that the safe haven is secure.
Emily: Emily is a survivor who lost her family in the early days of the zombie apocalypse. She has become an important member of the community and helps to organize events and activities for the survivors.
Tom: Tom is a former construction worker who has become the chief builder in New Hope. He is responsible for maintaining and repairing the buildings in the safe haven.

The biggest threat to New Hope is the walkers. They are constantly trying to break through the fence and get into the safe haven. The guards are doing their best to keep them out, but it’s a constant battle. There is also the threat of other survivors who may try to take over the safe haven or steal supplies. The leadership of New Hope is aware of these threats and is doing everything they can to keep everyone safe.

Re: More havens ... by AI?

Posted: Wed 09 Aug 2023, 04:37
by Jonesy64
How goes your updates

Re: More havens ... by AI?

Posted: Wed 09 Aug 2023, 06:16
by lenardg
I am a little behind schedule :( (because life and work :) )

I am really trying to get a preview/demo together asap, probably during August. I will contact you via DM as soon as I am ready.

Re: More havens ... by AI?

Posted: Thu 10 Aug 2023, 03:35
by Jonesy64
Sounds great