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Re: Reforged Power 2.0 Alpha/Beta

Fri 25 Aug 2023, 08:22

Nice finds, Dizzyfugu!
Will fix the typo.

Wouldn't it make sense to combine the CHANGED BROKEN STATUSES (p.54) and the descriptions from the CRITICAL INJURIES - BREAKING YOURSELF module (p. 59) into one entry? At least a page reference number would be nice, because you will have to flip through the pages to find the description.
Haha, yeah. It is just that this document is so bloated with information, that I had a hard time making room for both next to one another. I can see what I can do though.

I have also a general question concerning the Free Action Limitation module and its application
It was intended to apply to the first roll, and any following dodge rolls in that round do not benefit from other Talents as they are considered free.
I will try to update the booklet with some extra clarifications.
An on top of that, I am very much considering if rank 4 probably should apply to free dodges too? Just because parrying is often so much better, as you can stack so many artifact dice from so many more sources on that roll (both from weapon talents like shield fighter or sword fighter, on top of defender, and then from holding a weapon with an artifact dice), none of which can apply to dodge rolls.
Thank you for consideration and clarification. Agree about some (more) benefits for Dodging. I had a discussion about Dodge vs. Parry with my GM recently, too, and IMHO it could take some "upgrades", because a) it is weaker (no Gear Dice, no Artifact die at all following the core rule) and b) you can end up prone if you take it seriously. This does IMO not even out with the fact that it works against (more) Monster attacks and against ranged attacks, in fact it is probably better to avoid any melee at all if you rely on Dodge, because it always puts you in a rather weak position. The "Free Actions Do Not Benefit From Talents" module is already pretty harsh on Dodging, because it either cancels out the only +1 bonus you might receive through the Talent, or you do only get it for a single attempt. It's IMHO O.K. for attacks that can take advantage of many benefits (gear, artifact dice), but Dodge is IMHO really weakened.
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Re: Reforged Power 2.0 Alpha/Beta

Wed 30 Aug 2023, 18:06

I hope that I fixed most of what you wanted me to look at.

You can find 3.0 here. If you download it, please read the readme over what has changed.

Macros have also been updated for those of you that use Roll20. There is a readme provided there as well, that states what has changed.

PS. Also I am sorry, I know you probably think that there is more than enough of spells, but I unfortunately got some inspiration and added 2 spells per magical discipline. Made some other changes to the spells too >.<
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Re: Reforged Power 2.0 Alpha/Beta

Wed 30 Aug 2023, 19:17

Johan please for the love of everything that is holy, stop making new spells that I am going to inevitably translate to my two spellcasters in my campaign. I only have so much free time!

Seriously tho, great work on Reforged Power. It really brings this satisfying crunch to already great game and makes it even more awesome! Thanks a bunch!

Edit: Oh and NEVER apologise for booms of creativity! I'm pretty stuck with my current campaign and would love for it to happen to me, haha
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Re: Reforged Power 2.0 Alpha/Beta

Thu 31 Aug 2023, 09:13

Thanks a lot for the effort, Johan, looking forward to this "stable" update. :P
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Re: Reforged Power 2.0 Alpha/Beta

Fri 01 Sep 2023, 18:09

Small note:
I updated both books to 3.1, there are no content changes though!
The only thing is that I added bookmarks to the PDF documents, for easier navigation.
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Re: Reforged Power 2.0 Alpha/Beta

Sat 02 Sep 2023, 17:09

Concerning RefP, two annotations:
[*] PhB, p.20, the headline "PUSH ROLLS OUT OF COMBAT" is misleading, because it suggests pushing a roll through/from a combat situation; "OUTSIDE" would be a better term, as it suggests "beyond combat", as apparently intended
[*] A question concerning KIN & PROFESSION SYNERGY module (PhB, p. 23): how can elves benefit from it? Their Kin Talent is rather passive, but promotes physical healing/change. Would they benefit from the "1st-WP-counts-as-two" rule if they regenerate physical (or also psychological?) damage through a Profession Talent, e. g. through the Hunter's Path Of The Forest 2?
[*]And what about elves and Healing Magic, because spells are technically connected with a Profession Talent. Not certain if it makes sense that an elf druid gets the benefit when casting spells that heals attributes or wounds, or - the other way around - an elf as recipient gains this bonus indirectly if healing magic like Healing Hands, Cleanse Spririt or Mend Wounds were applied (so that thsi type of magic is more effective for them)? And : would this stack with a half-elf's bonus, too (idea: half-elf druid heals a wounded elf, would the 1st WP count as three)? Just some weird thoughts... ;-)
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Re: Reforged Power 2.0 Alpha/Beta

Sat 02 Sep 2023, 18:37

I'll fix the misleading headline with the next update. If there ever is a reason for one this is... but since you all are so good at finding improvement areas, there probably will be ;)

There are no profession talents that replicate the effect of the elves (spend 1WP & a QD to fully heal yourself and heal all non-permanent injuries from yourself), just like there are no talents that replicate humans or dwarves kin talent. The "Kin & profession synergy" module was just meant to avoiding making some talents completely worthless, like an Orc with Path of the Beast rank 2. If there were any effects that did the above (spend 1WP & a QD to fully heal yourself and heal all non-permanent injuries from yourself) (but as we all know, there are not), then perhaps if they used it on themselves you could ad-hoc reduce the cost by 1 WP, that is the best solution I could think of.

You could make up you own house rules to improve the talent, like that they heal more, as you said. But then other kins should perhaps get other bonuses too? That could be a cool thought experiment, but I'm not sure that we need to separate the kins any more? Also note that the elves racial talent is especially good if you run the "Short breaks" module, as that rule nerfs regular rest, making elves able to benefit from the "old" rest rules for 1 WP. The elves are on top of this immune to aging, which can grant them immunity to some spells, monster abilities and artifact side effects. The only real downside with playing an elf is that you might not be allowed to play as a young or old elf, just always as an adult.
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Re: Reforged Power 2.0 Alpha/Beta

Tue 05 Sep 2023, 11:33

Is this here the same content as "Swarm Magic" in the RefP supplement? ... for-Druids
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Re: Reforged Power 2.0 Alpha/Beta

Tue 05 Sep 2023, 11:57

Is this here the same content as "Swarm Magic" in the RefP supplement?

Probably not exactly the same, but it shares the same roots.
It comes from this thread: viewtopic.php?p=75113
Then we had a lot of private messages on top of that, sharing ideas and so.
I asked if I could make a variant for Reforged Power and got this as a reply:
"Hi, I'm really honored by that. I plan to use Entomancy in the vanilla game, but I don't mind it getting added to your supplement(gave it a sporadic read it a while ago, mainly the spells, the part I like most about the game ahah). I'm waiting for the expansion too for the new professions and the lore! Waiting to see what you'll do with it!"
That is why he also is credited for the original idea.

Just like the first ideas for Nature magic originally comes from this thread: viewtopic.php?f=80&t=4440#p47251
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Re: Reforged Power 2.0 Alpha/Beta

Tue 05 Sep 2023, 12:53

Thanks a lot! :P

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