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Re: Alpha Feedback - Gamemaster's Guide

Tue 28 Sep 2021, 19:34

Page 55: The Spirit World: "Whether or not Ruins of Symbaroum’s Spirit World can be visited is for the Gamemaster to decide – it will not be used as a setting in any of the products currently on our drawing board." - This sounds a little bit odd when your spell Spirit Walk in the Player's Guide literary does this.

Page 63: Map. - It is not so easy to see the difference between the hexagons for Bright Davokar and Wild Davokar.

Bestiaals vs Bestials: - Sometimes it is written bestiaals (p. 79), sometimes bestials (p. 86) in the book. Please check spelling for consistency.
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Re: Alpha Feedback - Gamemaster's Guide

Wed 29 Sep 2021, 01:06

Page 63: Map. - It is not so easy to see the difference between the hexagons for Bright Davokar and Wild Davokar.
I saw that too, but I'm totally fine with it. To me it says the distinction isn't always clear, that the lines often blur. Its both that the GM can decide what the session needs, and it keeps the players on their toes, since they can't plan for "we're safe for another 3 nexes before things really go sideways."
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Re: Alpha Feedback - Gamemaster's Guide

Wed 29 Sep 2021, 05:54

Page 63: Map. - It is not so easy to see the difference between the hexagons for Bright Davokar and Wild Davokar.
I saw that too, but I'm totally fine with it. To me it says the distinction isn't always clear, that the lines often blur. Its both that the GM can decide what the session needs, and it keeps the players on their toes, since they can't plan for "we're safe for another 3 nexes before things really go sideways."

Yeah I see your point. I make a lot of maps and figures at my job, so an unclear map kind of rubs me the wrong way. :D
But I can see the aesthetical reasons for it.
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Re: Alpha Feedback - Gamemaster's Guide

Thu 30 Sep 2021, 13:22

I know I am out of schedule, but I finished the Gamemaster's and found more errors. So I post them anyway, as it should be corrected one day or another :
p.153, Stage of Ceremonies and Area of Effect : it is spoken several times of 4 different stages, but I didn’t find what are these stages exactly. Are there conditions to pass from Stage 1 to Stage 2 for example, or just the DM decides ?
p.155, Insect Swarm : « if the saving throw fails they must face 2d6 swarms, or 1d6 + 1 swarms on a failure. » « on a success » is better.
p.160-161-162, Obstacles : the damage you can suffer don’t match the description « broken glass = 2d4 piercing », more than a shortsword. « falling on a weapon stall = 2d6 » as if being hit by a greatsword… « Exotic animals, 1d4+1d6+1d10 », that’s too much damage in general. I have the feeling that getting killed by a Table Roll is very frustrating for a player (you can assume that if the PCs flee, they are low on hp).
And these Risky Move procedure seem to rely completely on random : the PCs decide to make a Risky Move, but they don’t know what the Risky Move is until they roll a die ? How can you decide to take a risk you don’t know ?
Again I feel being killed by a risky move you didn’t know when you choose to risk it is very frustrating. As a DM I would propose the players types of risks (animals, environnement, etc) and they choose the details. And in the end if they fail I don ’t inflict them a potential death, but conditions for the fight to come, like a sprained ankle (Move becomes an Action for example).
Players don’t like Table rolls that kills them, they like rolls that create content and fun.
p.164, Example Domains, Pitched Battle Rules : « from the previous chapter (see pages 178–183) », it is not the « previous », but the « coming » chapter.

p.165, Trading Post and Small Market Town, Pitched Battle Rules : « ×3 Combat points when defending the domain) ». The other entries talk about Challenge Rating, it should be the same wording.
p.168, Mercenary Example : « Their current defense force is comprised of 12 professional soldiers and 24 militia, for a total of 31 warriors » 24+12 = 36.
The description should be either « 20 militia, 10 archers, 1 veteran » as p.164, Normal Village §, or "24 archers, 12 soldiers, 1 officer for a total of 37 warriors" as p.164 Small Market Town §. In the 2nd case the math must be corrected to 37, 74, 111
p.181, The Commander Check : « The leader (a player character or hired commander) should make a Charisma (Perception) check ». I think « Persuasion » is meant.
p.181, Army Misfortune, Diseased Water : « A portion (…) is weakened for 1d6 days ». What does « weakened » mean in the rolls to come ?
p.190, Koldra, Shadow : I think there is an error in the calculation of the Corruption Threshold : 2/4, should be 2/6 if the NPC uses the same formula Profx2+Cha
p.191, Nightblade : I think there is an error in the calculation of the Corruption Threshold : 5/5, should be 5/7 or 7/7 if the NPC uses the same formula Profx2+Cha
« Rough Fighting » : I have not seen a rule that allows the Hunter to use Dex for unarmed strike in the Rough Fighting feature from Player’s Handbook. Maybe it should bear a specific name if it is a specific feature for this NPC, not to confuse DMs.
p.193, Ashfaru : Corruption threshold should be 5 with the Player’s Handbook calculation.
p.195, Shackles of Battle : it should be cleared if the enemy shall fall from Black Gift’s blows, or anywhere near the sword (in such a case there should be a Range, as it is a very powerful feature, especially in the hand of a PC).

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