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Re: Compatible with.....

Posted: Sun 27 Oct 2019, 20:57
by michaelprescott
I am aware that a lot of products say “compatible with the worlds greatest/oldest/most popular RPG” rather that naming Dungeons and Dragons. But maybe Hasbro are the only company with deep enough pockets to take people to court. 
If you use the OGL, one of the things you agree to is to not make fair use of Hasbro's trademarks. So, ironically, if you use the OGL and you're not making use of any OGC, you're giving up some rights unnecessarily as far as I can tell.

.. and yes, I think that's because of WOTC legal threats. It's in WOTC's interest for people to believe they can only do what WOTC lets them do.

Re: Compatible with.....

Posted: Tue 29 Oct 2019, 00:50
by The1TrueFredrix
So it's fine to produce Pathfinder-compatible products, and to say so;
BTW I just checked the Pathfinder version of the OGL, and it seems it’s not fine:
You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an indication as to compatibility
Point 7, on this link. Of course the same wording is used in the Y0E OGL

Re: Compatible with.....

Posted: Tue 29 Oct 2019, 01:12
by michaelprescott
Quite right, Fredrix.

Re: Compatible with.....

Posted: Wed 30 Oct 2019, 15:28
by michaelprescott
Relevant - the Year Zero Engine, released under the OGL, declares the entire document to be open gaming content. The names of Fria Ligan games (e.g. "Forbidden Lands") are not declared to be product identity, nor are they registered trademarks. So as far as I can tell, the restrictions in section 7 of the OGL don't apply. It seems to be entirely consistent with the YZE OGL to declare an OGL-based product, "Compatible with Fria Ligan's Mutant Year Zero" or similar statements. Is this intentional?

Re: Compatible with.....

Posted: Thu 31 Oct 2019, 08:00
by The1TrueFredrix
Again, I stress that I am no lawyer, but it strikes me that the last couple of sentences in clause seven address this: 
The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and interest in and to that Product Identity.

Re: Compatible with.....

Posted: Thu 31 Oct 2019, 13:20
by michaelprescott
I'm not sure I follow. Clause seven is true, for what it's worth, but it doesn't apply to anything in the Year Zero Engine document, because nothing in that document is Product Identity (it says as much explicitly at the bottom).

Re: Compatible with.....

Posted: Thu 31 Oct 2019, 17:07
by The1TrueFredrix
OK, well the way I read it, the bit I quoted in my previous posts means “we may mention some of our products in the Open Game Content, but that does not transfer to you (or anyone else) any of our rights to said product identity.” And I understand it as that because of the first part of clause 7 as discussed previously, and also the bit under definitions that says: “"Open Game Content" means the game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent such content does not embody the Product Identity [...]"Product Identity" means product and product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity

So in short you can include “This document contains the core Year Zero Engine for tabletop roleplaying, used in Free League games such as Mutant: Year Zero, Coriolis - The Third Horizon, Tales from the Loop, and Forbidden Lands.” because that text is part of the OGC, but I believe* it does not confer upon you the right to publish a game supplement with “My great game world, compatible with Forbidden Lands” or something like that, on the cover. You WILL be able to publish officially compatible content through the forthcoming Free League Workshop, though as you have discussed, that may contain clauses which you find objectionable. 

*as always, I am not a lawyer, I may be wrong. 

Re: Compatible with.....

Posted: Thu 31 Oct 2019, 17:59
by michaelprescott
Yes, excellent point, I think you're quite right.

Re: Compatible with.....

Posted: Sun 29 Dec 2019, 21:54
by Spindleshadow
Is there an update on the FLW section for DriveThruRPG?

Re: Compatible with.....

Posted: Wed 01 Jan 2020, 23:15
by The1TrueFredrix
It’s getting closer. I heard a rumour we are looking at February