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Re: Case File 02: Fiery Angels PDF Feedback

Mon 13 Nov 2023, 02:54

Page 016, two of the actions for Humanity Points are: "Refused to upload a piece of evidence to the LAPD Mainframe" and "Refused to follow orders or defied authority in some way."

In Electric Dreams and the Core Book, the equivalent points were "Refused to upload a piece of evidence to the LAPD Mainframe in order to protect someone" and "Refused to follow orders because the character felt they were wrong." I'm not sure if these changes were intentional, but they really alter the feel of the actions. I think the motivation of the action is important with regards to Humanity; for example, if they do something because they were bribed to, that's not humane, that's corrupt.

Still on Humanity, in Fiery Angels the action is "Played a scene of Downtime", and in Dreams and the rulebook it's "Played one or more scene of Downtime". I don't think this is much of anything, but I could see some players interpreting the new wording as one humanity point per scene. Like, if they do four Downtimes in a session, they get four Humanity. I think the original wording (one or more) is better.

Still on Humanity and Promotion, this is a problem I had with Electric Dreams as well. The Core Book lists some actions that give or lose Humanity and Promotion that aren't listed and have no equivalent in either scenario.
  • Loses LAPD equipment assigned to them
  • Took a personal risk to help another person – human or Replicant.
  • Connected to someone, human or Replicant, on a personal level.
  • Learned something significant about someone’s life.
  • Tried to talk someone down from committing a crime (no matter if successful or not).
  • Learned something that made them view the world differently.
These should all be listed out in Fiery Angels (and Electric Dreams, but it's probably too late for that). There were a few time my players did these actions, but I didn't give or take the appropriate points because they weren't listed in the scenario and I don't have the lists memorized. GMs shouldn't have to consult two separate documents at the end of a session. Also, none of these points are listed in the Starter Rules, so people playing without the Core Book wouldn't have these lists.
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Re: Case File 02: Fiery Angels PDF Feedback

Mon 13 Nov 2023, 07:37

Page 019: in Noah's description, their "template character" is mentioned twice, in Reactions and Information. This isn't strictly a mistake, but every other place in the scenario uses "templant" instead, I think this was a minor oversight.

Page 020: under Quell's / Miriam's Motives, "mother" (referring to Tyrell) is uncapitalized. Again, not strictly a mistake, but inconsistent with usage elsewhere. Every other time "Mother" is used to refer to Tyrell, it is capitalized. Hm, maybe Miriam doesn't care much for mom...

Page 023: the hyperlink to page 024 links to page 025.

Page 026: in the Fallout section of Holden's Office: "This doesn’t apply if the characters instead come here to report evidence against Ray McCoy (page)", no page number given, probably meant to be page 018.
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Re: Case File 02: Fiery Angels PDF Feedback

Tue 14 Nov 2023, 00:16

On page 48, there’s a reference to The Feather being on the floor in the crime scene photo. Looks like it is on the counter.
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Re: Case File 02: Fiery Angels PDF Feedback

Tue 14 Nov 2023, 10:19

Pages 036-038: I find it strange that Runciter's shop changed names from "Runciter's Live Animals" to "Runciter's Zoological". Maybe both names were used in the 1997 game, I can't remember, but the exterior sign definitely said "Runciter's Live Animals"


Also, the layout of the store in Handout I and Map B is completely different from the layout in the 1997 game. It looks like a backroom in the shop, except it looks like it opens directly onto the street. Maybe Emil moved or renovated in the past 18 years? Most people have never played (or even heard of) the Westwood game, so these aren't huge issues, but I thought them worth mentioning.

Page 036: in the Getting Here section of Runciter's Zoological, no page number is given for the LAPD Mainframe: "The player characters can come here after finding the feather in Ellis Vale’s hotel room (page 032) and checking its serial number in the LAPD Mainframe (page)."

Page 036: the Surveillance Camera Clue, I'm not sure why the image enhancement doesn't require an Esper machine. Given the description of the clue and the Esper logos on Handout J, it seems like a machine would be required. Does the KIA have Esper capabilities?

Page 039: Under the Serephine Dead clue: "The time of death (depending on when Ezekiel was here, see the Countdown on page 010)." This should be page 011

Page 044: Under Getting Here, it mentions an ad for the Aurelian's Shop in Handout B. There is no such ad, although there is one in Handout B of Electric Dreams

Page 044, in NPCs, the Noah Clue, and the Sea Wall Clue: "(see the Countdown on page 010)", this should be on page 011
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Re: Case File 02: Fiery Angels PDF Feedback

Tue 14 Nov 2023, 22:06

Regarding the Final confrontation, page 55 onwards: The reasoning behind the fake Quell (or a guard in her service, that might also have fought the characters just before) leading the characters to the Executive suite is a bit weak. Why would they expose Lilith? I would prefer to see some outside factor guiding the story, like an alarm going off in Quell’s office when the characters are there. Then even the fake Quell might prefer to lead them to her companions to be talked down (by ”Wallace”) or disposed of, rather than just trying to send them off herself.

Additionally I would like to see a time structure for the Executive suite situation in the same manner as for Quell’s office (early/late).

Lastly I would prefer to get a clear indication as to whether Lilith is ”meant” to survive for future installments. Not in a railroady way but as a hint to how she should be played. It’s much better to be able to take such intentions into account, and then choose to ignore them, than to make story choises based on guesses.
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Re: Case File 02: Fiery Angels PDF Feedback

Wed 15 Nov 2023, 10:15

Page 049: in NPCs "If the player characters arrive during the same Shift as Noah (see the Countdown on page 010)" should be page 011.
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Re: Case File 02: Fiery Angels PDF Feedback

Wed 15 Nov 2023, 11:33

Thanks for the feedback! We will absolutely add a note about Sarah Tyrell. The reason for her not appearing in Fiery Angels is that Electric Dreams could have had very different outcomes for her - she might have joined Leah off-world, stayed with Lilith, or something else. We might bring her back for future instalments, but we intentionally left her out of Fiery Angels for this reason. But I do agree a sidebar about her is needed.

As for the faulty internal links in the PDF - this seems to be caused by something in the DrivethruRPG system. It's all fine in the PDF that we uploaded. This is happening with other PDFs as well, and we are working with DrivethruRPG to sort it out.
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Re: Case File 02: Fiery Angels PDF Feedback

Thu 16 Nov 2023, 08:43

Page 053: In Leaving Wallace to its Fate, "(see the Countdown on page 010)" should be page 011.

Page 053: Meeting Quell Early, I find the motivations of the security guards to attack the players a bit hard to understand. Do they think Miriam is the real Quell?

Page 058: Shootout, a line or two of guidance on how to handle any security guards present would be handy.

Throughout the handouts and scenario, there's some inconsistency if it's "Runciter's Zoological" or "Runciters Zoological", both are used. For instance, in Map B, the bookmark is Runciters, the title at the top of the page is Runciter's, and the logo at the bottom is Runciters.

Handout B: the foreshadowing on the newspapers is very fun, but my players have clued in that every advert and major article is directly relevant to the current investigation. A red herring or two in the next Case File might be in order

Map A: under License Form and Licence Expires, it just says "XX" next to each one. Looks like a placeholder that wasn't filled in. Also, "licens/ce" is spelled two different ways. Both are correct, but the 's' spelling is more common in American English, which feels most appropriate for the setting.

On page 036, Runciter's is said to be in Sector 4, on Map B it's in sector 5

Map G Executive Suite has no bookmark in the PDF.

And now I've read the whole thing. Looking forward to running this one, especially Noah
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Re: Case File 02: Fiery Angels PDF Feedback

Thu 16 Nov 2023, 20:30

Seraphine Personnel Record, page 040

Skills lists "Insight" twice, with the same level, is this right?
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Re: Case File 02: Fiery Angels PDF Feedback

Fri 17 Nov 2023, 17:41

p. 12 outlines in detail an event involving detainment/arrest and V-K testing of the Noah templant PC (presumably under suspicion of being a bootleg replicant imposter) however there is no clear guidance or description of the events which lead to this and it is implied that the scene is not optional or contingent on certain events taking place (It has been pointed out previously that this section refers to a timeline event that seems to be missing).

There is reference to Ezekiel/McCoy arresting the templant PC in the lockup fallout section (p. 30), however this doesn't seem to be mentioned elsewhere in the text. Additionally, downtime events for the templant PC are outlined where Eziekiel/McCoy appears and elicits information related to the PC's key memories and these seem to be referred to in the VK test according to the section on p. 12.

My best guess is that Eziekiel/McCoy will arrest the templant PC and attempt to frame them as a replicant imposter and/or try and convince Holden of this, but will only do so in desperation if both the existence of Noah has been exposed, and his attempt to kill the PC (as outlined in the timeline) to avoid exposing Lilliths plot fails (otherwise it would be unlikely that Eziekiel/McCoy would risk alerting Holden to the possibility of replicants infiltrating the Rep detect unit and/or not simply killing the PC when the opportuinity arose)?

I feel that either the timeline needs to include the relevant events leading to the templant PC's arrest, or, there needs to be some clear guidance outlining some of the sequences of events that might lead to suspicion and arrest of the templant PC (if this remains in the module as an optional event).

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