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Short Fey
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Re: Dragonbane BETA v2 Adventure Book Feedback - Chapter 5 Riddermound

Mon 30 Jan 2023, 22:06

A quick bit of feedback regarding the RIddermound after having run it a few times.

Overall i like the adventure, it is quick, simple, and introduces enough concepts that the game holds to be a good start. But there were a few things i took of note.

1: The Lady has no real means of being convinced or persuaded to hand over the Fiendcrusher. While sure, it's a magic item so it shouldn't be just handed over because you asked nicely, i would love to have a method that could appease her, or convince her that you should have the hammer without resorting to violence (Perhaps giving her a headband from the children's tomb at 6, or maybe a goblin corpse has something of importance to her that they looted). I think this would be a great opportunity to reward the players something nice for abstaining from violence.

2: When my players realized that they didn't do any proper damage towards the Barrow Wright, most of the time, they would attempt to use the gates and portcullis to their advantage to impede it's progress and use other tricks to try and slow it down as they made a mad dash back to the exit. I thought this was a lot of fun to run, but some tactics they could use would be bypassed by the Wright's ability to go through the doors and portcullis. I'd say that perhaps it takes an action for the Wright to do so, meaning it can still go through, but if the players wants to impede it's progress they can still have that option.
Beware the fey!

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