Let take a sample. I imagine an item that gives a bonus to evade skills. I don't want to gave a boon, but just have the evade skill upgraded of 1 so the player has more chance to evade
In core, the evade skills is the 7th one put on all actors, so i try the following approach but fails
I add an effect
I change the sheet to use the standard one of foundry (instead of the customized for dragonbane that does not have skill effect available)
I use as key : system.coreSkills[7].system.value and i use add, and 1
i try with actor.system.coreSkills[7].system.value
i try with coreSkills[7].system.value
In all case, when i roll the evade, the +1 to the skill is not taken into account
What am i doing wrong ?
Thanks for your support