The following sentence can be confusing:
Page 54 'Falling'
<> A successful ACROBATICS roll reduces the number of D6 by half (rounded up). Armor does not protect against falling damage.
The Swedish text:
Sida 53 'Fall'
<> Ett slag mot HOPPA & KLÄTTRA halverar antalet T6 (avrunda uppåt). Rustning ger inget skydd mot fallskada.
The English text implies that a successful 'Acrobatics' roll reduces the number of D6 by half, so a 10 m fall that normally will results in 5d6 damaged, is reduced by 3d6 to 2d6 damage.
The Swedish text simply say that a successful 'Hoppa & Klättra' roll halves the number of d6 rolled. Rounded up that means that the damage is 3d6.