Hey all, newbie to Coriolis here.
I've been looking at the Zalos binary star system for starters, and to be honest the distances don't make sense to me. The stars are shown as being 10 AU apart -- okay, that's fine so far.
But then looking at the satellites of Zalos, we have planets ranging from 3 to 18 AU distant. That puts Zahedan plowing right through the middle of Zalos' planetary system. Seems like Zahedan would have gobbled most of those planets up billions of years ago.
Similarly, looking at the satellites of Zahedan, we have planets ranging from 3 to 32 AU distant. Again, seems like Zalos would have eaten most of those for breakfast.
I have some difficulty suspending my disbelief quite that far.
Has anyone else considered this and come up with satisfactory handwavium to balance the forces?
My first temptation is to increase the stellar separation to 80 AU or more, but that would probably affect the 'flavor' of the system.
There are similar issues with the other binary/trinary systems detailed in the core rules.
Thanks for any comments.