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So, how about Earth?

Mon 20 May 2024, 21:14

Here’s a subject I hope can bring some discussion, brainstorming, and ideas-bouncing to this forum; Alien RPG stories set (at least in part) on or near Earth, in the 2180s or thereabouts.

Anyone having any cool ideas about fun things to do on Earth, or fun ways to incorporate the planet into Alien scenarios?

(Oh, and I would like to avoid the go-to shorthand of “just use Blade Runner”, if possible – BR is its own game, and I want to do something explicitly Alien-esque about Earth/near-Earth stories).

Thinking out loud (and I admit I’ve not done any recent research on the subject, and I’m very much spit-balling here):
  • Gateway Station is an obvious “exotic” location to use, of course: It’s a loading station for cargo trnasports, and could be used as a starting point/destination for a Space Trucker freight run. Luna is another good stopover, or even primary location for adventures.
  • The 3WE, UPP, and UA are all, at least nominally, based on Earth, and the UN is still… let’s say “in charge” of things. The megacorporations are also very much present, of course (although I can’t remember which ones have actuals HQs and major facilities and assets on Earth).
  • Most Colonial Marines go through boot camp at Camp Pendleton, California; perhaps there’s something interesting there, like doing a boot-camp prologue there reminiscent of Full Metal Jacket?
  • The Australian Wars (2172-2182), wherein the 3WE-loyal Australian government overthrows a rebellion (with the help of the UA nuking of Canberra of all things) is a great source of conflict, drama, and general flavor.

What else would be fun to do with/add to an Earth setting?

Personally, I see Earth more in terms of a late-Cold War political landscape, colored by 1980s near-future tropes and predictions (i.e. the corporations are more similar to the megacorporations of today than their 80s forebears).

Thoughts? Is this a topic worthy of discussion?
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Re: So, how about Earth?

Tue 21 May 2024, 01:55

Quite a few of the comics touch on Earth, including some in the ALIEN: ISOLATION era - so that's a place to start.

Personally, I get the feeling you end up with an extreme version of the movie ELYSIUM ... glitteringly future habitats and palatial groundside estates, like Apple and Google HQs on xenozip... and far out of site and mind ... the bombed out, polluted, overcrowded, run down rest of the place.

But stepping out - what are the themes you think would be worth tackling in an Earth game within the ALIEN setting?

Personally, I would like to stress the open-ness compared to the "man in a tin can" effect everyone off-world has to put up with.

Look at ALIENS for example - outside is crapsack planet you can't even appreciate the view of Calampos with.

Inside is a like living in a dirty construction zone and your quarters are not quite as swanky or posh as a local city jail is right now.

So ... Earth should be the contrast ... and maybe Johner's comments about Earth only apply to the dangerous shantytowns he obviously grew up in.

What could be interesting is that the megarich have carved up much of the Earth as their private retreats and pushed the bulk of the population into the megacities around spaceports.

What could also be interesting is that the pollution and human-driven damage has been or is being reversed ... partly due to the brutal exploitation of spacers and space resources.

Some starting thoughts there ...
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Re: So, how about Earth?

Wed 22 May 2024, 20:26

Great foods for thought, this! It's a thight balancing act just how wrecked and how rich vs rest one makes Earth in the Alien setting. Elysium is an interesting source of inspiration... I guess one could go even further and do Earth as a full Judge Dread/Mad Max hellhole, but I think something more modest (like Elysium) works better.

Something teethering on post-apocalypse rather than actually being post-apocalyptic might be more interesting; in short, (thinking out loud), I suspect we need Earth to be a good place to call home, still, so as to give any threats to it an actual stake.

I remember some Alien comics taking place on Earth, but I can't for the life of me remember anything about how Earth was depicted. But yes, these should be interesting. Come to think about it, there was probably some insights on contemporary Earth in Alien: Colony War, as a contrast to discussion the New Albion stuff, but I can't recall.
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Re: So, how about Earth?

Wed 05 Jun 2024, 22:40

I'm cooking something on Earth ...

A 3WE zone + an United Americas zone + an UPP zone + extra independent zone trying to survive ...
major corporation will be there too ... exploitation of the independent zones ....
something like TOTAL RECALL 2012 (see Blade Runner universe too) ... it's the same writer Philip K. Dick ....
I'm cooking something and I will let you know guys ... starting with some kind of Earth map with zones ....

P.S. maybe someone will drop a xenomorph in there in those independent zones and people will die ... They're going to have to send a cleanup crew to eliminate the xenomorphs.

Last edited by _ArthurDallas_ on Wed 05 Jun 2024, 22:50, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: So, how about Earth?

Wed 05 Jun 2024, 22:49

Oh, man! I'm very interested in that, _ArthurDallas_! Please do share when you're ready :D
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Re: So, how about Earth?

Sat 08 Jun 2024, 10:07

HI Arthur
I'm cooking something on Earth ...

A 3WE zone + an United Americas zone + an UPP zone + extra independent zone trying to survive ...
major corporation will be there too ... exploitation of the independent zones ....
something like TOTAL RECALL 2012 (see Blade Runner universe too) ... it's the same writer Philip K. Dick ....
I'm cooking something and I will let you know guys ... starting with some kind of Earth map with zones ....
Sounds great! I look forward to seeing it too.

Would I be showing my geopolitical biases if I hope CCA are still in the mix supporting the independent zones? Given the CCA's prominent role in the UNCSS Great Mother Mission it suggests to me they have good political support in UN?
(IMC for the BBW campaign I have a lot of African heritage colonies focused on mining and water-world exploitation)

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Re: So, how about Earth?

Mon 10 Jun 2024, 02:51

It is noted Deus. CCA is Central Confederation of Africa. I'll try to keep them in the mix.

What I want to do, however, is to highlight the exploitation of independent regions by the large corporations WY Weyland-Yutani + Seegson + Hyperdyne. Having these uncontrolled and insecured and unprotected areas to test new weapons and experiment with horrible things. The independent zones will be areas where nature will reclaim its rights and they will be very dangerous. These are perfect areas to have great stories.


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