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Re: Moria Alpha PDF Feedback

Sun 10 Mar 2024, 21:28

Also no comment to what happens if the location is false and if that ends the Journey after a successful Seeking roll, nor if you failed the Seeking roll and then play a further Journey event, nor any commentary on long Journeys that could stem from this while we have such a comment in normal Journays in core rule book
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Re: Moria Alpha PDF Feedback

Sun 10 Mar 2024, 21:32

p.7 talks about new fellowship undertakings in chapter 3, but there's litterally no Undertaking (s) in that chapter nor is the special Lore roll described s such
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Re: Moria Alpha PDF Feedback

Sun 10 Mar 2024, 21:35

p7 "Journeys in the Dark contains a set of Journey rules adjusted for underground exploration, as well as some Moria-specific Fellowship Phase undertakings."

p7 I'd drop the reference to Appendix A and B, as the actual appendix doesn't use those terms.
"Appendix B: Treasures of the Dwarves lists treasures both mundane and magical that might be found in Moria." - this just has magical treasures, not mundane ones.

p72 "Research Lore of Moria undertaking" a reference to one of the missing new undertakings from "Journeys in the Dark"?
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Re: Moria Alpha PDF Feedback

Sun 10 Mar 2024, 23:56

p7 "Journeys in the Dark contains a set of Journey rules adjusted for underground exploration, as well as some Moria-specific Fellowship Phase undertakings."

p7 I'd drop the reference to Appendix A and B, as the actual appendix doesn't use those terms.
"Appendix B: Treasures of the Dwarves lists treasures both mundane and magical that might be found in Moria." - this just has magical treasures, not mundane ones.

p72 "Research Lore of Moria undertaking" a reference to one of the missing new undertakings from "Journeys in the Dark"?
I guess the "Research Lore of Moria" undertaking (on p27) is meant to refer to the box titled "Lore of Moria" on p13, but it's not called a Fellowship Phase undertaking there. Or it might be a reference to "STUDY THE RECORDS OF MAZARBUL" on p106. Either way, it needs to be corrected.
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Re: Moria Alpha PDF Feedback

Mon 11 Mar 2024, 14:53

I can understand why some players would be upset with the balance of things regarding the Blue Mountain Dwarves (Nogrod and Belegost): even if the Petty-dwarves hindrance seems minor, it still can affect character concepts and weighs heavily on roleplaying aspects; further, judging by Character Lifepaths standards, a diminished Standard of Living (as compared to Durin's Folk) is worth 5 more previous experience points...I'm not sure this would be the way to go for this culture, but there does seem to be missing a minor balancing advantage somewhere at least.
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Re: Moria Alpha PDF Feedback

Mon 11 Mar 2024, 18:54

Also, when it says 'chamber of Mazabul' was where Pippin knocked the skeleton down the well, the top legend shows it in #12, but only on the side view map. I know everybody will want to find the places where the movie (and book?) Events happened, like me, so please don't forget to also add #12 to the top-down map so we can find the room with the well and the coffin. Thanks!
I don't think the movies are under the IP that Free League has - and in the book Pippin didn't knock any skeletons down wells. He dropped a small stone down one, and that was in a guard room where the company rested, next the the '3 way split' where Gandalf wasn't sure of the way.

That said, the Chamber of Mazabul should be just off the "21st hall on the North side", on the 7th level, according to what Gandalf says the book.
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Re: Moria Alpha PDF Feedback

Mon 11 Mar 2024, 19:14

Pg. 191 Readiness: Rules paragraph at bottom of page says starting readiness is 4. The next rules paragraph says "the Readiness TN is 20 minus the current value. The Staring Readiness is 17". 20 - 4 = 16, not 17.

Also general feedback on the solo rules: I feel that for 'generic' random missions (ie not targeting a specific adventure location) there should be some random determination of the distance required to cover. Otherwise you don't really know how many travel rolls are needed to get you to the destination. This could maybe just be completely abstract - "requires 3 Travel successes" to reach the destination, as distances are pretty meaningless in Moria anyway.

I also felt the rules are missing some guidance after determining the mission objective - ie what is the procedure to resolve the mission?

I also think the whole Reclaiming Khazad Dum campaign is missing some kind of campaign clock that counts down - we known some of the events that happened in the first couple of years, and that Balin was dead within 5. Undertaking missions against this background would give more of a sense of urgency. Also, Ballin set up camp in the 21st hall on the 7th level, not the first hall (maybe initially) - at what point does that move take place? Is the increase in Eye Awareness supposed to be the way this is handled.

Finally - I assume the Balrog was dormant during Balin's mission? Otherwise it would have been game over pretty quickly.
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Re: Moria Alpha PDF Feedback

Mon 11 Mar 2024, 21:36

Pg. 25 on the Genuine Rumour table. For the feat die result of 1 the entry reads "You can often find Dwarven pilgrims near the Stair Falls east of Moria — they go there to gaze upon the mountains of their ancestors." Unless I am misinterpreting the sentence this should read "the Stair Falls west of Moria" since the Stair Falls are located at the western entrance of Moria.
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Re: Moria Alpha PDF Feedback

Mon 11 Mar 2024, 23:25

pp. 195-196, there are three Quirks tables, within each the column wears the name of OUIRK instead of QUIRK.
That's cute.
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Re: Moria Alpha PDF Feedback

Mon 11 Mar 2024, 23:53

p. 213 In CLASH SEQUENCE, 1, FIGHT, 4th bullet point: "roll two Skill dice" might be "roll two Success dice" (D6)
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