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Re: Preping & planning the LOST WORLDS campaign

Fri 08 Mar 2024, 10:46

Yeah, the self-doubt is strong in this one...

Anyway, talking about the in-between episodes developments with other explorer ships, I’m going for a sort of friendly rivalry between the crews. My focus is mostly on featuring the UNCSS Typhoon, which sets up the mission to rescue that ship in Ep. 5 – AGAINST A SEA OF TROUBLES (p.233).

So far, I’ve brainstormed news updates for the first four post-episode downtime periods, and it goes something like this.

Post-Ep.0 – ARRIVAL:
UNCSS Typhoon strikes it big right from the start, staking a claim for a cold, water-rich, nameless/uncharted world with breathable atmosphere; a good potential planet for setting up a colony. Commander Barton of the Typhoon offers a fairness deal with the other three ships, wherein each pledges 1% of every survey bonus to their rivaling crews as a way to bolster camaraderie and ensure that everyone partakes in each other’s successes. (This idea was inspired by how George Lucas and Steven Spielberg gave each other percentage points on A New Hope and Jaws respectively; I always like that idea).
Love that idea. My crew will probably accept that with gusto. As survey money is nice, but they have their eyes on salvage and 2ndry contracts from CCA/UN gov. or bounty hunting jobs for our CCA colonial marshal (CCA Space Patrol Captain '3M' Moore). They aren't planning to return to the Middle Heavens for at least a decade.


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