In the Vaesen Core Book, the current status of the Society of Artemis in Upsala, in the aftermath of the Oulu Massacre, is made plain: the PCs are on their own, apart from whatever steers they can get out of the crazy Linnea Elfeklint or maybe the butler Algot Frisk.
In Mythic Britain and Ireland, the status of the Appolonian Society seems quite different. We are told (under 'Policies and Operations', p.44) that prospective members are discreetly studied, vetted and interviewed before being invite to join -- which suggests that Britain-and-Ireland's existing Society in has substantial existing membership and resources, but none of this is ever mentioned again, in the context of Rose House or anywhere else.
As I start a campaign -- with the intention of sending the PCs as a group off to investigate the 'Old Meg' scenario -- are my PCs supposed to fit into an existing Society power structure, answerable to one or more existing senior member(s) of the Society, or is all of that to be forgotten, leaving them on their own in the same fashion as PCs in Upsala?