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Sevastopol Fall Down - Story 1 - Alien Isolation Prequels (play report)

Sun 08 Oct 2023, 21:02

Sevastopol fall down
Story 1 The San Cristobal Medical Facility
Alien Isolation Prequels
Play report

prequel main characters
- Dr.Fernandez (male) is the head dentist practitioner working at the San Cristobal Medical Facility (in the Scimed Tower aboard Sevastopol Station).
- Dr.Frank (male) is the Morgue specialist stationed in the San Cristobal Medical Facility (in the Scimed Tower aboard Sevastopol Station).
- Dr.West (female) is the head radiologist working at the San Cristobal Medical Facility (in the Scimed Tower aboard Sevastopol Station).
- Head Nurse Kilburn (female) is the day-time head nurse stationed in the San Cristobal Medical Facility (in the Scimed Tower aboard Sevastopol Station).
- (NPC) Hanson (female) is a Seegson Liaison Executive (second-in-command after G. Spedding) aboard Sevastopol Station. She has a child living with her on Sevastopol, a 12 year old boy named Timmy (NPC) who has a cat named Newt.


The exterior view of Sevastopol station presents a stark image against the backdrop of the massive gas giant, KG-348. The three spires — Solomons Habitation, Lorenz Systech, and Sevastopol Scimed — stand as lonely sentinels in the vastness of space.
In the midst of this cosmic quietude, the synthetic voice of MOTHER-CORE (Apollo), the central computer, reverberates: "It is October 1, 2137. The decommissioning of the Sevastopol station is now underway. Take note of the following. An initial Geofund Investor team is on-station to survey the decommission process. Please help them in any way you can. We have enough food and medical supplies for months. Supply ship deliveries have been shortened. Rations must be made. Illegal trading will not be tolerated. Seegson Security and the colonial marshals will be watching. A re-homing process has been established. A waiting list is followed by the Geofund Investor team, please contact them. The decommission is final. You must relocate or you will be faced with forced removal."
On the station, there's a sense of agitation. People bustle about due to the unsettling reality of Sevastopol's decommissioning process. The Geofund Investor team has arrived to oversee the process, and the inhabitants are grappling with the changes that lie ahead.


The date is November 14, 2137. In the San Cristobal Medical Facility, Dr. Fernandez stands over the lifeless body of Officer Foster, a crew member from the USCSS Anesidora. Her body bears the grim scars of a parasite encounter. Nearby, Dr. Lingard briefs her colleagues about the creature lurking in the station's vents. The staff knows this is a highly sensitive situation.
Nurse Kilburn is tending to her distressed colleagues in the staff galley when Dr. Fernandez and Dr. West join them. They exchange troubled looks as Dr. West recounts B. Ransome's ominous presence during the Foster incident. Ransome's intentions seem dubious. Dr. West interjects, her voice laden with concern, "And here's the kicker. B. Ransome, the head executive of Seegson Corporation, was there when it all happened. I don't like this guy," she adds, her skepticism palpable. Nurse Kilburn nods in agreement, "Ransome, that corporate snake, left with a sample of the face-parasite (alien facehugger), threatening Dr. Lingard to expose her illegal trading activities. And Lingard, in a moment of weakness, let him do it."


As fear and uncertainty grip the facility, Dr. Lingard makes a crucial decision. She strides into the staff galley and addresses her colleagues, "Marshal Waits wants us to rope off medical quietly. Marshals are bringing in a team to find whatever it was the patient Foster was carrying. Marshals are convinced they can trap it with nets."
She continues, "I'm opening a temporary field medical center in the Josiah-Sigg executive apartment in the Solomons Habitation Spire. The dispensary will be transferred there too. I'm bringing Wills, O'Sullivan, Hatcher, Allen, and Skelt with me. We're leaving with the main patients now. I'm putting Dr. Morley in charge here for now. Everyone will join us in a few hours. "
The medical staff watches her go with her team in the Towerlink transit system, leaving behind an unsettling atmosphere. Amidst the chaos, the station's common areas see businesses closing their shutters. People scramble, and the door to the Xing-Xang food services restaurant is shut tight. The sense of panic is palpable. Dr. Lingard pulls Dr. Morley aside before leaving, whispering urgently, "Don't let Dr. Kuhlman get in your way while the marshals are around." Dr. Fernandez and Dr. West, nearby, overhear the words.


Meanwhile, B. Ransome occupied a private office within the transit control unit on Deck C, his face a mask of steely determination as he engaged in a conversation over the phone. The call was directed towards a project manager at Gemini Exoplanet Solutions labs, and the tone was businesslike and hushed. "Maintain absolute discretion and ensure this information remains confidential," Ransome instructed sharply, leaning into the urgency of the moment. "There are significant financial opportunities at play. Should even a whisper of this leak out," he added, his voice laced with a subtle threat, "rest assured, your professional future will crumble alongside Sevastopol."
In another part of the station, Captain Marlow is detained by the Colonial Marshal Bureau, accused of violating the quarantine law by bringing an unknown parasite aboard Sevastopol. Deputy Harris is putting him in cell 2 with status indefinite incarceration.


The medical staff braces themselves for the entry of the Colonial Marshals. Marshal Waits, accompanied by Turner, Garcia, and a team of deputies, arrives at the San Cristobal Medical Facility. Waits takes charge, directing his team, "Tape off the scene where Officer Foster is. Make sure it's not touched. We can't afford a panic right now. Look for B. Ransome and get him out of here. Install security braces and locks on the doors of the primary care deck." The urgency in his voice echoes the severity of the situation as Sevastopol plunges deeper into the grip of an unforeseen nightmare.
Amidst the dim-lit corridors of Sevastopol, panic festered as a horrifying presence emerged. The xenomorph, a towering creature, its elongated head and menacing tail gave away its lethal intent. Standing at an intimidating 7 feet, it moved with a grace that belied its monstrosity. In a public area, the creature struck swiftly, lashing out at a maintenance crew. John, a young engineer, stood no chance as the xenomorph lunged at him, its inner jaw piercing through his torso. The ghastly sight sent screams echoing through the station.
In another part of the station, chaos ensued as the xenomorph attacked a group of security personnel responding to distress calls. Maria, a determined officer, fired at the creature, but her bullets seemed to have little effect. The xenomorph retaliated, its tail slashing through the air, cutting her down. Witnesses to these horrifying attacks frantically called the marshals center and the San Cristobal Medical Facility for help. Panic surged through Sevastopol like wildfire, leaving no corner untouched. People clamored for safety, desperate to find refuge from the alien terror.
In the midst of the chaos, the primary care deck of the San Cristobal Medical Facility became a sought-after sanctuary. Dr. Morley, amidst the frantic crowd, worked to maintain some semblance of order. He shouted to the anxious mob, "The clinic has been moved to the Solomons Habitation Spire! Head there for medical assistance!" Fear and desperation drove people towards any hope of safety. The terror that had infiltrated Sevastopol left them with no choice but to flee.


In the heart of the San Cristobal Medical Facility, the sense of dread thickened as Marshal Waits' team navigated the labyrinthine ventilation ducts. The tension in the air was palpable, a foreboding precursor to the impending horror.
Deputies Torentino and Paluski led the way, their flashlights cutting through the darkness. The confined space felt oppressive, amplifying their anxiety. Suddenly, an otherworldly hiss reverberated through the metallic ducts. The team tensed, their nerves on edge.
Without warning, the xenomorph struck, its blinding speed catching everyone off guard. It lunged, slashing with deadly precision. Torentino and Paluski fought valiantly, but the creature's brutality prevailed. Waits, Turner, Garcia, and Morley could only watch in horror as their comrades fell, victims of the relentless xenomorph. Dr. Fernandez, Dr. West, Dr. Frank, and Head Nurse Kilburn were frozen in disbelief, their faces etched with horror and helplessness. Patients, already weakened and vulnerable, found themselves facing an unthinkable terror.
Romerio, one of the nurses, let out a piercing scream, overcome by fear. She turned and fled the scene, seeking refuge from the nightmare unfolding before her eyes. Dr. Fernandez, his voice quivering, managed to speak, "We have to get out of here, find safety."
Marshal Waits, Turner, and Garcia, faced with the grim reality of the situation, made a tough decision. They resolved to leave and seal off all access to the medical facility, containing the threat as best they could. "Evacuate the area, now!" Waits barked, his voice projecting authority. The urgency in his tone left no room for hesitation. People scattered, desperate to escape the danger that lurked within the facility.


In the midst of this frantic activity, a divisive figure entered the scene. B. Ransome, an emblem of corporate interests, strode in, his intentions unclear. An argument ensued between him and Waits, their ideologies clashing fiercely. Ransome spoke in a tone dripping with arrogance, "Catch the specimen, but without killing it. We can't afford to lose such a valuable asset." Waits, in disbelief, retorted, "You're crazy! The specimen is over 7 feet!" The tension escalated as Ransome shot back, "You're getting old, Waits. What will you do when Sevastopol closes?" The exchange crackled with animosity, reflecting the disparity between survival and corporate interests.
Dr. Fernandez, Dr. West, Dr. Frank, and Head Nurse Kilburn bore witness to this clash of perspectives. The gravity of the situation weighed heavy on them, caught in the crossfire of power dynamics and impending doom. In the end, Waits, Turner, and Garcia made their decision, departing from the scene. Ransome retreated to his office in the transit control unit, instructing everyone to return to their duties.
Several interns and nurses, fear driving their every step, fled the facility, leaving behind the last patients who were too weak to escape. Amidst the unfolding tragedy, Dr. Fernandez and Dr. West attempted to coordinate with Dr. Morley, hoping to salvage some semblance of order. However, they found Morley in a state of shock, his eyes vacant, a shell of his former self. He was catatonic, rendered immobile by the horror that had unfolded before him. "I have to play a game of chess with my patient, J. Green," Morley murmured, his voice distant and detached. His mind, fractured by the unfolding nightmare, had retreated to a place of imagined normalcy.


Realizing the severity of Morley's condition, Fernandez and West exchanged troubled glances. They understood that Morley's ability to function had been shattered by the trauma. Amidst the turmoil, Dr. Frank and Head Nurse Kilburn stepped up, taking charge of the dire situation. They focused on reuniting and caring for the last remaining patients, providing what comfort and assistance they could.
The medical team—Fernandez, West, Frank, and Kilburn—huddled together, urgently discussing their plan."We have to save as many people as possible," Dr. Fernandez declared, his voice firm with determination. "I have an idea."
Dr. Frank chimed in, "Let's gather the patients in the radiology room next to the ambulance bay. We'll prepare them for evacuation." Nurse Kilburn added, "I'll help Frank with organizing the patients." Fernandez continued, "There's an executive shuttle named THE SOLACE in the ambulance bay dry dock nearby. It belonged to a dead patient of mine, R. Barker. We need his security keycard to operate the shuttle." Nods of agreement passed among them, each understanding the gravity of the situation.
"Frank, Kilburn, help the patients. I'll head to deck D with West to retrieve Barker's keycard," Fernandez directed. "I'll grab my gun from my locker, just in case," Frank stated, determination etched on his face. Armed and resolute, Fernandez and West readied themselves for the perilous journey ahead. Fernandez armed himself with a maintenance jack, while West equipped a stun stick she found in the vicinity, a leftover from the Marshals.


In a frantic race against time, Dr. Fernandez and Dr. West made their way through the corridors of the San Cristobal Medical Facility. They headed towards the elevator, hoping for a quick ascent to deck D where their mission awaited. However, as they reached the elevator, the system was locked (by the Marshals), diverting them from their intended route. "We'll take the stairs," Fernandez muttered, determination in his eyes.
Navigating the labyrinthine stairwell, they encountered Daggs and Wells, who were descending in haste, their faces etched with terror. "Don't go up," Daggs warned urgently, fear in his eyes. "There's a beast up there, killing everyone." Undeterred by the warning, Fernandez and West continued, their movements cautious and deliberate. As they ascended, the air grew thick with screams and ominous noises, echoing the horror that unfolded above them.
Finally, they arrived at deck D, entering the reception area of Seegson Synthetics. Suzanne Archer greeted them with a friendly smile, her attention divided as she engaged in a conversation with Hanson about the ongoing issue with the malfunctioning working-joes. A young boy stood beside Hanson, clutching a cat. The innocence of the child and the serenity of the cat juxtaposed against the chaos that had engulfed the station.
Fernandez and West pulled Hanson aside, urgency in their voices. "You and your child must leave immediately. There's imminent danger. We need Barker's keycard for the SOLACE shuttle to evacuate everyone." Hanson, though concerned, implored them to explain further. "Calm down and tell me everything."


Amidst the chaos and impending danger, a group of looters, Sanders, Smith, and Brown, barged into the reception of Seegson Synthetics, wielding a gun and demanding supplies. Fear danced in the air as they sought weapons, food, and first aid kits. Suzanne, quick on her feet, led them to the storage room, showing them where the supplies were kept.
In the midst of this tense exchange, Timmy, the young boy, cowered in a corner, cradling his cat, Newt, in its cage. Suddenly, the 7-foot xenomorph drone emerged from a ventilation hatch, striking with lethal precision. Sanders fell victim to the creature's wrath, his life extinguished in an instant. Smith, in a panicked response, fired his gun, but it was futile; the xenomorph swiftly ended his life, splattering the walls with blood. Brown, in sheer terror, fled the room, the xenomorph hot on his heels.
Hanson, overwhelmed with shock, crumpled to the floor as Suzanne fled in terror. Fernandez rushed to assist Hanson to her feet, while Dr. West, a grim determination in her eyes, confirmed the grim fate of Sanders and Smith. "They're gone," she uttered.
Timmy, trembling with fear, sought solace in his mother's embrace. Fernandez, placing a comforting hand on Hanson's shoulder, spoke earnestly, "For you and your son's safety, we must leave." Hanson, her eyes filled with understanding, whispered, "Yes, I understand."
Together, they made their way to the administrative offices, where Hanson collected her belongings and Barker's crucial keycard. Timmy carefully carried Newt's cage, a beacon of hope in the midst of darkness. Fernandez and West reequipped themselves with the maintenance jack and stun stick. Hanson, determined to protect her son, picked up Sanders' gun. Silently, they left the room, their future uncertain. A working-Joe, unaware of the horrors they had just faced, bid them farewell in the cold, sterile corridors, "Have a good day."


With heavy hearts and dread weighing on their shoulders, they descended the stairs to the primary care deck of the San Cristobal Medical Facility. Echoes of distant screams hung in the air, a haunting reminder of the horror that had befallen the station. As they approached the primary care unit, a patient lay lifeless in a wheelchair, a solemn testimony to the pervasive death that surrounded them.
Advancing towards the radiology room, they discovered Frank and Kilburn guarding four patients. Fernandez inquired about Morley's whereabouts. Frank informed them, "He's in J. Green's room. The door is locked with a senior passcode. We can't get in, and he's not responding."
They decided to head towards the ambulance bay. But the hatch was sealed, and they needed a cutting torch to open it. Frank remembered they had one in operating theater 1. Without wasting a moment, he and West walked down the corridor in grim silence.


In operating theater 1, Frank found the cutting torch, a glimmer of hope in this abyss of despair. A fleeting smile crossed West's face, but it was short-lived. A looming shadow approached from behind her. In an instant, the xenomorph drone struck, its tail ending her life with brutal swiftness. Fernandez rushed into the room just in time. Frank hurled the cutting torch towards him, shouting, "Get everyone out of this hell!" Torn between horror and urgency, Fernandez watched as Frank led the xenomorph away, sacrificing himself for the others. A plea escaped Fernandez's lips, "No, come back!" But he knew there was no time to mourn.


Regaining his composure, Fernandez sprinted towards the emergency bay hatch, where everyone was anxiously waiting. With determined resolve, he cut through the panel using the torch. They filed into the airlock, hearts heavy with the sacrifice of their companions.
As they approached the Solace shuttle, Kilburn questioned if Frank and West would return. Fernandez shook his head solemnly, conveying the painful truth. With Barker's keycard, they opened the hatch, and one by one, they entered the shuttle, leaving behind the horrors of Sevastopol, forever etched in their memories. The hatch sealed shut, their only choice now was to forge ahead into the unknown, clinging to the hope of survival.
Final report of the San Cristobal Medical Facility team. Fernandez reporting. A terrible beast attacked the Scimed Spire of Sevastopol. I don't know how the rest of the station is doing. We should reach the frontier in about six weeks in this shuttle called THE SOLACE. With a little luck, the network will pick us up. This is Fernandez. Signing off.
Last edited by _ArthurDallas_ on Mon 09 Oct 2023, 01:10, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sevastopol Fall Down - Story 1 - Alien Isolation Prequels (play report)

Sun 08 Oct 2023, 21:04

Cinematic designs here : ... isolation/

More stuff & designs here :

Enjoy your games,
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Re: Sevastopol Fall Down - Story 1 - Alien Isolation Prequels (play report)

Mon 09 Oct 2023, 00:43

Awesome read. Thank you for sharing.

Quick question though and possibly a minor quibble, but wasn't Sevastopol run by an APOLLO AI?

Regardless sounds like this was a great session.
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Re: Sevastopol Fall Down - Story 1 - Alien Isolation Prequels (play report)

Mon 09 Oct 2023, 00:56

Yes my friend you are right (should have seen it but not). You could assume that it's Mother from Apollo Core not Mu/Th/Ur from Weyland-Yutani.

Thanks for the discovery.


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