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Re: Making Camp in Ruins

Tue 11 Jul 2023, 17:11

  • Setting up in the middle of the desert/middle of the woods you have a lot less to work with but you can make do. Foxholes, hide sites, field latrines, etc. take time to dig and conceal.
  • Setting up in ruins is very tricky because you have rubble/trash to clear out and potentially unexploded ordnance. I remember we occupied a former Iraqi army base and there were unexploded cluster bomblets all over the place. That actually might be a decent mishap to include.
  • Setting up in still-intact buildings is probably the easiest but you still want to reinforce where you can, set up range cards, that kind of stuff.
This raises an interesting question re what is included / not included in making camp, given that a group of civilians takes a shift to set up camp also ... do most folks take for granted that setting up camp includes digging slit trenches, making range cards, etc.? I treat this as additional work, but curious what others do.
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Re: Making Camp in Ruins

Mon 31 Jul 2023, 02:50

Thanks for all the help folks.

I think the players are still not quite used to how many resource limitations there are and that juggling them is part of the game.

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