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Review of stuff from the workshop.

Thu 06 Jul 2023, 22:10

I know this keeps coming up online a few different places about what other people have been publishing on Free Leagues workshop on I figured I would go through everything that has been put up for the new Twilight 2000 4th edition game. This is a listing and my quick thoughts of if something might be good to use and what a basic thought on it is. Would it be a fun read and would it be of use to most GM or players for their games is what I am going use as a the base model for this review.
This is the listing as of July 1, 2023.
A dirty dozen battlemaps.
I forgot how many copies there are as I page though the list. I really can only say they are maps for locations and battles that you might need in person or online. I have bought a few and did get some use out of them for a couple of short games I ran. They do did look pretty good last I looked. Beyond that I really cannot say much. But if you need more maps then what came with the game, then grab some.
Alternative Enounters.
This is 52 other things for your group to run into over the basic deck in the game. If your players know the deck well, then they know what any given thing will happen. This gives you some new and different things to toss at your group. It was a fun read for sure and would use this for games. The price really is too hard to past up on; it is very worth getting for that alone.
Artefacts of war.
It is a book on prototype and small scale weapons that you could use in the game to really change things up. The main bad has a very cool new toy no one has seen before. If nothing else, it really was a very fun read for that alone. The price is very good also.
Assault on Blockbuster 13.
This is a short mission for the group to help out some people keep their home from people who would love to take it from them. Finding some new movies is also a good thing that could keep the group happy or for trade. Something in the book was pretty funny for where an idea came from though. The price is very good and it is a funny read for sure. This is something that could be run at a con foe sure maybe.
Battlegroup blue campaign books.
I have not bought these and not read them at all. They are part of a campaign to get out of a Russian POW camp and back to friendly lines for the group and other NPC’S. The price is a bit much I think, but it looks like a lot of work went into the series. If you are looking for a premade game this could be good if you want. As I said, not idea if it would be worth the money.
Behind Enemy Lines.
This is a follow up mission to Lighting It Up. It is a single shot mission for the group and could be very quick to play. I would run this and looks like it could be a fun but tough mission to fight with any group. Really need to play out how to deal with this as players for sure. The price is great and was a good read and I would say worth it.
Black Sheep Journals.
There are three different magazines for this and it has been a while since I last looked at them. I would say something that could be of some use. I know one has a bunch of info about playing an English warrior for sure along with ranks and gear listing. There is some other things here also, but it has been some time since I last looked at them. The price is not bad and even if you do not get anything out of them, they could be fun to read.
Boxed Lunch.
This is a few different things the party can run into while in town somewhere about food. It has been a while since I last read this book. If nothing else, you cannot beat the price at all.
Bridge and track.
This is two different missions that your group can have fun with. One is all about dealing with two sides dealing with a bridge. The other one is about a bunch of nut cases that love cars keeping a race track going. Kind of not sure what to think about this one, one hand it is an interesting idea. On the other, just not sure of the missions you deal with. This is one that I cannot really say worth it or not for sure. It is cheap enough to pick up and judge for yourself on this one.
Bridge building.
This is a free guide to long term project building. I mean it your group is aimed for something like that then it could have some use for you. If not, then it will not. But for the price it really is up to you.
Cannon Plus.
A fan look at the rest of the world and what happened to other places if you want to set your game in other places besides Sweden or Poland. The group really did their homework on the writing in this book for sure. It is a very good read and gives great ideas for other places to play in the end of the world. If nothing else, the price alone is worth getting just to read.
If you really want to play someone from the great white north that is Canada. This is a pretty funny read for things that the Canada Storm troops carry in battle and how to make someone from there. Again, this is something that you really cannot pass on because of the price because it is free. Fun read and the price is great.
Central Poland Sourcebook.
If you are playing Poland and need names and places to figure out more details for your game. Then this book would be a good buy with details on background notes for things on food and how to deal with people. It has been a bit since I last read the book but it would prove to seem very good to use for sure. The price is pretty good for this also. I could see this being a very good piece of kit to use for your game.
Centrefire Series
This is a series of books about gear and weapons. I cannot even say not to buy this for sure. Lots of cool toys for your group to use and loot and you can even use for NPC’s for new toys. I very much would say by the bundle for sure over each book by itself. It covers SMG, Rifles, Sniper, Shotguns, Pistols, and MG’s. I might have missed one, but trust me, buy this for sure.
This is one of those books that are very small and only a few people might have a use for. This is the book for running a small Merc group around the world before the war. Or a setting that does not have the war kicks off. The price is something I am not sure about. As I said this is something that not a lot of people might get a use of. I am going to leave this one to your choice.
Czestochowa map.
I really cannot to say anything about this one product. I have to say that the price of just the map kind of sucks. I do not know anything about this so I cannot say much about this. I have not bought this or even done anything with it. So this is up in the air for my thoughts.
Cztery-Mystery scenariors.
This book is four mystery missions that your group can deal with. It is a quick read and could be fun to run. The price is ok from what your get though.
Expanded Mood Elements.
This is something new that I have not looked at, but could be neat to have and use. The price is not bad at all.

Extended Solo rules.
This something that is you play solo could be good to have. I have not looked at or bought this so this is up in the air for any use is up to you to figure out for yourself.
Free Poland.
This is something new that I have not looked at and done anything with. This seems to cover southern Poland so could have some use for background stuff. The price is something I cannot say about.
Friend or Foe
If you need some random people or groups for something a little different for your group to deal with this of 10 new encounters. The price is OK for what your get.
Guerilla gardening handbook.
If you really need tips and trick for farming and rules this book is for you. This covers the basic for wacky week, but the rules could be used for any type of farming long term for a group that is more detailed for long term sitting for a base. The price is good if nothing else.
Guns and Ammo.
This is just a book that gives you a copy of all the things from the main book to print out instead of flipping through the book all the time and has some blanks in it. I have not done anything with it though.
Gunship Diplomacy.
A quick and dirty mission with copters and this is the 3rd part of the Hind Series of missions. The price is hard to past up for sure. This is a series of three linked missions.

Heavy metal.
This is something that is a very fun read and could be very much of use in the game if you need redneck style gun trucks in the game or something different for your group to start with. It is a fun read and good price for what you get.
Decent rules for copters and stats and for making a pilot PC. It is quick and dirty rules. How much use you might get is up to you for your game. As for price, it is not bad I think. But again, not sure it is for everyone.
I Hate Mondays.
A traveling group that is like a three ring act or movies for towns and other places. As for the mission and price, the price you cannot pass on is one thing think about.
Lighting it up.
This is fun mission for a group to play though. I have run the missions with a different setup then what is written. The way it is written it is a very hard fight. My group just finished playing though and we had a sniper and two APC to help shoot the place up. But we aiming to loot the place first instead of a doing what the mission is called. The price and writing if good for sure.
Location, Location.
I have not looked at this at all but it seem to have 4 places that your group could meet and deal with during the game. This is a bit more price wise then other.
Masks down.
This is all about playing cops and non-lethal weapons that could be used in game. The price is not bad and the book is short.
A short mission dealing with a hidden sniper holding small village that the group has to deal with. The setting is winter so this is a bit different and really played with the weather rules for sure. This is a bit over priced compared to other mission you can get on here.
No room in hell.
If you really want zombies in your game, then this is all about playing with the undead. As for more thoughts, it is about zombies. Need I say more than that? The price is not bad also.
Nor gloom of night.
I can say this book is very small use to any one as it takes place about 20 years after the war with stuff still gone to crap. I am not a fun of this book at all. Just too small of use for most people I think. But that is just my thoughts. You play a group of scouts to a government expanding outwards.
NPC Generator.
Lots of stuff for making NPC’s and foundry VTT module. I have not done anything with this and the price seems very good.
Operation Bronze Shield.
This is a campaign set in the Med for something different for a group and all the info you need for it. I have not read though this. It is in my last round of buying and has not gotten to this book yet to read. Not bad price I think.
Operation Jungle Traveler.
This is part of a series of campaigns set in Africa for the Biafra Campion Series. The price is a bit high in my book and has not done anything with it at all.
Outlaw Menace.
I am in the middle of reading this book and it is all about the movie type of outlaw type biker gangs. It looks like it could be fun to see what the rest of the book is like. The price if not bad at all for something like 40 pages.
PC groups.
If you need a starting group of 4 PC and gear and ride this book has many groups ready to go. This could be good for cons and one shot games if nothing else. The price is not bad at all.
Project Vozrozhdeniye bundle.
This is two different missions for a group to play with. This first book is all about NBC weapons and finding out what is going on. The setting is in Sweden so it would take work to move to anywhere else. The next book I have not read yet goes into the super natural part of the missions and rules for that. The price for both books is not bad and the writing is cool.
Road to Armageddon, Book 2 of the Biafra campaign.
Book two of this series. See notes on book one above.
Road to Armageddon
This is a series of different book that you can buy in a bundle.
Cardboard heroes.
Category IV Wartime Mobilsation only Divisions, I would say this is the very good book to get for the price and this is the very bottom of the barrel for the Russians pulling out some very old gear for their troops to use and has rules for lots of very old US stuff that is a fun read.
Gear book which has gun trucks, Technical, and zombie armor, basic gear and all kinds of other vehicles in the book. I have read it and it has a lot of stuff that could be useful. There also have a lot of weapons in this also.
Last light is a pre-war campaign that you could use. The price is steep for my taste and not read anything in this book.
The forth Horsemen. This is part of a larger book and deals with diseases. It is part of the Modern Encounters book.
Morern Encounters book. I have bought this book and have to say the writing is very dry and kind of boring. I have tried to read this twice and could not get past the first section because of the writing. I have skimmed the rest of the book and not seen much use to myself at all. Other might get something out of it. The price is pretty steep for sure.
Safe Haven.
Short mission for your group that deals with a small town that is offering a small place to rest. I cannot recall just what the mission was. Not a bad price for a mission.
Small arms book
40 pages of toys from around the world and different time periods. I will say the price of this and how good the book is very much a great buy for anyone.
Soldiers, farms, and Refugees.
A bunch of random places and people for your group to meet. Over 200 pages so not a bad buy.
Soviet NPC’s
Over 50 NPC with details and background. Not a bad price and could be useful. I have not bought this at all.
State of play.
USA life path for what state your PC comes from. Not much else to say about this. The price if free, need I say more.

Swedish Civilian NPC.
A book on 40 NPC’s and that are from Sweden. I really cannot say much beyond that and the price is cheap.
The 746th Independent tank regiment.
This is about a group of Russian troops using USA gear. Quick read and price of 6 pages.
The boating accident.
Short mission where you have to find a missing person and talk to some people about using a boat. Set in Sweden and one of the very first missions on here. Not much use outside of the setting.
The Boneyard.
A quick mission for your group to play in a night of two about a trading post that is running into issues. Cheap and not bad written.
The Bridge. Part one of three related missions.
The Bunker is part two.

The Charred Corpse.
I have not read this mission about a dead American Intel Agent. Not sure about how much you get for the price.
The Fitly Five.
A campion setup a twist on the A-Team setting for crimes your PC did not do and a way for your group to get a bunch of gear. It was a fun read for the price.
The last meal.
This is part one of the Hind series missions. The group has to deal with a group of Russians and the rest of the missions after.
The numbers station.
Quick mission for finding a radio station and saving a family of a CIA member. Not a bad price and could be fun to run.
The Soviet 20th tank division.
Quick listing about this unit and the town that they are staying in and the trouble that is brewing with in the unit. Not a bad buy for a group of people for your group to play with or avoid.
The Survivors.
A mission for your group that deals with a lone woman with child and a couple of small kids and a bunch of bandits. Could be fun to play though.

The tower.
Book three of the bridge series.
The trader.
NPC traveling group that sells stuff.
The train station.
Small group that is a mission the group can help with or get screwed with.
The Village.
I have run this mission about a small village that can be helped by your group for a mission. I have run this before and was very fun to play with.
Trojan horse.
Quick mission playing with a copter and a very large hill.
Referee aids.
Very good tables of how things work in flow charts for the game. It is free and good to use.
Cold War goes hot magazine.
Magazine with a few things in it that could have some fun stuff in them. There are a few different issues.
Count to zero.
Rules for using the mutant year zero stuff with Twilight 2000. I have not done anything for reading this at all.
More Civilian career paths.
If you need more ways to have background stuff for your PC. Good stuff for ideas.
News Reporters.
Making rules and background for news outlet people. Fun read for sure.
Radio Watch.
100 radio ideas that the group can hear. I very much would suggest grabbing this book with how useful it is.
The Baltic way.
This gives a bunch of information and 10 factions to use in the Baltics area of the world. It has been a while since I last looked at the book so I cannot recall what extra was in this off hand.
The Home Army.
This is a good book if you wish to have a bigger faction that the group can hinder or join in Poland and was a decent read with lots of ideas for a game.

The Lost Train.
A short mission for your group to save someone and his train and then what do they do with it after that? I have not read it, but it was one of the first things listed on the site for ideas.
The poisoned Chalice.
The writer in a comment said what other way do you get to shoot or punch a bunch of Wannabe Nazis in here along with a group of bandits and Russians. Hidden prize to find and make off with or share and watch the fireworks as groups fight over this prize.
4ed Firearm Critical tables.
It is an extra table of Crits you can use and is super cheap.
Twilight loot.
This is super worth the price of random stuff that you can have your group find and super detailed tables for what types and where it can be found with 800 items listed.
Twilight Tangents 1.0
Zombies and Pychic powers if you want to add some paranormal to your game for extra fun. Easy rules for both and not super powered for the psychic powers.
Twilight weapons.
Over 50 prototypes and weapons that where never made in our world but might have been added other time lines. Fun read and more new toys, what more if there to say and the price if cheap.
The Baltic travel map.
It is a map of the Baltic States. Can I say more than that.

CenTkyto map
It is a Travel map of part of the sound and central states of the USA.
Central Britain Travel map.
It is a map that covers the central part of the UK.
Ireland travel map.
The name says what part is covers for a map.
Jars and Jerky
Short but good idea of storing and making food last in the game. Cheap and might have some good use.
Northeast USA travel map
Covers the northeast states as a map.

Rockall travel map.
Covers that part of the UK.
Scotland travel map.
It is a map about this part of the UK.
South Britain travel map.
A map for this part of the UK.
The Free League workshop design templates.
This gives you the templated from the company to make your own stuff and publish it for free. There is some artwork and ideas for layouts.
Twilight 2249
If you want to move into space and play a sci-fi version of Twilight 200 here you go. Fun read and some neat ideas in this book. How many people might use it, not really sure. Well done for sure with tables and lots of new toys.
Ukraine Arms.
This gives all kinds of toys that are more recent in years used by this country in their current war. Neat read for sure.
Uncle Ivan’s Weapons series.
This is a short series of different books that bring new toys and some rules for said toys in the different types of guns. Cheap prices and a lot of the stuff are covered in other books as well.
Vehicle Handbook.
This is worth getting with lots of new toys to play with for sure. 58 pages of fun for sure. This covers a few different types of country’s toys also.
This is also in the Hind series of missions.
Water encounters.
This has some short series of missions that the group can find and deal with along river events.
West Africa campaign #3.
Part three is a campaign series that is pretty pricey.
Wolves of the forest.
Short mission that deals with a village and it’s defending force and how does the group deal with them.

Wood gas alternative fuel Fuels
Rules for using wood for a different use then gas or moonshine. Cheap and fun read for sure.
Posts: 75
Joined: Sat 26 Dec 2020, 21:37

Re: Review of stuff from the workshop.

Tue 18 Jul 2023, 20:42

Nice to have such as list but it is consuming to read it with the current formatting. Could you e.g. bold the titles?
Topic Author
Posts: 39
Joined: Thu 18 Nov 2021, 00:44

Re: Review of stuff from the workshop.

Tue 25 Jul 2023, 03:18

Sorry for that, it was done quick to write something and when I do an update I can clean things up and make it look nicer.

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