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Re: PCs too rich early on - What to do?

Tue 23 May 2023, 07:50

Hmm... honestly, the whole "aim at the arms" thing seems weird to me.

It's at a -2 to the roll. So unless you're running with A+A+Rifleman/Sniper type characters all around, they'll be down to NPC levels of skills really fast, and the consensus here seems to be "NPC's can't hit shit". So why are the PC's hitting anything then?

Also, make NPC's retreat (and even bring their wounded/dead if possible) as soon as they start taking casualties.
This isn't a video-game. People are very invested in not dying. Especially since there's no war on any more, everyone's just out to survive.

Last session, my players ambushed a VDV recon patrol that were driving in two humvees. They failed their ambush roll, and it became a meeting engagement, but they managed to take out the drivers and one gunner on the first turn.
In the second turn, the enemies managed to switch to the drivers seats, put down suppressive fire and reverse away (fight already started at extreme range).
There was no third turn, and the only dead enemies left were one of the drivers that got pushed out of the car to let the enemy soldier drive away and one of the gunners who flopped out of the car (it was an open-topped humvee).

This meant that the players only got the loot off of two enemies, neither of which had their main weapon equipped (their weapons were in the vehicles). Further more, this also means that the VDV units get to return to Örebro and the 76th to inform them of enemy forces north of them (which is where the players main base is), so now the players are in some serious trouble, and they don't even know it, because they think that recon patrol were some stragglers trying to survive.

In a few sessions time, their little cam is going to get a visit from some BMD-2's and about 50 soldiers after a sniper section has been sent out to recce the area and find the players base. Sure, the players have 3 ATR's, but they only have one rocket each. And they have a .50 cal on an M113, but that's not gonna last long against several BMD's and soldiers with RPG's or worse.

And IF the players should survive all this without having to flee... well, then the general has access to more soldiers and BMD's, and also... artillery.

The little island that the players are calling home will be no more if that is the case.
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Re: PCs too rich early on - What to do?

Tue 23 May 2023, 08:32

So, in the past week or so, we've had one thread from a GM whose PCs are at death's door and unable to catch a break, and another from a GM whose PCs are waltzing through Poland as if on vacation, taking called shots at NPCs' arms because the players have figured out how to exploit an optional rule. It's not too hard to see where the problem lies here.

The PCs are a small party of soldiers cut off from friendly forces. They are without resupply and their force is too small to provide for its own protection. They ought to be running scared and avoiding contact. If they aren't, then it's on you to put the fear of God into them.
Problem is, my players rarely flee ... if the encounter is hard enough, it's more likely to result in a TPK. Also, short of sending MBTs at them, my players lack the knowledge of modern era weapons anf vehicles to actually be affraid of anything smaller than a MBT.
To limit the loot, you could try the inverse, which was my suggestion to have the NPC party break contact, so you have fewer decisive engagements for the amount of ammo your PCs expend. If parties of 10 - 15 NPCs are incapable of breaking contact before the PCs kill them all, I suggest playing the NPCs as if they have some tactical sense. Why did the NPCs set up a position without a covered withdrawal route?

Also, if the players don't have the sense to avoid or break contact with forces that clearly outgun them, then give them fair warning. If they fail to heed it, TPK them.
One ATRL and 2 sniper rifles is apparently enough to devastate 3 BTRs and 2 BMPs...
How much ammunition did they have for that ATRL? And after the first round from that ATRL, why wasn't every weapon firing at it to suppress the gunner? If the PCs fire an anti-tank weapon, both remaining BTRs ought to be dumping 6 ammo dice on it, both BMPs will be firing at it, and that gunner ought to be reconsidering his choices even if they all somehow manage to miss.

From another thread:
For called head shots, I rule mook NPCs don't get to roll CUF at all and are automatically supressed. That way, the PCs are willing to take the -2 and aim for the head, even if the target has a helmet. Otherwise they always aim for the arms, because of no armor and they know a crit will incapacitate the NPCs anyway.
Suppression is powerful. Why are you making it automatic? If your players are gaming the system by aiming for the arms, knowing a crit takes down an NPC, stop using that optional rule. The NPC combat rules exist to make life easier for the GM. They're optional and should be discarded where they cause balance problems. I don't use automatic suppression, I give NPCs group morale, and if my players started going for the arms to get crits I would penalize the ever-loving &^%* out of that behavior because there is a reason armies do not train soldiers to aim at the arms. The arm is a tiny target and you can only aim at one out of two.

I know this will come off as harsh, but it's hard not to be. You say you have no difficulty making things hard on your players, but at the same time you deal with them gaming the system by making more realistic behaviour easier, instead of by making gaming the system harder.
No worries mate. I can understand why it comes across that way. We've had a handful or two of sessions with quite a few encounters and that one was an extreme. It actually ended in a TPK and their new PCs picked up where the old ones died, watching their comrades get shot to pieces and realizing they should get away from the fall of Örebro. Since I didn't describe the setup and how the encounter played out in detail, I can understand it seems a bit odd. Now, I appreciate all the good advice in response to my questions. I've been taking notes here and there and implemented a few things along. The reason I keep on writing here is not that I want to argue about advice given, or that I'm complaining about the game, far from it. If I come across like that, I'm sorry, it's not my intention. I keep on writing just because I've got so much feedback, so much to ponder and I believe my game will be better for it.
I'll be sure to start rolling for crits, especially for hits to the arms, as you suggested.
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Re: PCs too rich early on - What to do?

Tue 23 May 2023, 14:22

This meant that the players only got the loot off of two enemies, neither of which had their main weapon equipped (their weapons were in the vehicles).
That's a great example. And as they check out the bodies, the PCs would also need to be concerned with what that patrol is up to ... they can't be certain they won't sneak back and try to even the score. They know the guys who retreated are still out there & that ought to make them nervous.
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Re: PCs too rich early on - What to do?

Tue 23 May 2023, 14:41

I keep trying to point out weird little rules that might be playing into the issue and making things easier than intended just in case they are being overlooked. It is easy to do that in the system.

For example, how many rounds are your snipers using to line up their sniper shots? Slow aim is a slow action which means you cannot shoot in the same round you take it. I found myself wondering if your snipers are firing in the same round they are aiming, thus the ease of called shots to the arms.
Mr Oldtimer
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Re: PCs too rich early on - What to do?

Tue 23 May 2023, 16:38

I keep trying to point out weird little rules that might be playing into the issue and making things easier than intended just in case they are being overlooked. It is easy to do that in the system.

For example, how many rounds are your snipers using to line up their sniper shots? Slow aim is a slow action which means you cannot shoot in the same round you take it. I found myself wondering if your snipers are firing in the same round they are aiming, thus the ease of called shots to the arms.
No "fast aiming" snipers. Have 6 PCs though and 4 of them at A+A in their ranged or heavy weapon skill, two snipers and three more ranged specialists. Meaning at least one sniper gets to shoot each round. Dropping maybe 3 enemies a round on average. Also, every enemy isn't full on assault if the players get to ambush them, which they often do, with A+A in recon. As for my scenario above, all the vehicles wasn't lined up in firing position from the get go and had to move into position to get a shot. Two AG90s and a Carl Gustaf made short work of them when having one or two at a time to focus on, since the snipers could fire every round onto the same vehicle, only taking a slow action aim when switching targets. Now, a few of my players love to play the "best build rules allow for" and loves mastering rules, using them as tactically optimal as possible. Tactical as of using rules, combining effects and modifications, not military tactics. That's a big thing about what they enjoy about playing games. Naturally, this results in quite the capable squad. Just as often as my players succeed thanks to high stats, it's because I can't roll a single success on my B or B+C ranged enemies though.
Now, I don't mind players with a good plan and a powerful build "winning" encounters, meaning surviving and taking out most bad guys. I was just wondering how people handle the loot that might come out of such an encounter.
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Re: PCs too rich early on - What to do?

Tue 23 May 2023, 20:53

It sounds like your players optimized toward ranged combat quite heavily, which makes sense. That's something a lot of players new to T2k will do. When players do that, however, it becomes incredibly difficult to have mastery in other skills. In my experience, it's incredibly rare to find a player with A/A in multiple skills. Usually if they have one A/A, some of their other skills will be quite atrophied just as a result of the character creation system.

I think it may have been mentioned earlier, but I'd lean into that pretty heavily. Players with low stamina will find themselves taken out by disease/cold pretty easily. Medical, Tech, Survival, Driving, and Persuasion are all critical skills for at least someone in the party to have, with a combat skill, mobility, and stamina being important on the individual basis. Even with 6 PCs, you're not going to have an expert in all of those areas, and definitely not if 4 of them specc'ed hard into ranged combat skills, even if the players go for the most efficient group make up possible (one medic, one leader, one heavy weapons, one face, one driver, etc.). If the group does have expert levels in all of those, then I'd wager something went wrong in character creation.
Mr Oldtimer
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Re: PCs too rich early on - What to do?

Tue 23 May 2023, 21:51

It sounds like your players optimized toward ranged combat quite heavily, which makes sense. That's something a lot of players new to T2k will do. When players do that, however, it becomes incredibly difficult to have mastery in other skills. In my experience, it's incredibly rare to find a player with A/A in multiple skills. Usually if they have one A/A, some of their other skills will be quite atrophied just as a result of the character creation system.

I think it may have been mentioned earlier, but I'd lean into that pretty heavily. Players with low stamina will find themselves taken out by disease/cold pretty easily. Medical, Tech, Survival, Driving, and Persuasion are all critical skills for at least someone in the party to have, with a combat skill, mobility, and stamina being important on the individual basis. Even with 6 PCs, you're not going to have an expert in all of those areas, and definitely not if 4 of them specc'ed hard into ranged combat skills, even if the players go for the most efficient group make up possible (one medic, one leader, one heavy weapons, one face, one driver, etc.). If the group does have expert levels in all of those, then I'd wager something went wrong in character creation.
You're right of course. And so far, non combat attrition is what has caused my PCs most harm. Feels like it anyways.
I also try to get something added to every encounter that needs another skill than just ranged, just to be able to challenge them properly. Movement, persuasion, command and tech are often quite easy to find some use for in an encounter. And if all else fails, throw an iradiated bear at one of them when they're out hunting alone...
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Re: PCs too rich early on - What to do?

Tue 23 May 2023, 22:26

Now, I don't mind players with a good plan and a powerful build "winning" encounters, meaning surviving and taking out most bad guys. I was just wondering how people handle the loot that might come out of such an encounter.
The thing is, one thing leads to another. If the PCs are able to defeat a group of NPCs, they're going to get the loot from that encounter -- and that's fair. The only ways to reduce the amount of loot taken are to (a) reduce the number of high-loot victories by having the NPCs retreat. or (b) reduce the number of high-loot encounters by making combat more difficult and lethal (to the PCs) and deterring the players from combat. And I think both are suitable here.

Using your example of 6 PCs sniping, presumably at longer range, against a typical NPC group (which I take to be 10 - 15 NPCs from your earlier example) ... defeat of the NPC party is not possible here unless the NPCs (and the GM) tacitly cooperate in that defeat. You can't all get shot if you don't stick around, and when two forces meet in the field, the NPCs want a 3:1 advantage (or better). Otherwise, they bug out. So most force-on-force encounters in the game ought to be indecisive.

Your players seem to be the kind who game-ify everything. 6 PCs coordinating things so that half are aiming while the other half fire is ...
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Re: PCs too rich early on - What to do?

Tue 23 May 2023, 23:34

Just as another thought - if your players are "tactical operators operating tactically", maybe throw them in situations that are dangerous for even the most qualified specops soldiers - urban warfare. Send them into buildings that are full of enemies in prepared positions and see how they operate. Toss some traps at them. Presumably not all of them have excellent recon; a floorboard with nails sticking up or a well-placed grenade tripwire will ruin someone's day. I had a character go to collect some trapped vest with a primed grenade underneath once - that was not a good time.
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Re: PCs too rich early on - What to do?

Wed 24 May 2023, 07:54

So far, my players have been successful because of their Recon skills.

However, that's going to change now that the main Soviet forces are (vaguely) aware of their existance.

Because now the enemy will send out A+A Recon special forces to find out where they are. And that means no more perfect ambushes and so on.

In fact, it will most likely mean perfect ambushes from the enemy side, along with surprise artillery and armored assaults.

I highly doubt that my players will come out unharmed from those, since most of their success has relied on them getting the drop on the enemy, so far.

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