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Heart of Darkness Play Report. 3. MU/TH/UR

Tue 21 Mar 2023, 17:13


Dressed in Weyland Yutani overalls, shoulder pads and personal Kevlar armour, the correctional synthetics took a step toward the party, their eyes flashing red as they scanned each individual of the science party. Their pale blue, featureless faces reflecting the dim overhead lights.

"Identify yourselves." They repeated.

Their overalls where splattered with the same ichor that had been splashed from cuddles so violently moments ago. Ejiri stepped forward and displayed his WeYu Id card. "We are from Weyland Yutani, we crashed into the station." He said.

The Joes stepped toward Drabikowski and scanned her ID, as they stepped toward Hedenstrom however, they caught the dark vertical lines tattooed on the nape of his neck and wheeled him around. The second Joe, moved in behind him and repeatedly scanned his barcode.

"Not in system." The Joe intoned. Scanned again and repeated. "Not in system."

"What the hell does that mean?" Lugar asked pointedly.

"Uni Frat prank gone wrong." Said Hedenstrom, shrugging his shoulders.

The two Joes regarded the party. "Escort to Correctional Wing." One of them said. "Report to Warden Stykes." Flanking Hedenstrom, they walked toward the hatch to the central chute.

Surrounded by a raised lip, the entrance way to the central transit chute opened at the Joe's touch and the party found themselves floating down the zero G vertical tunnel until they landed softly at the hatch to Deck C. With one Joe leading the party and one bringing up the rear, they soon found themselves in the medical and wellness centre of the station.

Huddled on Deck C, near the next transit hatch, the party watched in fascination as the Joe keyed the door. A soft chime announced the mechanism working and a pillar of flame erupted from the central void. Flames tore 10 meters into the air as the Joe worked the door control again to close the hatch. "Oxygen Fire," it reported. And stepped back into the room. At that moment a door to the side opened and several figures ran into the room, screaming at the top of their lungs. Dressed in prison overalls and led by a huge man, they made directly for the Joes and started attacking them with obviously stolen shock guns and make shift weapons.

"Rip 'em up Cecil." one of them shouted, as the largest of the group, 'Cecil', shanked the first correctional synthetic in the side with a toothbrush shiv. White fluid leaked all over the android as it turned to face its aggressor. The party disengaged from the melee. Except Lugar who raised her monogrammed maintenance-jack and, whilst watching the Joe in front of her stun one of the convicts with an electroshock baton, brought the jack down hard on its head. Damaged, but unfazed the droid turned and used the baton on the freighter captain just as Drabikowski launched her grappling gun bolt directly into the droids torso.

Ejiri and Lark were both shouting loudly for calm as Sajaad took a defensive position to the side of the room. The short ugly fight came to an abrupt halt as the two droids were hacked to pieces by the convicts.

The room fell to a stunned silence. Navarre, spotting a shock gun one of the Joes had dropped, sidled over to it, Cecil kicked it to the old scientist grinning and wiped his shiv, cleaning it of the synthetics circulatory fluids.

"Who are you?" Cecil asked.

"WeYu Science team." Replied Ejiri, eyeing the prone form of Lugar warily. "Here to assay the new life form."

"Plenty of those running around the station." replied Cecil. "Best take you to Candlestick. She'll fill you in on the details."

The party was split, with half wanting to follow the convicts, the others wanting to go to Warden Stykes. It was only when Drabikowski remembered that the MU/TH/UR mainframe was on this level that everyone agreed to try to gain access to that for answers.

"Fair enough." Said Cecil, "We're going to put that fire out, neat trick to slow the Joes down, and if you're not too long, we can take you to Candlestick."

The scientific crew of the Cetorhina made their way carefully through the corridor to the MU/TH/UR mainframe. Through the small window they could see immediately there was something wrong. The room was dark, full of smoke, with none of the tell-tale lights that showed MU/TH/UR was operating as expected. Carefully checking there was nothing inside to surprise them, they opened the door and Sajaad entered the room. All was deathly quiet. The 3 meter high room was explored quickly, the coolant pool under the grills of the groups feet adding a chill to the air. They arrived at MU/TH/UR' main terminal to discover the charred remains of someone, melted into a chair. The ID badge showed this to be Clerke, the Chief Science Officer. Sickened by the corpse, but determined to press on, Ejiri directed them to a panel within the coolant that would house the main circuit breaker. Taking Lugar's maintenance-jack, Lark volunteered to dive into the pool and reset the system. The others bravely left the room, closed the door and waited in the corridor, anticipating a potential EMP event. Lark reset the mainframe, but had to sacrifice the jack and left it behind.

Within minutes MU/TH/UR, reset, started spewing information. "Cronus", "Erebos", "26 Draconis", "Cheiron" and "IronFish", amongst others. Also the location of DA/UT/UR another Erebos mainframe. Ejiri also grimly extracted the mission recorder from under Clerke's chair. Several entries on 'Abominations' and mutations were revealed as well as a number of Clerke's log entries.

As Ejiri, Navarre and Drabikowski started to unpick the mountains of data that MU/TH/UR was churning out, Hedenstrom and Lark took the opportunity to survey the nearby MedLab to see if there was a way to collect samples and analyse the corpse of Clerke. On reaching the lab they saw a large containment vessel holding thousands, if not millions of pin prick lights, dancing in the vacuum. A laser was being refracted into the container. Hedenstrom, his interest piqued, increased the laser's power, watching in fascination as the lasers radiant energy was transformed into an increase in activity within the vessel. Until, frustratingly, all movement stopped. Some threshold had been reached. Shrugging, Hedenstrom left to rejoin the party within MU/TH/UR's chamber, test tubes and scalpels in hand.

Lark joined him a minute or two later.
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Re: Heart of Darkness Play Report. 3. MU/TH/UR

Fri 31 Mar 2023, 16:17

keep it up.

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