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PC Equipment

Sun 12 Mar 2023, 11:35

Vaesen uses a different concept for equipment than the games I know and played so far, and I'm not sure I entirely get it - so I humbly ask for confirmation here:

1) The PCs always have the equipment given by their archetype. Right?

2) When preparing for the mystery, the PCs roll and pool their successes to buy whatever equipment they want. Additionally, they gain access to equipment from various upgrades (e.g. Weapons Corridor gives each PC a "1" weapon of their choice). All these things are "discarded" at the end of the mystery. Right?

3) During the mystery, the PCs can buy whatever they like (given the GM rules that item in question is available) also by using successes from another Resource roll and/or Capital. This can be done how often? Once per item? Once per settlement?
I also take it that such purchases cannot be done in Upsala (before the mystery), as this would allow the PCs to go on an unlimited shopping spree. Or is there a general limit on how often they can buy things during the mystery (or better said, how often they can roll for resources)?

Thanks for any clarification.
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Re: PC Equipment

Sun 12 Mar 2023, 12:53

At the start of a mystery, the PCs will always have their three personal items (i.e. the items that they got when they created the character). These three items are part of who you are.

The players can, during the preparation phase, get more items. Since this is done at the HQ (Upsala if you play in Sweden) and done altogether, they can pool their resources and even use capital if they want to. They also have access to more items than this depending on upgrades done.

During a mystery, they can buy items if there is a store at the mystery location and they can also find items. A resource roll represent that you buy an item, using your good name (i.e. credit) and the GM may say that, this is not possible in some mystery locations, but you can of course use your capital to buy things. But if you make a resource roll in one store, you can also in another scene shop in another store, making another resource roll, if the GM so allows. I have noticed that many mysteries takes place in small remote areas and there aren't that many stores there. Also, the GM may also say that some items aren't available in some locations, but there might be NPCs that still have those items that can be persuaded to sell them.

At the end of the mystery, all the players can keep one extra item on top of their three personal items. If any of your personal items was consumed or destroyed, you will have it again for your next mystery. There is an upgrade that let you store extra items beyond this.
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Re: PC Equipment

Sun 12 Mar 2023, 15:18

Thank you! Very helpful!

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