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Ash, take me on an adventure (a ChatGPT bit of fun)

Fri 03 Mar 2023, 01:42

So I asked ChatGPT:

"as Ash from ALIEN, outline a 5 room dungeon adventure for a science-fiction TTRPG set on a spacestation infested with many types of xenomorphs with a single cool reward at the end"

And Ash replied:

Room 1: Control Room
The players enter a large control room that has been overrun by xenomorphs. The walls are lined with dozens of screens, consoles, and controls, all of which have been damaged or destroyed by the xenomorphs. The players must find a way to access the main computer core in order to activate the station's self-destruct sequence and escape before they are overrun by the xenomorphs.

Room 2: Maintenance Room
The players arrive in a maintenance room that has been heavily damaged by xenomorphs. The walls are lined with tools, machinery, and parts. The players must navigate the room to find a way to repair the station's power systems in order to restore power to the station and access the main computer core.

Room 3: Cargo Bay
The players arrive in a large cargo bay that has been overrun by xenomorphs. The cargo bay is filled with crates, containers, and other debris. The players must fight their way through the xenomorphs to find a way to access the station's security systems in order to access the main computer core.

Room 4: Engineering Room
The players arrive in an engineering room that has been overrun by xenomorphs. The room is filled with large, complex machinery and tools. The players must find a way to repair the station's systems in order to activate the station's defense shields. Once the shields are activated, the players will be able to access the main computer core.

Room 5: Main Computer Core
The players arrive in the main computer core, which has been heavily damaged by xenomorphs. The players must fight their way through the xenomorphs and repair the computer core in order to access the station's self-destruct sequence. Once the sequence is activated, the players will be able to escape the station before it explodes.

At the end of the adventure, the players will receive a powerful weapon that can be used to fight off the xenomorphs. This weapon will be essential in their ongoing fight against the xenomorphs.
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Re: Ash, take me on an adventure (a ChatGPT bit of fun)

Tue 07 Mar 2023, 17:01

that is interesting.

We are going to see ChatGPT as a Game Mother pretty soon I think.
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Re: Ash, take me on an adventure (a ChatGPT bit of fun)

Wed 08 Mar 2023, 17:50

Hey ExileInParadise,

would you try something for me and ask ChatGPT a question for me.

Give it some information about the setting on Thedus (just before The Norstromo 's departure of Thedus). Ask ChatGPT what happened there on Thedus when they changed the Science Officer with Ash. What happened to the other guy. Could Ash be the killer ? or there were 2 WY agents there (Ash and a killer). I would define multiple settings with ChatGPT and ask for the best option.

I would be curious to know the answers ....
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Re: Ash, take me on an adventure (a ChatGPT bit of fun)

Thu 09 Mar 2023, 15:21

chatgpt "In the movie ALIEN the science officer of the Nostromo was replaced by the android Ash two days before departure from Thedus to return to Earth. What happened to th
e original science officer? Could Ash be the killer? Were there other Weylan-Yutani agents on Thedus? Please consider multiple scenarios and pick the best options for the answers"

Completion: .

What happened to the original science officer?

It is not stated in the movie what happened to the original science officer. However, according to the novelization of Alien, the original science officer was replaced due to medical reasons, suggesting that they may have become ill or injured before the mission began.

Could Ash be the killer?

No, Ash is not the killer in Alien. It is revealed in the movie that the killer is a Xenomorph, an extraterrestrial species that has been brought aboard the ship.

Were there other Weylan-Yutani agents on Thedus?

No, there were no other Weylan-Yutani agents on Thedus. Ash is the only Weylan-Yutani representative in the movie.

* * *
chatgpt "In the movie ALIEN the science officer of the Nostromo was replaced by the android Ash two days before departure from Thedus to return to Earth. What happened to th
e original science officer? Could Ash be the killer? Were there other Weylan-Yutani agents on Thedus? Please describe three main possibilities"

Completion: .

1. The original science officer died before the mission and was replaced by Ash. It is possible that Ash was the killer, as he was created by the Weylan-Yutani Corporation with the intention of covering up their experiments on the alien species.

2. The original science officer was transferred to a different ship and replaced by Ash. In this case, it is unlikely that Ash was the killer since he did not have any orders to kill.

3. There could have been other Weylan-Yutani agents on Thedus. It is possible that one of these agents was the killer and Ash was only sent as a replacement for the original science officer.

* * *
chatgpt "In the movie ALIEN the science officer of the Nostromo was replaced by the android Ash two days before departure from Thedus to return to Earth. What happened to th
e original science officer? Could Ash be the killer? Were there other Weylan-Yutani agents on Thedus? Please describe what could have happened on Thedus in the form of a 5-Room Dungeon (5rd) adventure"

Completion: .

1. The Pre-Departure Room: The original science officer of the Nostromo has been murdered by a Weylan-Yutani agent, shortly before the crew's departure from Thedus. The agent has left behind a mysterious device and a cryptic message for the crew: "You will never make it back to Earth alive."

2. The Replication Room: Ash, the android, has been sent by Weylan-Yutani to replace the original science officer. Ash is equipped with advanced artificial intelligence, enabling him to adapt and learn quickly. He is also programmed with specific instructions from Weylan-Yutani, instructions that the crew must uncover before they depart.

3. The Unveiling Room: As the crew attempts to uncover the instructions, they are attacked by a group of Weylan-Yutani agents. During the fight, the crew discovers that Ash is the killer and that he was sent to Thedus to complete a mission for Weylan-Yutani.

4. The Escape Room: The crew must now escape from Thedus with the knowledge that Ash is the killer and that Weylan-Yutani agents are still in pursuit. They must also find a way to deactivate Ash before he can complete his mission.

5. The Final Room: The crew escapes Thedus and reaches Earth, where they confront the Weylan-Yutani agents. They discover that Ash was sent to complete a mission to acquire a biological weapon from the planet Thedus. With the help of the crew, Ash is deactivated, and the biological weapon is destroyed. The crew returns to Earth, victorious.
We live, as we dream -- alone. ~ Joseph Conrad
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Re: Ash, take me on an adventure (a ChatGPT bit of fun)

Thu 09 Mar 2023, 17:20

We have something interesting here (thanks so much ExileInParadise for doing this) ...

I don't want to change the history of the Nostromo (Alien movie 1979) but add some history back ground to it would be great ...

I'm gonna write a short act-scenario for 1 player (maybe 2 players) ...

The idea, Ash arrive at thedus a few days before the Nostromo 's departure. There may be an accomplice with him (working for WY), I'm thinking of character E.R. Fazio (he was an early-cut character in Alien 1979, a security Officer). Ash's mission is to make the scientific officer listen to reason in order to ensure special order 937 during the trip home. If not, put him out of the way and take his place. Ash has all the official company papers to do this. PCs will play Ash and Fazio. If they (Ash and Fazio) succeed, the story will happen like in the movie Alien 1979.

I think it's a great story for a short little scenario ....
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Re: Ash, take me on an adventure (a ChatGPT bit of fun)

Thu 09 Mar 2023, 19:52

Lots to mine from in the ALIEN 20th Anniversary DVD easter egg crew bios:
2069-07-13 S.E. Brett born, Houston/Texas-UA

2076-02-27 A.J. Dallas born, Wolf Point/Montana-UA

2076-07-04 Americas Tricentennial - commemorated by patch

2080-02-04 J.T. Parker born, San Diego/California-UA

2083-04-20 G.W. Kane born, Borehamwood/Herts-UK/EU

2085-06-21 - 2094-05-10 S.E. Brett works as mechanic for family business E-Z-FLY Spacecraft Repair, Houston/Texas-UA.

2088 - 2102 United Kingdom 7th Union. UK joins with Japan and other countries to form Third World Empire. Third World Empire establishes settlements on Mars and Titan, commemorated by patch.

2092-01-07 E.L. Ripley born, Olympia/Luna-UA

2092-01-07 - 2110-04-18 E.L. Ripley Spends childhood in lunar quarantine facility during outbreak of XMB virus on Luna. Tests negative for XMB, [Medscan CERT#90156E].

2093-11-07 J.M. Lambert born, Ontario/Canada-UA

2094-05-15 - 2095-12-21 S.E. Brett works as hardware specialist for Solari Energy Corp at Osaka solar energy plant. Employment terminated, [SEC/REF#1288-7G].

2096-02-01 - 2096-07-16 S.E. Brett pilots high-speed cargo vehicles for Ridton Corp through Iranistan war zone. Employment suspended, [RC/REF#24901-N]

2096-07-18 - 2096-12-04 S.E. Brett receives treatment for alcoholism at Ridton Medical Facility, London. Treatment successful, [Medscan CERT#34008N].

2096-09-11 - 2100-05-23 G.W. Kane attends Weatherly Private School. Graduates with honors.

2097-09-15 - 2101-10-21 S.E. Brett attends Houston School of Astrophysics and Interstellar Engineering. Graduates.

2099-05-15 A.J. Dallas graduates Mercerton Flight Academy [Flight Status C]

2100-03-11 - 2103-01-09 A.J. Dallas serves as Navigator/Pilot on USCSS Snark salvage vessel, under Captain Van Shuyten, [Flight Status B]

2100-09-14 - 2104-10-06 J.T. Parker works as pit mechanic for Speedy Maxx high-speed terrafoil racing team. Travels the DAC racing circuit. Quits pit crew over salary dispute.

2100-09-19 - 2104-05-30 G.W. Kane attends Gunning Foss Military School. Graduates top of his class.

2103-01-23 - 2105-12-04 A.J. Dallas serves as Pilot on UTX Ganymede military cargo vessel, under Captain Britten

2104 - Present North and South America merge to form United Americas in response to economic pressure from Third World Empire. UK7 joins United Americas.

2104-09-06 - 2108-02-13 G.W. Kane attends Bryce-Watkins Medical University. Expelled for substance abuse. Treated for drug-inflicted embolism and stress. Treatment successfull, [Medscan CERT#81712F].

2105-01-09 - 2107-06-14 J.T. Parker recruited into United Americas Outer Rim Defense Fleet, stationed at Skyfire Down, [Rank: Private]. Serves as mechanic of heavy land transport vehicles and officer shuttles.

2106-06-01 A.J. Dallas commissioned into United Americas Outer Rim Defense Fleet. Stationed at Liberty Echo [Rank: Lieutenant]

2106-06-12 - 2108-02-17 A.J. Dallas serves as Pilot on UAS Leviathan fast attack vessel under Major Baines during Torin Prime Civil War [Flight Status A]

2107-06-14 - 2107-08-01 J.T. Parker promoted to Corporal. Serves as chief mechanic at Skyfire Down UAORD base.

2107-08-01 - 2108-02-21 J.T. Parker captured by J’har Rebels during Torin Prime Civil War. Imprisoned at Concentration Camp GR-161. Establishes underground black market for POWs.

2108-02-21 J.T. Parker escapes from Concentration Camp GR-161 during the Liberation of Torin Prime. Constructs emergency escape vehicle EEV from scrap.

2108-02-23 A.J. Dallas promoted to Captain following Liberation of Torin Prime. Receives the Sunburst Medal of Honor for meritorious service.

2108-03-01 A.J. Dallas given command of UAS Archangel troop carrier, [Flight Status A]

2108-07-14 - 2111-11-09 S.E. Brett serves as Assistant Engineer on Weylan Yutani waste disposal vessel USCSS Corazon Oscuro, under Captain Speight, [Flight Status C].

2108-10-30 J.T. Parker receives honourable discharge from UAORD.

2108-12-19 J.T. Parker returns to Earth. No Further Enhancement.

2109-09-05 - 2113-03-29 J.T. Parker attends San Diego School of Astro-Engineering. Studies incomplete. No degree awarded.

2109-09-16 - 2112-05-18 G.W. Kane attends Wellington Academy, Suffolk. Graduates with Masters of Engineering. [Flight Status C].

2109-12-25 A.J. Dallas commanding, UAS Archangel destroyed in enemy attack during peace-keeping operation on Thedus, 15,293 lives lost. Ship unsalvageable, [Flight Status Suspended]

2110-01-03 A.J. Dallas receives dishonorable discharge from UAORD. [Flight Status Revoked]

2110-01-04 - 2113-04-28 A.J. Dallas whereabouts unknown. No further enhancement.

2111-09-15 - 2115-05-25 E.L. Ripley attends Evansbrook Academy. Shows aptitude for ethics, law, and corporate affairs. Graduates at top of her class.

2111-11-10 S.E. Brett fails blood alcohol test. Flight status suspended.

2112-01-09 S.E. Brett undergoes cerebral detox procedure at Weylan Yutani Medical Facility, Titan. Minor complications arise. See Medical [Brain Damage] for further enhancement.

2112-01-09 - 2113-03-31 S.E. Brett undergoes therapeutic recuperation at Weylan Yutani Medical Facility, Titan.

2112-05-12 J.M. Lambert graduates Ontario University with Masters of Astro-Cartography.

2112-06-01 - 2112-09-18 J.M. Lambert interns in Astro-Cartography Dept. at Ridton Corp. London/EU-UK.

2112-10-07 J.M. Lambert marries Xander Chapman, Director of Astro-Cartography, Ridton Corp.

2112-10-28 - 2114-02-05 J.M. Lambert serves as Shipping Lane Trafficator for Farside Lunar Mining, Plymouth/Luna-UA.

2113-04-03 S.E. Brett passes Weylan Yutani Ment/Psych/Cog-5 exam. Flight status restored. Cleared for assignment.

2113-04-19 - 2117-10-28 S.E. Brett serves as Assistant Engineering Tech at Weylan Yutani Fusion Reactor Facility on Titan.

2113-04-28 - 2113-09-09 A.J. Dallas smuggles weapons and medical supplies into the Solomons on civilian cargo vessel The Vider, under Captain Joshua.

2113-10-02 - 2113-12-13 J.T. Parker freelances as mechanic/engineer for Mexcorp, serving on various unauthorised medicinal cargo ops. No further enhancement.

2113-12-14 - 2114-05-04 A.J. Dallas freelances special transport ops of hazardous materials for Weylan Yutani in the Solomons, [Probationary Flight Status D]

2114-01-07 - 2115-04-29 J.T. Parker serves as Assistant Engineer at United Americas Accelerator Threshold, Neptune.

2114-02-10 J.M. Lambert divorces Xander Chapman, former Director of Astro-Cartography, Ridton Corp.

2114-02-17 - 2114-12-06 J.M. Lambert serves as Assistant Navigator on Red Star Lines pleasure cruiser Infinity, Mars-Orion route [Flight Status C].

2114-07-21 - 2118-12-03 A.J. Dallas purchases civilian cargo vessel Tremolino. Freelances cargo and transport ops for Weylan Yutani throughout the Outer Rim Territories, [Flight Status C].

2115-01-29 - 2118-08-01 J.M. Lambert serves as Navigator/Comm Officer on Ridton Corp salvage vessel Leggatt, under Captain Leigh.

2115-05-05 - 2117-10-19 J.T. Parker Serves as Assistant Engineer on Weylan Yutani commercial cargo vehicle USCSS Otago, under Captain Mortensen.

2115-06-01 E.L. Ripley recruited into Weylan Yutani’s Horizon Beyond officer training programme, [Trainee Flight Status CC].

2115-10-16 E.L. Ripley successfully negotiates end to hostage crisis on Weylan Yutani shuttle craft Erebus. 49 lives saved. 8 terrorists convicted.

2115-12-14 - 2117-10-29 G.W. Kane serves as Mission Analyst on UK/EU colonial expedition in the Outer Rim Territories. [Flight Status B]

2116-12-21 E.L. Ripley completes Horizons Beyond officer training programme, with honours.

2117-01-02 - 2117-11-19 E.L. Ripley serves as Junior Warrant Officer on commercial vessel USCSS Kurtz, under Captain Archbold, [Flight Status BC].

2117-10-27 - 2120-09-01 J.T. Parker serves as Engineer on Weylan Yutani commercial vessel USCSS Nonnabo, under Captain Keeney, [Flight Status C].

2117-11-01 - 2118-12-19 G.W. Kane serves as First Officer on UK/EU colonial transport vessel HMS Sabretooth, under Captain Lai, [Flight Status BA]

2117-11-03 - 2120-09-01 S.E. Brett serves as Engineering Tech on Weylan Yutani commercial cargo vehicle USCSS Nonnabo, under Captain Keeney.

2117-12-01 - 2118-03-08 E.L. Ripley serves as Warrant Officer on Weylan Yutani cargo vessel USCSS Sephoria, under Captain Eliot.

2118-03-10 E.L. Ripley Request for maternity leave denied, [WY/REF#295150] See Human Resources for further enhancement.

2118-03-17 E.L. Ripley files civil lawsuit against Weylan Yutani, [WY/REF#29162]

2118-03-18 E.L. Ripley Flight Status Suspended. Salary suspended.

2118-04-04 - 2118-08-19 E.L. Ripley File sealed under court order. No further enhancement, [WY/REF#42009]

2118-08-19 E.L. Ripley Request for maternity leave approved, [WY/REF#42017] See Legal [Settlements] for further enhancements. Request for reinstatement of flight status approved [WY/REF#42018]. Request for salary increase approved
, [WY/REF#42019].

2118-09-13 J.M. Lambert marries Lordan Hessutt, Executive Officer on Ridton Corp salvage vessel Leggatt.

2118-09-19 - 2119-10-27 E.L. Ripley Maternity Leave. See Human Resources for further enhancement.

2118-09-21 - 2119-12-19 G.W. Kane serves as Executive Officer on Weylan Yutani salvage vessel USCSS Kenamor, under Captain Kahn, [Flight Status AB].

2118-10-11 - 2119-12-19 J.M. Lambert serves as Navigator on Weylan Yutani scout ship Adowa, under Captain Payne, [Flight Status BC].

2119-11-06 - 2120-07-12 E.L. Ripley serves as Warrant Officer on Weylan Yutani cargo vehicle USCSS Sotillo, under Captain Rosendo.

2119-12-07 A.J. Dallas decommissions Tremolino. Crew disbanded.

2120-01-03 J.M. Lambert divorces Lordan Hessutt, Executive Officer on Ridton Corp salvage vessel Leggatt.

2120-01-05 - Present G.W. Kane serves as Executive Officer on Weylan Yutani commercial towing vehicle USCSS Nostromo, under Captain Dallas, [Flight Status A]

2120-01-05 - Present J.M. Lambert serves as Navigator on Weylan Yutani towing vessel USCSS Nostromo, under Captain Dallas, [Flight Status B].

2120-08-10 - Present E.L. Ripley serves as Warrant Officer on Weylan Yutani commercial towing vehicle USCSS Nostromo, under Captain Dallas, [Flight Status B].

2120-09-10 - Present J.T. Parker serves as Engineer on Weylan Yutani commercial towing vehicle USCSS Nostromo, under Captain Dallas.

2120-09-10 - Present S.E. Brett serves as Engineering Tech on Weylan Yutani commercial towing vehicle USCSS Nostromo, under Captain Dallas.

2120-12-04 - Present A.J. Dallas given command of Weylan Yutani commercial towing vehicle USCSS Nostromo, [Flight Status B].

2121-06-10 - Present Ash assigned as Science Officer on Weylan Yutani commercial towing vehicle USCSS Nostromo, under Captain Dallas, [Flight Status A].

2121-06-12 USCSS Nostromo departs Weylan Yutani Drydock Bravo/Thedus

2122-04-01 USCSS Nostromo arrives Zeta II Reticuli
We live, as we dream -- alone. ~ Joseph Conrad
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Re: Ash, take me on an adventure (a ChatGPT bit of fun)

Thu 09 Mar 2023, 20:49

Thanks again ExileInParadise for your details info ....

I just read this ....

Umbulu: A male human and the science officer aboard the Nostromo on the five hauls prior to the
Nostromo incident. Two days before the departure from Thedus in 2121, Umbulu vanished under
mysterious circumstances and was replaced by Ash. However, given Weyland-Yutani's intention to
secure a Xenomorph specimen from LV-426, it is highly probable that the Company had arranged
Umbulu's disappearance. (A:OS)

source info here : https://alienencyclopedia.files.wordpre ... sion-8.pdf

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