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Re: Dragonbane BETA Rulebook Feedback - Chapter 5 Magic

Sun 04 Dec 2022, 03:51

Re Spell Rank: while the character creation chapter states that beginning characters can only take spells of rank 1, none of the following chapters state at which point a character can choose higher ranking spells. Are any spells available once a character advances? Or does spell rank go in sync with an increase in the corresponding skill?
You have to find an instructor or a grimoire (and wager advances) to learn new spells. (pg. 61)
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Re: Dragonbane BETA Rulebook Feedback - Chapter 5 Magic

Sun 04 Dec 2022, 03:53

Page 61, General Magic, Magic Tricks, Flick.

Flick: You give an object or creature within 10 meters a
magical flick. The “attack” inflicts 1 point of damage and
can, for example, shatter glass.

I believe this will be the default counter to dispel concentration spells.
1 point of damage without a attack roll or resistance roll will negate a concentration spell since it ends when you get damage.
To easy in my opinion.
Maybe at first, but as you learn new spells I doubt you'll waste a memory slot on it (total equal to INT base chance, not a whole lot).
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Re: Dragonbane BETA Rulebook Feedback - Chapter 5 Magic

Sun 04 Dec 2022, 05:53

Page 61, General Magic, Magic Tricks, Flick.

Flick: You give an object or creature within 10 meters a
magical flick. The “attack” inflicts 1 point of damage and
can, for example, shatter glass.

I believe this will be the default counter to dispel concentration spells.
1 point of damage without a attack roll or resistance roll will negate a concentration spell since it ends when you get damage.
To easy in my opinion.
Maybe at first, but as you learn new spells I doubt you'll waste a memory slot on it (total equal to INT base chance, not a whole lot).
According to page 58 the limit on memorized
spells does not apply to magic tricks. You can have an unlimited number of magic tricks memorized.

As it is now there are not that many spells with concentration but with future expansions this could be an very cost effective way to dispel such spells.
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Re: Dragonbane BETA Rulebook Feedback - Chapter 5 Magic

Sun 04 Dec 2022, 06:52

Page 61, General Magic, Magic Tricks, Flick.

Flick: You give an object or creature within 10 meters a
magical flick. The “attack” inflicts 1 point of damage and
can, for example, shatter glass.

I believe this will be the default counter to dispel concentration spells.
1 point of damage without a attack roll or resistance roll will negate a concentration spell since it ends when you get damage.
To easy in my opinion.
Maybe at first, but as you learn new spells I doubt you'll waste a memory slot on it (total equal to INT base chance, not a whole lot).
According to page 58 the limit on memorized
spells does not apply to magic tricks. You can have an unlimited number of magic tricks memorized.

As it is now there are not that many spells with concentration but with future expansions this could be an very cost effective way to dispel such spells.
Ah missed that. Fair enough.
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Re: Dragonbane BETA Rulebook Feedback - Chapter 5 Magic

Sun 04 Dec 2022, 15:06

I agree that variety in spells is not enough and feels like the magic system really need some more unique spells to feel robust. Also is appear to be that there are clear winner/loser in the spell lists, reducing even more your actual choice if you don't feel excessively nerfed just because of flavour choices instead of optimal. Please really consider adding some more interesting spells, even 4-5 more spells would really make the difference.
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Re: Dragonbane BETA Rulebook Feedback - Chapter 5 Magic

Mon 05 Dec 2022, 18:02

p.60, Magical Mishaps : « 17 you turn into an animal. » How can it be removed ? Dispel, 1 on a D4 ? Is it permanent ?
p.61, Magic Tricks : more information could be useful : what pace for the floating object in Fetch ? Can you create an infinite number of Light ? Can you dispel your own Light ? What requirements ? Can you Flick people unnoticed ? Can you Flick someone you cannot see ? What is the range of Sense Magic ? « the place you are in » is very vague.
p.62, Magic Shield « you cast it after your opponent’s roll to succeed » ? Does it mean the PC knows his opponent’s roll has succeeded to cast and can decide to use it only if needed ? If yes, it could be stated « you cast it after your opponent has succeeded its roll» could be clearer. If no, it just means you can react after the GM has spoken and rolled, « but before you know your opponent has succeeded » : the decision is taken in a second and you could waste your spell on a failed attempt.
p.63, Magic Tricks : more information could be useful : How long can you walk with a Floral Trail ? What requirements ? Is your Hairstyle permanent ? Can you cast Hearty Meal an unlimited number of times ? Considering you recover WP easily, this renders Rations almost useless ? How long to clean a room, what size ? It could be useful to hide combat consequences for example, so it could be limited to a certain size, or take time to clean.
p.64, Lightning Flash, Lightning Bolt and p.65 Thunderstroke : « to another random person » The wording « person » is confusing : cannot it continue to another « creature » ? Also, what happens if there is no creature available within 2 meters ? The spell ends without further effect ? Could it continue to a metallic object alternatively, which seems logical ?
p.65, Sleep spell : this spell is placed amongst Rank 3 spells, but specified as a rank 2 only. Rank 2 or 3 ?
p.66, Frost : very powerful it seems for a Rank 1. The wording « in the area of effet…all living creatures lose D4 HP… » could be understood as loosing this amount every Round as the spell lasts a Stretch. It should be specified « when the spell is cast » or « each Round on their Turn ». Due to the long duration, what happens if the Elementalist moves ? Does the area moves with him, or could he freeze himself while crossing the still area ?
p.68, Gnome, Salamander, Sylph, Undine : « It follows its creator’s command » Is it a free action to give a command during your Turn ? What is the STR / Encumbrance of the creatures ? No doubt a Mage will want it to lift him, fly him, break doors, etc…
p.69, Magic Tricks : more information could be useful. Can you cast Slow fall once you fall in a trap as a Reaction, or you have to anticipate your fall ? What requirements ? Do you need to move your hands to slow your fall ?
p.70, Levitate : Can you levitate a non willing target ? You could levitate it in a fire… Do you need to touch it or it can ba cast 6 meters away to levitate it 6+6 meters away ?
p.71, Telepathy : does the target know someone is reading his thoughts ?
p.72, Dominate : can the victim hurt itself once dominated, or jump off a cliff ?
General for MAgic Tricks : specify the type of damage in case there are immunities.
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Re: Dragonbane BETA Rulebook Feedback - Chapter 5 Magic

Tue 06 Dec 2022, 06:31

Banish is kinda worthless seeming with a 1 round duration. It also doesn’t seem to scale with power level at all? Maybe make it one round per power level? Maybe even a stretch duration with one target per power level?

Resurrection The permanent d6 Cha cost of resurrection seams harsh, especially when Cha will default for any social roll outside persuasion at this point in the rules. I’d rather see 1d3 or a flat 2 maybe. Maybe also add a line about why this happens? Is it physical, mental or is this left to player imagination on purpose?

Animism is also really weak in terms of spells right now. Not a lot of variety if you really boil it down. Shapeshifting into animals seems like a missing component maybe? Maybe higher ranking animal interaction spells that allow them to request a favor per power level?
- Hoodie Infestation
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Re: Dragonbane BETA Rulebook Feedback - Chapter 5 Magic

Tue 06 Dec 2022, 09:55

Resurrection The permanent d6 Cha cost of resurrection seams harsh, especially when Cha will default for any social roll outside persuasion at this point in the rules. I’d rather see 1d3 or a flat 2 maybe. Maybe also add a line about why this happens? Is it physical, mental or is this left to player imagination on purpose?
I had a hard time with this one too, to me it seemed more as a no/low cost thing as charisma isn't used for anything. (What happens when the value goes below 1 is also a question here)

But maybe i am just lacking the imagination to find an important scenario were charisma would stand without persuasion (pretty broad term after all, that the plays would claim whenever words are involved)
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Re: Dragonbane BETA Rulebook Feedback - Chapter 5 Magic

Tue 06 Dec 2022, 10:06

Resurrection The permanent d6 Cha cost of resurrection seams harsh, especially when Cha will default for any social roll outside persuasion at this point in the rules. I’d rather see 1d3 or a flat 2 maybe. Maybe also add a line about why this happens? Is it physical, mental or is this left to player imagination on purpose?
I had a hard time with this one too, to me it seemed more as a no/low cost thing as charisma isn't used for anything. (What happens when the value goes below 1 is also a question here)

But maybe i am just lacking the imagination to find an important scenario were charisma would stand without persuasion (pretty broad term after all, that the plays would claim whenever words are involved)
I would honestly consider permanent HP loss instead so that resurrection will not be an endlessly viable option and death can still be scary but HP can be earned back with advances.
- Hoodie Infestation
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Re: Dragonbane BETA Rulebook Feedback - Chapter 5 Magic

Wed 07 Dec 2022, 09:57

My mage(animism) pointed out the relationship between power from body (page 58) and healing spells are heavily favored towards healing.
You pay d4 hit-points to gain 2d6 hit points worth of healing (treat wounds: page 64).

Now i don't think you are allowed to heal yourself with treat wounds as he plans to do (this should be clearly stated, as its common from other games that you can heal-yourself).
But the point still stands if you have two spell-casters in the group, they basically have an endless supply of healing, especially if you don't run with magic mishaps.

Also is power from body allowed with stone shield(page 66)? Also seems a very obvious and overpowered combo.

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