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Throne of Thornes Campaing - next (last) intallment

Sat 28 May 2022, 17:11

Hi and a Good day to all of you!

I am a huge fan of the throne of thorns campaign and I can't wait for the next installment to finally see the light of day.

Can you give me some insides into how far the production has gone to this point? Do you already have an idea fort he release date, at least for the pdf version?
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Re: Throne of Thornes Campaing - next (last) intallment

Mon 30 May 2022, 08:39

The Swedish manuscript is about 80% complete. Then it needs translation, illustration, maps and layout.
Our aim is to have a pre-order campaign that gives you immediate PDF access in Q4 2022; seeing how long it takes to print and ship books nowadays, the physical copies will hardly arrive before the end of the year.
So, in short, we are working on it and are longing intensely to see it on the shelves. :-)
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Re: Throne of Thornes Campaing - next (last) intallment

Wed 29 Jun 2022, 06:23

That is great news, though also sad, as once it’s published the chronicle will be over. :cry:
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Re: Throne of Thornes Campaing - next (last) intallment

Wed 29 Jun 2022, 07:21

I very much hope for anothe campaign. The backround is trouly riveting and very unique. There schould be ample stories to tell. If not in this age, then perhaps in another, a few 100years later.
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Re: Throne of Thornes Campaing - next (last) intallment

Mon 27 Feb 2023, 18:12

Hi Mattias,
any updates?
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Re: Throne of Thornes Campaing - next (last) intallment

Tue 28 Feb 2023, 08:18


The Eternal Night has descended on the Forest of Davokar. With the sixth and final episode in The Chronicle of the Throne of Thorns, the fate of the world will be decided. The darkness that for centuries has been fettered by the roots of the woods breaks free and spreads in all directions; the living are faced with a seemingly hopeless fight against a never-ending flood of merciless monstrosities. But is all hope lost? That question remains for you and your friends to answer...

Time to sharpen your blade and muster your courage: Davokar Awakens will be available for preorder by the end of Q1 2023, giving you instant access to a Beta PDF of the book. If all goes well, the print will reach webshop customers and stores during the summer.
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