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Adversaries Attribute Level

Thu 17 Mar 2022, 03:59

How exactly are adversary's attribute level used? The explanation in the core book is unclear.
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Joined: Sat 29 Jan 2022, 19:19

Re: Adversaries Attribute Level

Thu 17 Mar 2022, 06:17

At this point, Attribute Level mostly affects an adversary's starting Hate score and provides additional Endurance loss when activating Heavy Blow (p.143). It can also serve as a barometer for LMs when building encounters.

If I remember correctly, in TOR1e, Attribute Level was used a lot in special abilities (base and bonus damage and such, like with a Dragon's Fire Breath).
As we get more adversaries in upcoming material, I suspect that Attribute Level will interact in a similar fashion with new Fell Abilities (something I have already begun to employ in my own custom stuff).
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Joined: Thu 17 Mar 2022, 03:56

Re: Adversaries Attribute Level

Thu 17 Mar 2022, 15:52

At this point, Attribute Level mostly affects an adversary's starting Hate score and provides additional Endurance loss when activating Heavy Blow (p.143). It can also serve as a barometer for LMs when building encounters.

If I remember correctly, in TOR1e, Attribute Level was used a lot in special abilities (base and bonus damage and such, like with a Dragon's Fire Breath).
As we get more adversaries in upcoming material, I suspect that Attribute Level will interact in a similar fashion with new Fell Abilities (something I have already begun to employ in my own custom stuff).
Thank you. This is helpful!

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