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Re: Notes on character creation

Sat 16 Oct 2021, 07:32

one thing you are not taking in to consideration is that no combo of wits and the parry bonus grants more than 19 parry. Cultures with a low wits scale generally get a higher parry rating.. So yes all cultures get 14 attribute points but its their wits score that seems to infer the parry bonus

Bardings max wits 4 (parry +12) total 16
dwarf max wits 6 (parry + 10) total 16
elves max wits 7 (parry + 12) total 19
hobbits max wits 6 (parry + 12) total 18
bree max wits 7 (parry + 10) total 17
rangers max wits 4 (parry + 14) total 18

add in a great shield shield and some virtues and parry can get very high
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Re: Notes on character creation

Mon 18 Oct 2021, 00:32

A similar point was raised in the Alpha on skills, and at the time I pointed out that the skills were better thought of as "cost to buy total ranks" rather than simply adding the ranks. I think the cost of each culture's skills sums to 29 (I've just checked Bardings and Elves, easy to check the others). Elves have concentrated on higher ranks in fewer skills, Bardings are spread more widely but have lower ranks.
This is correct, and the same formula applies to 1e cultures as well. This makes conversion from 1e cultures to 2e easier.

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