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Random Modules?

Sun 25 Apr 2021, 02:01

Hello everyone.

Right now I am in the middle of a Mutant campaign, but I am already reading up on Genelab Alpha and Mechatron to see, if I could already forshadow some stuff.

One thing that I noticed was, that you can apparently chose the modules that your Roboter comes equiped with. This makes a certain sense, as a cleaning robot wouldn't normally come equiped with a healing unit, for example, but on the other hand I like the random nature of the way mutations are handled in the base game.

So I am thinking about letting each player draw one module per slot that he is elegible to, this way each robot will be unique and I like the random nature contra chosing all your powers, because this often leads to very creative solutions to problems, as the players try to use the tools that they have at their disposal.

In the same way, I might draw like 1d4 modules each session to see, whats available at the black market, in case any one is interested.
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Re: Random Modules?

Mon 26 Apr 2021, 23:39

I was going to mention that the players could always buy new modules if they don't like the random one they get but then I saw that you've already thought of that. Only thing I'd maybe do differently (except not having random powers in character creation in any of the games) is instead of 1d4 random modules being available at the black market I'd probably have it be equal to the amount of players +1 and then lower that amount progressively as the game goes on and Mechatron 7 degrades.

Also since you're playing in the zone right now but plan on introducing Mechatron later I have a tip for you. The robots visit an Ark during their campaign, you can read about it that chapter of the mechatron GMs section. I highly recommend introducing that Ark to your mutant characters in the zone already. Makes it a bit more fun when they come back there as robots later.
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Re: Random Modules?

Wed 28 Apr 2021, 04:07

Thanks for the input! I am reading through the "Ghost in the machine" campaign right now, and will probably soon stumble over the ark, you mentioned, but introducing that one earlier seems like a very good idea.

I already planned on introducing a few robots here and there prior to the players taking hold of one themselves, like in an deserted underground facility etc. I wanna put one of those (maybe as one of the command centers alpha, bravo, charlie or echo) at the bottom of the sinkhole, and maybe let them encounter a battlebot and banged up protocol robot down there.

The idea with the players+1 modules sounds pretty good, and I will gladly take thats idea into my houserules section ;)

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