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TOR 2E Kickstarter Pledge Mangager is Live!

Fri 16 Apr 2021, 17:44

Pledge Manager Is Live!
Today, we have launched the Pledge Manager for the new edition of The One Ring™! By now, some of you should already have started [receiving] invites, so check your inboxes. It will be sent to the email address you used when backing this Kickstarter.
In the pledge manager, you will be able to enter your shipping address, pay for your shipping, pick your addons (or get new ones!), and even upgrade your reward level. It should all be fairly self-explanatory. If you run into trouble, please email us at support@frialigan.se (it's more effective than writing messages here at the Kickstarter). At the end of this update, you'll find an short FAQ about the pledge manager.
We will keep the Pledge Manager open until we need to lock it down to finalize production in the late summer, but even after that you will be able to change your address. We will give you plenty of warnings before locking it for new orders.
Note that if you pledged more than you intended to with the idea that your add-ons could be deducted from the total, you may be disappointed. This does not seem to be the case.
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Re: TOR 2E Kickstarter Pledge Mangager is Live!

Sat 17 Apr 2021, 09:43

I have pledged more than needed and I added yesterday the addons without paying extra money. Just for shipping, cause we weren't sure of the amount.
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Re: TOR 2E Kickstarter Pledge Mangager is Live!

Sat 17 Apr 2021, 15:34

I have pledged more than needed and I added yesterday the addons without paying extra money. Just for shipping, cause we weren't sure of the amount.
The difference might be that I added enough to my pledge to place it in a higher bracket.

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