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2 weapons of the same type on a spaceship

Mon 05 Oct 2020, 19:30

How would you handle two weapons of the same type on a ship?
Can they fire at the same time?
Is this a viable option?

What do you think, I would like to have your opinions?
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Joined: Wed 11 Oct 2017, 14:11

Re: 2 weapons of the same type on a spaceship

Thu 08 Oct 2020, 15:40

I am not sure what you mean.
The rules on p. 196 state that each gunner on a ship may fire a weapon.
(and only one weapon may be launched per turn, i.e. torpedoes).
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Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Re: 2 weapons of the same type on a spaceship

Sat 21 Aug 2021, 14:52

As with most real warships, there are more than one gunner. There would a gunner for each weapon. If we use the frigate as an example there would be a gunner for each railgun turret, one for the Long Lance, one for each of the point defense lasers and so on for other weapon systems. As well as MU/TH/UR 9000 operating weapon systems when the crew can not.

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