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Ljusblommans Mörka Blad in English translation

Wed 18 Dec 2019, 21:13

A question for those who have been following Coriolis for a while and one for FL themselves - 

I have just finished a translation of this scenario booklet for my own group. In the intro, it mentions that there were plans for two further parts for the "horizon's end" project. I have not been able to locate any more information about it. Does anyone else know whether these extra volumes ever were published?

Secondly, is FL working on an English translation? Or you would you be happy to give me permission to distribute it (strictly non-commercially, of course)?
Doktor Hawk
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Re: Ljusblommans Mörka Blad in English translation

Thu 19 Dec 2019, 00:08

Good effort translating Coriolis material from Swedish to English. I hope it can be made available to non-Swedish speaking Coriolis fans. There is some nice Coriolis material that I hope can/will be translated and updated to 2ed. There is a "Coriolis Quickstart" pdf (2ed) for download which contains the adventure "Dark Flowers" which I think is, at least part of, "Ljusblommans Mörka Blad" (LMB).

I have LMB and two other softcover booklets for Coriolis (1ed) in Swedish published by Publit (publish on demand). The other two are "Gränsrymden and Djachroum" (a scenario setting) and "Iskallt Uppdrag - EDIT: Iskallt inferno" (a scenario). But I do not think these are part of a "Horizon's end" trilogy.

Last edited by Doktor Hawk on Thu 19 Dec 2019, 17:36, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ljusblommans Mörka Blad in English translation

Thu 19 Dec 2019, 14:12

As for "Gränsrymden and Djachroum" (GaD), I have a copy of a 2010 Fenix edition featuring the setting information. It looks like what you refer to. The Quickstart "Dark Flowers" threw me a bit. The name seemed so similar, but I didn't spot any overlap with LMB. There is a reference to a location in GaD that rings a bell (an asteroid overgrown with mysterious plants), but that's about it. 

Thanks for the pointer towards Iskallt Inferno (I guess that is what you meant?) available on publit. Might check it out if my crew survive the Reach.
Doktor Hawk
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Re: Ljusblommans Mörka Blad in English translation

Thu 19 Dec 2019, 20:36

Yeah, fortunately (since all your work) I mixed up two Coriolis scenarios. "Dark flowers" (2ed, ENG) seems to be sort of an English translation of the scenario "Sanningen om SS-18" (1ed, SWE), that I think I found through some link on an old Coriolis forum. The text differs, but floorplans and several sections overlap

Somewhat intriguingly, on the cover of "Sanningen om SS-18" it is written "Coriolis - Horisontens ände" ("Coriolis - Horizon's end") - second "Horizons End" part?


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