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Lyssna på oss spela "A Song for Jarouma" till Coriolis

Tue 07 Aug 2018, 06:48

Under GothCon fick vi möjlighet att spela scenariot "A Song for Jarouma" till Coriolis med konstruktören Rickard Antroia som spelledare. Scenariot är en prolog till "Emissarien som försvann" och utspelar sig på rymdstation FS-7 i omloppsbana runt gasjätten Xene i Kua-systemet.

Musiken är gjord av Alphaxone, Sabled Sun och Stars on a Black Sea

"By the Icons, it looks like we have succeeded. Readouts from quadrant 2 and 3 are confirmed. Both frequencies align with the Jarouma pattern. Alam will attach the data dumps. But, we have grave news. The mission is in danger. Weather is getting worse, and we’ve run into several incidents during the mission. Two of our crew-members are hurt and simulations indicate that the shuttle may not hold up to the stress as we try to reach quadrant 4. We pray to the Icons that this message will get through..."
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Posts: 18
Joined: Tue 24 Nov 2015, 05:04

Re: Lyssna på oss spela "A Song for Jarouma" till Coriolis

Thu 09 Aug 2018, 15:53

Här kommer den avslutande delen av "A Song for Jarouma".

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