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Favorite music you remember from the 80s

Sun 29 Jan 2017, 15:21

My big sister had a great vynil collection in the 80s, she introduces me to a lot of great bands. She's a big fan of The Police but I remember listen over and over again all the Alan Parson Project songs. I memorize (more or less...) the song even if I don't kew a word of english at that time. 

I remember telling that I can't die without see Alan Parsons in concert. Finally some years go he cames to Barcelona and was an awesome experience.

I love a lot of music, form pop to heavy metal, oldies and doom, but that was my favorite when I was a kid.

Whatś your favorite if you were a kid in the 80s?
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Björn Hellqvist
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Re: Favorite music you remember from the 80s

Mon 30 Jan 2017, 12:03

New Wave, ska, punk... Bands and artists like Devo, B-52's, Toyah...
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Re: Favorite music you remember from the 80s

Fri 10 Feb 2017, 05:32

Ooo.. where do I start? 

I'm a HUGE Shriekback fan (still buying their music today)
Judas Priest
Adam Ant
Siouxsie and the Banshees
Art of Noise
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Re: Favorite music you remember from the 80s

Fri 10 Feb 2017, 11:57

Re Shriekback - their stuff in Manhunter (called Röda Draken when released in Sweden way back) - The Big Hush mmm.
The soundtrack to The Lost Boys - all gold!
Mark Shreeve - Legion (synth style "horror" - inspired by Stephen King I belive) - still a favorite
Tangerine Dream - especially soundtrack to Near Dark (and the Virgin years of course)
Playlists from tv-show Bagen, and radio shows Rakt Över Disk, Tracks, Metropol - instant time machine.
JM Jarre.
Front 242
Sisters of Mercy
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Re: Favorite music you remember from the 80s

Tue 21 Feb 2017, 08:42

I would be conservative with using wellknown music during play, as it distracts and somewhat contradictionary breaks immersion in my experience. Better to use it during chargen etc, specific scenes with that song etc, but keep a more unspecified Eighties sounding non-lyrical ambient soundtrack vibe during play. Tangerine Dream would be my first choice; Hyperborea, White Eagle, Logos, Tangram, Poland etc.
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Re: Favorite music you remember from the 80s

Fri 17 Mar 2017, 23:47

Sisters of Mercy
Black Sabath
Front 242

I also agree with what Byrax wrote above about using well known music. It may distract the players making them remembering things of their own and breaking the immersion. I've found a couple of neat instrumental retrowave synt-compilations on YouTube that I plan to run as backtrack when we play TFTL. It's theme-ish but doesn't ring any bells with the players.
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Re: Favorite music you remember from the 80s

Sun 19 Mar 2017, 22:23

LOVE Shriekback. And Manhunter.

Sonic Youth
The Smithereens
Cocteau Twins
Dead Can Dance
Dead Kennedys
Bad Brains
Talking Heads
[pretty much the entirety of the Repo Man soundtrack]

(geez... from this list, you'd never guess I spent the latter 80s hitchhiking the path of the Grateful Dead.)
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Re: Favorite music you remember from the 80s

Thu 06 Apr 2017, 14:08

I like to start a game session with some kind of Into-Music, like "He's a pirate" from Pirates of the Carribean for a campaign aboard a ship exploring foreign waters. Or in stories, where the characters have to travel a long distance on the regional- or world-map without anything special happening I use the music from Indiana Jones, while pointing out the route of the characters with a finger.
In a very long campaign a friend and me shared the storytelling, we chose a theme for each character and played it, when a scene centering around that character started. 

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