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Broken and crits ?

Fri 19 Aug 2016, 18:15

According to the rules as written once you have the broken condition you no longer take HP damage from successfull attacks but can still receive criticals so a couple of questions :

A- If you successfully hit someone in combat who has the broken condition does the attack automatically confirm on the the 1st 6 (the successful attack) ?

B-If not what is the best way to explain the,shots just bouncing off etc ?

C-Are there any modifiers that could make criticaling a broken person easier ?

The reason why I ask is being broken otherwise makes you invulnerable to most attacks.
E.g if you attack with a weapon that has a crit rating of 2 you will need 3 sixes to do them some harm (the 1st six being the hit)-which is hard going .

Exanple: you attack with 5 dice with a crit rating of 2 your chances of success are 1220 / 7776 =15.6% chance of inflicting a crit.
All the others seem to do nothing ?

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Re: Broken and crits ?

Fri 19 Aug 2016, 18:43

First of all, if you're broken, you're not a threat to anyone any more, so shooting at you doesn't make a lot of sense. Basically, the 'broken' rule is meant to throw player characters out of combat without dying. It's a PC life preservation rule. If you'd like to change that, you could easily introduce the respective Mutant: Year Zero rule variant: If NPCs shoot at a PC who's broken, they need one success only for an instant kill.

So what if player characters shoot at broken NPCs? Here too, the MYZ rule system provides a very understandable answer. The GM decides what 'broken' means, so if you'd like to introduce a 0 HP = deceased rule for NPCs only, that is probably quite what the designers intended.

It's frankly all about giving the PCs better chances of survival and their enemies less. ;)
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Re: Broken and crits ?

Fri 19 Aug 2016, 20:15

Brilliant thank you I think I will now adopt a rule for grunt npc,s that is broken = dead .
For characters and major npc = equals unconscious etc ( so they can be interrogated later etc).


Any more idea's
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Re: Broken and crits ?

Fri 19 Aug 2016, 21:08

Any more idea's
Not really. These rules are best kept simple, and judging from your house rule ideas, you absolutely understood what I tried to convey. :)

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