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Re: Aliens. Solo campaign play, Ongoing.

Mon 01 Jun 2020, 01:52

Fiorina. ‘Fury’ 161.
2183. December 05

“Boom.” The office door flies open and Turock rushes in backwards stopping it from swinging back into him with his boot, both hands holding the Corporal, the rest of his body is being carried in by Grimm. The Private First Class himself can smell nothing but blood, his nose clogged up with that copper twang so familiar to him, all three of his cloned limbs get goosebumps with the next thought. ‘Unknown Xenomorph?’ Is what the Lance Corporal had said did this to the Corporal, their leader, a vicious hole punched right into and out of his skull.
“Over there.” Turock says gesturing to the smaller of the two desks in the room. Grimm nods, lowering both legs before moving to the table and with one arm slides everything off, papers, files and stacks of foam cups go sprawling everywhere. The pair of marines then place the Corporal's limp body up onto the table and step away. Turock turns as the dog comes in “Panting.” Grimm just looks at it confused knowing he has not seen or heard of any canines on the compound, but more pressing issues are at hand. ‘The Corporal is dead.’ Turock crouches down to meet the animal, greeting it with a scratch of its lice ridden fur and pushes it away when it comes in for a lick. Grimm crosses his arms, spotting the company agent as she enters. ‘Still pale.’ He knew the look on her face all too well. ‘Fear.’ Turock looks at her and so does the dog, all eyes follow her as she avoids the blood trail at her feet. Sarah keeps her head low, vision totally off of the body on the table. ‘Seen enough gore...’ With a single hand held up to her mouth she crosses the room and takes a seat behind the main desk. The company agent is quick to grab the box of cigarettes beside the monitor, she lights one and with each deep inhale and long exhale her mind tries to wrap around ‘What the heck is happening on this planet!’ The two marines and dog turn their heads, the company agent jolts and turns the moment Billy slams into the doorway. “Panting.” Heavier than the dog, the convict rests on the door for a moment before his legs buckle and he slides down and takes a seat, clutching his chest, clearly trying to catch his breath he wipes the sweat from his face with the chest of his overalls. “Yeah… I’m fine…” Billy croaks sarcastically lifting one arm, hand in the air briefly before it falls into his lap. Grimm could see he was ‘Not a threat, for now?’ And the Lance Corporal doesn’t seem worried by his presence at all, but he keeps the YY chromo in his peripherals just in case.

“So….” Grimm says breaking the silence and unfolding his arms. “A Xenomorph?” Addressing the Lance Corporal directly who stands.
“A Xenomorph…” Turock answers, Grimm hated the word, the fancy way of saying ‘Alien shaped thing.’ To him it was the nostalgia of dead teammates and the loss of three limbs, right now the proof of one of these is lying right on the table, the other three, an arm and two legs are attached to him. “That is correct.” Turock says glancing at the body of his commander then over toward Sarah who does not look back, the company agent hasn’t looked over since Billy arrived. The original plan was to pump her for information, but he knew from her reaction upon seeing the Corporal, her screaming, that ‘She knows nothing.’ The woman's head is held in her hands whilst she smokes. “We need a full regroup, right now…” Turock says facing Grimm. “Are Vasquez and Ratzach back yet?”
“That’s a no, you want me to get them on Comms, give them the heads up?”
Turock thinks for a second. ‘Vasquez is going to freak when she finds out about the Boss.’ With a nod “Get an ETA on their return and tell them to be on guard for a Xenomorph, standard tactical procedures to be followed immediately, this is not a drill…” Turock pauses. “You may have to repeat that to her.” ‘Everything is a joke to her at first.’ “And tell them to hustle but don’t mention the Corporal, I’ll tell her.” Turock knew how highly Vasquez thought of Plissken, the cliche father figure she never had and now he is gone, with her sister Janette KIA almost three years ago now. ‘She is not going to take this well.’ Then it hits him, the very fact that both of these people in her life have now perished under exacting circumstances. ‘Xenomorph infestation.’ Turock knew that this will be sure to not only cut at her deeper, but it will leave a gaping, weeping wound, prone to infection. Grimm moves, rounding the main desk he stops in front of Sarah.
“You good chick?” Grimm asks looking down at her.
“I…” Sarah says blowing smoke, she looks up at the marine.
“It’s going to be okay.” Grimm says, lying to her of course before looking over the radios in the pigeon holes behind the desk. “Which one of these is connected to the others. Vasquez and your company guy?”
“Erm…” Sarah says wiping her face. “None… None of them are, I was…” She stops and stares up at him.
“What is it?” Grimm asks
“I was… I was connected to the Corporal.” Having to say his rank brings back the images of his body and the blood that came with it, having followed behind the trail all the way into the office. Grimm looks over at the Lance Corporal who had heard her and in response moves over to the Corporal's side, a quick search of his body. “It’s not here… The Mess Hall?” Turock says, knowing where it is. “Go get the radio, brief the others and grab Elson.” Grimm nods at his orders then turns to Sarah, she almost looks worried for him, he nods trying to look reassuring but his face always shows an ounce of pain, always and he starts to leave the room when the “Roar!” Of a Pulse rifle burst gets all of their attention, everyone thinking the same thing.
‘Not again!’
“Woof, woof, woof.” The dog starts barking and everyone looks at everyone, then Grimm looks at Turock.
“That’s coming from the Infirmary…” Grimm says and with that Turock grabs his SMG with one hand whilst silencing the dog with the other.
“We need to get to him now... You.” Turock says pointing at Billy sitting in the doorway. “Get up your coming with us, and you.” Turock says pointing to the dog. “Stay here and guard the company lady.” He finishes pointing at her.
“Woof.” The dog barks and sits.
“Company lady.” Turock says turning without pointing. “Stay here, lock the door behind us and don’t move until we return.”
“You’re going to just leave me here… With the body? With that thing out there...” Sarah says arms out, cigarette ash falls.
“Trust me mam, you need to stay put.” Turock says, not wanting to tell her what he saw specifically, even if the evidence of what it can do is on full display next to all of them.
“He’s right.” Grimm says. “I know you can handle yourself, so do that from here.” Grimm unholsters his side arm and puts it on the desk. “Safeties off.”
Sarah looks at the pistol, this firearm is more her size than the rifle practised with Grimm earlier and she has used something similar on a company range back in the day. “Thank you.” Sarah says hoping. ‘They are right.’ And that she will be safe here. ‘With a dog.’ And she starts to smoke.
“Lets go, come on get up you right now.” Turock says to Billy as he gets to the doorway without slowing down, he knows how much danger Elson is in right now. ‘And he’s a Rookie.’
“Argh, Hey my arm man! Fuck.” Billy yells as the marine grabs him by that limb and pulls him up to his feet with ease as he passes, Grimm follows walking around the dog, he still looks at the canine confused about its presence before exiting through the doorway, he stops and turns in the hall. “You’ve got this.” Grimm says with a one finger salute, Sarah nods.
‘I’ve got this…’ Sarah repeats it in her head. ‘I’ve got this.’ And Grimm closes the door.
“Knock. Knock.” A two knuckle rap.
“Come lock this.” Grimm calls from the other side of the opaque glass before his distorted silhouette disappears from view and he rushes off down the corridor toward the Infirmary behind Turock and the YY chromo.
"The bitch is back" Ellen Ripley.
Topic Author
Posts: 135
Joined: Mon 04 Nov 2019, 23:51

Re: Aliens. Solo campaign play, Ongoing.

Tue 16 Jun 2020, 15:33

Fiorina. ‘Fury’ 161.
2183. December 05

Sarah leans into the chair, now back behind the superintendent's desk, the computer in front of her is still locked, the letter ‘A’ the only thing on screen. The monitor itself serves another purpose however, a barrier, the only thing between her and the view of the corpse on the other table. The dog that arrived with the marine is lying a few feet away from her, its head on its paws, eyes looking up at her, but Sarah has given the canine and its actual presence on Fury little thought, currently stumbling over pretty much every current negative event in her head. Smoking heavily, something she has not stopped doing since meeting the others and returning to the office, keeping the chain smoke going the company agent finishes one cigarette and flicks it before lighting another. The dog’s ears twitch and it lifts its head, turning to face the doorway, something Sarah fails to notice. “Ah…” And she jolts as a result, spinning in the chair when the sound of the door knob being turned hits her ears, then the door itself is bumped from the other side and the dog jumps up to its feet.
“Woof. Woof.” Barking twice and “Growling.” Holding the cigarette between her teeth she reaches for the pistol Grimm had left her. ‘Just in case.’ Heavier than she thought it would be she stands looking over at the door. Behind the thick opaque glass sits the blurry mess of a single silhouette. ‘Someones here?’ Thinking that. ‘It could not be the marines?’ They only just left. ‘Unless they forgot something?’ Spitting the cigarette. “Who is it?” Sarah asks, voice shaky even as she tries to keep it firm.
“Miss Foster?” Her name called as the door knob is tried again and she recognises the voice immediately on the other side. It’s the other company agent on site.
‘Mr Black.’ A shred of relief with the thought of his return. ‘Maybe together we can make sense of this.’ Putting the pistol down she rushes across the room, the dog follows behind her as she arrives, unlocks and opens the door to meet the man standing slightly out of breath, face blank, not the usual smile behind the generic company glasses he always wears, which are also missing from the usual picture.
“Did you see the others out there?” Sarah asks thinking. ‘Maybe they had passed one another.’
“Nope.” Mr Black says as he enters and loosens his tie, one step into the room and he pauses spotting the body and then the dog blocking his way, it just stands there looking back up at him and he raises an eyebrow. The animal’s head falls low and it “Whines.” Backing up, heckles slightly raised.
“It’s okay…” Sarah says pointing at herself. “He’s with us.” Pointing at him then back to herself but the dog does not listen and continues to back away slowly. Eyeing the animal briefly and remembering that he had in fact heard barking in the ventilation network with the marines, taking another step forward he stops completely, the tie in each hand almost undone, eyes returning to the corpse lying there, both settle over the Corporal’s body on the table. “Oh…” Mr Black says but his face does not change as he looks down at the blood trail on the floor, the one that led all the way here and had begun back at the Hexo-Junction, he finishes removing his tie and begins to fold it.
“Oh?” Sarah slams the door and locks it quick, turning with the look of... ‘Is that it?’ All over her face. “He’s dead… The Corporal is dead.” She continues with one hand held out toward the body without looking that way. “A Xenomorph did this.” Even saying it isn’t helping with the fact. ‘A Xenomorph?’ Putting her head in her hands for a moment and Mr Black finishes folding his tie. The man says nothing, instead he moves, passing around the dog and crossing the room, tie folded neatly in one hand until he gets to the main desk and takes a seat, pulling up close to the computer, tossing his tie aside.
“Miss Foster.” Mr Black says and the hairs on the back of her neck dance. “Just give me a moment.” His tone cold, emotionless, almost like the working Joe's and then he begins to type on the keyboard of the computer as if he had full access and then he starts to read something on the screen, she could tell because he leans forward and squints at the computer monitor, a quirk she has noticed since working with him but only with the older displays.
“How did you?” Sarah asks and starts to cross the room.
“I’m going to have to ask you to stop...” Mr black says without looking and she does. “Yeah, right about there.”
“What is it?” Sarah asks, afraid of any possibility and that's when she notices the gun she had placed on the table is now missing.
“Eyes only. Above your clearance. The proverbial... Classified Information.” Mr Black says all this again without taking a single eye of the screen in front of him, just casually reading whatever this information is on display. Sarah, lost for words, does not know what to say.

(Sorry its late and so short, its my birthday today so been busy for once, got a few new Rpg books too so my brain is scattered across multiple in game universes, but I'm sure it will settle and I'll get back on track as normal at some point. Thank you for reading, hope everyone is safe and sound.)
Last edited by wendal on Tue 11 Aug 2020, 20:19, edited 1 time in total.
"The bitch is back" Ellen Ripley.
Topic Author
Posts: 135
Joined: Mon 04 Nov 2019, 23:51

Re: Aliens. Solo campaign play, Ongoing.

Wed 01 Jul 2020, 01:42

Fiorina. ‘Fury’ 161.
2183. December 05

Boots. “Thumping” on metal grates is the only sound in the compound right now, heavy drum beat echoes thrown ahead and behind. Grimm sprints down the corridor at top speed, slipping past another synthetic in his way as he continues annoyed by the constant incoming hurdles, the marines and the convict have been forced to get around all of the working Joe’s, synths that fill each and every hallway in the facility, now an obstacle course of synthetics standing there frozen in place, LED eyes glowing red, tools still in hand and inactive. ‘Wasted time.’ Having to move around them, Grimm is ahead of the other’s though, he himself having passed the halfway mark with the other two men lagging behind him by about that. Their pace ignored, flashes of the young marines face are followed by the thoughts of what a Xenomorph will do to it. ‘Shred it to pieces.’ Is one of many possibilities, especially one capable of killing a veteran like Plissken. Grimm knows better than anyone that the current situation he is in, is. ‘Not good… Kids got no chance.’ The marine twists as he moves between two more working Joe's, one of their tools “Scraping” his armoured chest plate before he has to leap over some large, very thick, metal encased tubes. All three of his cloned limbs are starting to get that stiff feeling, the weight off his own body, his armour, weapons and kit, all of it feels like it’s resting on both of his legs, that creeping nag of addiction calls, irritated by the thoughts of the. ‘Horror…’ Killing his marines all over again. With that notion in mind, Grimm picks up the pace, ignoring the limbs that he knows are not his own, he can feel it in their bones, artificially grown in some vat, the very fact that he is not as quick as he used to be simply adds to the weight of it.

Turock further down the hall is having to forcibly drag the YY Chromo Billy along behind him, this is the only thing slowing the fastest marine in the entire squad down, and it is ‘vexing’ him to no end. Still holding onto the YY, the convict's body slams into the wall on one side of the hall. “Just stop…” Turock says, yanking him again and he pulls back slamming into the other wall, this time landing in the middle of two of the inert synthetics still doing nothing.
“Alright.. Get.. off me…” Billy meekly claws at the marines iron tight fist gripping the scruff of his overalls with just that one hand. “I can... walk myself.” He spits pushing off of the working Joe’s either side but Turock holds him in place for a moment and stares at him.
“Then do it, now... This is not a joke.” Turock says, the marine moving the YY ahead of himself. “Come on.” And Billy begins to trudge along the corridor in front, one hand under his overalls, clutching the flesh of his chest, the same pain as before that has followed him since the ducts is pulsing, a pinch of agony, an acid re-flux from hell. “Pick up the pace.” Turock says, giving him a nudge and it makes that sensation simmering inside his torso so much worse.
“Ah!” Billy cries but the marine ignores it, not wanting to leave the convict in the vicinity of the company agent, which is the only reason he is being forced to tag along. Turock, having witnessed first hand what this thing can do, is already preparing for the possible blood bath up ahead. “Move.” Turock says trying to get him to go faster, pushing Billy from behind some more.
“..Fuc..” Billy barely says as Turocks hand comes down to rest on his shoulder, he then pushes him forward. “Hey sh…” Until the pair are moving along almost up to a light jog. “What’s?…” Billy is shoved again shutting him up and picking up the pace a little more, now Turock felt like he was covering some ground, getting closer to the young marine, what is worrying him the most is that they have not heard any more gunshots, a single shot is the exact number the Corporal managed to take before. ‘That thing!’ Punched a hole in his skull, killing him instantly, the man dead before he hit the floor, even the shots Turock got off were completely wasted, a rage burst of Submachine gunfire that hit nothing but pipework, he had to watch as the Xenomorph that killed the Corporal slipped away, all but unharmed.
‘Only if I… No!’ Turock slams the regret into nothing, he knew there was no time for it right now.
“It’s hard to breathe…” Billy croaks.
“Keep moving.” Turock replies, the convicts welfare the last thing on his mind outside of him or anyone else being killed by a Xenomorph threat, with his hand still on his shoulder Turock pushes, forcing him forward, noting the YY is particularly out of breath, sweating a lot and they have not really been running that long.

Grimm passes through a patch of darkness along the hall, one of the bulbs on the wall is out and his mind dips into the nightmares he thought he knew he was about to run into because of it. Nightmares he has had to run into before, scars both inside and out because of it. ‘So much blood…’ The faint echo of “Screaming” In both ears and he is a little unsure as to whether it is in his head, or coming from somewhere up ahead and neither, is a good thing. Moving round a group of Joe’s, the work crew surrounding whatever it is they were working on before going offline, passing the bunch on his right he has to tuck into the wall to get by the last of them before breaking back into a run, then sprint. Up ahead Grimm spots the right hand turn, the one that leads to the Infirmary where Elson is, and the gunshot came from. With just a couple of synths in the middle of the corridor Grimm has to dodge around them quickly to get back on track, as always he easily passes them by, then it’s just a few more yards ahead. Someone steps out in front and it is not Elson, forcing him to slide to a stop, recognising the YY, William Allen, the one he and Elson had detained earlier, then his thoughts shift to the things this convict could have done to the kid. There is a pause, William turns and locks eyes with the marine, Grimm reaches for the Pulse Rifle slung behind him, bringing it up and on target before the YY can move. ‘Centre mass.’ “HANDS! LEMME SEE THOSE HANDS” Grimm screams and the YY almost cart wheels over himself, arms up, hands flailing about as if either palm could stop a single bullet, face in total shock.
“DON'T YOU MOVE, DON'T YOU FUCKING MOVE!” Grimm screams some more, William at this point has backed up completely against the wall.
“Hey… Wait… Wo..” William tries to say whilst looking off to his left as if for help. Then Elson bursts out into the open, arms out as he puts himself between Grimm's aim and the YY's body behind, being taller the convict has to duck down, even then his bald head still pokes out.
“No… No we’re good here.” The Rookie says waving his arms in protest. “He’s good.”

Grimm lowers his weapon, very much relieved to see the young marine unharmed, not so much the YY, but neither emotion shows on his face at all. Elson however had the look of ‘Thank fuck.’ With a heavy serving of ‘Fear’ Splashed across his young face, not just his but Williams too, poking up and out from behind the Rookie, equally as terrified, a hardened criminal shaken and panicked by something they have both obviously seen.
“...Sir…” The Rookie nods.
“You good.” Grimm asks, raising his hand with his typical two finger, half assed salute.
“Er... I think so?” The Rookie replies, voice flaky, not the usual confident little soldier he always appears to be.
“HE’S OKAY.” Grimm shouts back the other way, tossing his words further down the corridor behind him, looking over his shoulder he can see Turock and the other convict now catching up, the Lance Corporal raises his arm letting him know that he heard him. “Sitrep?” Grimm asks.
“Erm…” The Rookie pauses, clearly trying to figure out how he is going to word whatever it is that he wants to say. “You're not going to believe this…” He continues looking back at William who “Coughs.”
“Try me.” Grimm says, knowing there is not much that he could possibly say that would shock him, experience with Xenomorphs grants the silent few that survive a certain sort of clarity in that regard. The Rookies arm comes up, finger pointing down the corridor and toward the Infirmary.
“It… It came right at me.” The young marine looks at the floor, the hand that was outstretched he pulls close, acting the part of whatever attacked him. “He saw it.” Elson points at William with his other hand who nods stepping out from behind him.
“Elson…” “Click” Grimm snaps his fingers under the Rookies face and draws his gaze up and off the floor. “Where is it now?” The million dollar question.
“How did you…”
“Where. Is. It. Now?” Grimm asks again and for the first time his tone shifts into something the Rookie has not heard before, not since meeting him or working with him, a cold and raspy tone with no emotion.
“Dead.” The Rookie says.
‘Wait.’ “What?” Grimm says his voice snapped back to normal.
“It’s dead… I killed it, whatever it was.” The Rookie says.
“Was a hell of a shot too.” Williams' voice echoes from behind the young marine but Grimm pays him no mind, instead he is a little shocked that the Rookie is telling him.
“The Xenomorph is dead.”
“Really? Is that what it was….” Both hands come up, fingers pointing down. “Here? I don’t remember that in the briefing... And I read all of the company data.” The Rookie replies.
“That’s because it wasn’t in the briefing.” Grimm says turning back as the foot falls of Turock and the other convict gets closer.
“Well it’s dead.” The Rookie tells him again and it still doesn’t sit right with Grimm at all.
‘Too easy.’ Is all he can think. ‘Deja vu.’ With his own past. “Show me.” Grimm says.
“MOTHERFUCKER!” Billy shouts and Grimm turns back around a little confused.
“Is that?” William leans down. “Billy, you rat fuck… How is he still alive, I saw one of those things.” William says, he himself now pointing toward the infirmary. “Was on his face when I saw him last.” The YY’s words add more to the pile of confusion in Grimm's head, knowing already that if what killed the Corporal was on the convicts face behind him, there would not be much of it left.
‘And that’s also what just attacked them in the Infirmary?’ “Somethings not right.” Grimm says but his words are overshadowed.
“Cough.” “YOU LEFT ME TO DIE!” Billy screams, Grimm is slammed, shoved aside as Billy charges past him going for William.
“Come On!” The other YY taunts.
“I guess we’re doing this now.” Grimm says as he reaches for Billy.
"The bitch is back" Ellen Ripley.
Topic Author
Posts: 135
Joined: Mon 04 Nov 2019, 23:51

Re: Aliens. Solo campaign play, Ongoing.

Thu 16 Jul 2020, 02:08

Fiorina. ‘Fury’ 161.
2183. December 05

Meanwhile, far away, in one of the facility's correctional unit’s, further back into the compound. “Ah…..” Jolting awake, the top half of his body lifts forward, empty cans of alcohol and tins of food avalanche “Rattling” and rolling off his chest, one stops on the bulge of a large gut before falling down too. “Clanking.” With the rest of them all piled up around him. “What the..?” Head pounding, surrounded by darkness and an almost silence causes. ‘Confusion?’
Then “Snoring.” Loud too, as if a large warthog lay opposite him in the dark and it is the only other sound at the moment, right now, he cannot see where it is coming from. ‘My light.’ Then he remembers he actually has one of those and his hand reaches up to the side of his head, with a “click” and blinding flash, the room is illuminated in full by the torch on the mount above his field of view, the room in fact a barren prison cell, other than the two YY chromo occupants and their individual litter, scattered paraphernalia, empty cans of alcohol and tins of food.
“Shhhh….. Jesus….” The YY chromo who was sleeping opposite him forced awake, both hands come up to cover his face trying to block out the light. “Ed…. Man what the fuck?”
“Forgot where I was for a moment…” Ed replies, struggling to sit up, he uses the cement slab poking out of the wall to move all the way until upright. “Thought I was back in the lock up.” Ed leans forward stretching.
“Probably doesn’t help that we chose this place to rest up.” The YY gestures to the room, one of many cells in the ward the pair of convicts are scanning and have finished scanning.
“Yeah.” Ed says rubbing his perfectly bald head, fingers almost touching the bar code on the back of his head. “Wait, what time is it?” Lifting his arm with the wrist attachment to the tech he is wearing, one hand slides back his sleeve to reveal the digital display for the spectro-graph, his vision goes against him, blurring anything readable into a mess. “Whats the time.” Ed asks, putting his arm down in defeat.
“You were literally looking at it?” The YY opposite croaks.
“Don’t be a fucking dick, my eyes are all fucked.” Ed says moving his hand, fingers tapping the empty cans of drink at his side, blaming the booze, when in fact his partner has suspected he needs prescription glasses for a while now. The other YY sits up and parallels the motion Ed took, he checks his spectro-graphs wrist attachment in a smoother motion and with his other hand and an index finger he taps on the digital display, first with intent, then frustration and multiple times, the YY staring at it clearly confused.
“Huh… That’s weird.”
“Well don’t say something like that and then fucking pause.” Ed says.
“It’s not working?”
“What do you mean?” Ed replies trying again to look at his own. ‘Nope.’ Still a blur.
“It’s frozen, just a capital ‘A on display’?” He says confused, lifting his wrist and turning it to face Ed.
“If I can’t see mine from here, what the fuck makes you think I can see yours from here…”
“My bad.” He says lowering his wrist. “Well it’s stuck on that anyway.”
“Is it broken?” Ed says.
“I don’t think so… Maybe when we switched off all those alerts we tripped something?”
“No, we did that because of all those false positives, remember? That’s what the Joe’s called them, all those loud beeps were because of all the damn rats moving around in these parts.”
“Yeah that was it.”

“Weren’t the Joe's supposed to wake us up the bastards?” Ed asks.
“Er… Yeah?”
“You can’t even remember can you.” Ed tells him in that tone that told him he did not need to reply. “Where are those stupid fucking things?” Ed lifts himself up leaning forward looking towards the thick iron door still partially closed, torch beam escaping between the single crack. “I can’t even hear them working out there anymore do you.” Ed finishes speaking then brings the beam of light back around and into his partner's face, who again raises both hands to protect his eyes.
“I can’t hear a thing.” The other con says looking away but this time he switches on his head mount and returns to face Ed with a light of his own.
“Yeah…” Ed says the sudden flash of light blinding and cutting him off for a moment. “How long have we been asleep for.”
“Beats me…” The other YY says as he gets up. “Last thing I remember is some Indian guy, like from one of them western Holo-movies.” And he looks at Ed wondering. ‘Was that a dream or was I just well pissed.’
“No…. Weren't even that drunk.” Ed says as he struggles to stand, again using the stone slab beside him to get up. “I remember, he was a marine. There’s supposed to be a full squad plodding about the compound... No doubt because of people like us.” Pointing at himself then his partner. “Saw some right fuck ups among our number, think I even saw that rat faced prick Billy.” Eds faces folds into a negative with the thoughts of some of his prior forced neighbours within the very place he is standing.
“Do you think the working Joe’s have left?”
“Wouldn’t matter if they did, we are done here anyways, no more doors or blockages to contend with. Moving onto the ventilation system next, and this ones gonna be a bitch if I remember, some of those tunnels we used back then weren’t known to be as easily accessible as all of the others up there.” Ed says this and his face remains the same bunch of negative wrinkles and lines.
“I remember.” The other con says and his tone is one of frustration. “I wasn’t looking forward to this part.”
“Its’ where the big money is though... And we are banking that shit! Now grab your stuff, we are out of here.” Ed says and turns, the large portly built YY stumbles about, torch on his head a search light, illuminating the corner where his Seegson survival pack was and still is. By the time Ed is kitted up and ready to roll the other YY is all done and waiting for him, a Seegson Boltgun in hand. “Why do you have that out?” Ed says making a move for the cell door.
“What… Come on, you remember how to rig these puppies.” The YY behind him smiles as he steps back, Ed grabs the iron door and opens it up fully then exits the cell followed by his partner. Walking out onto the balcony, four floors high up and surrounded in darkness, the pair of torches the only light, Ed moves to the edge and peers down over the railing.
“Ooookay?” Ed mutters, looking down below, his beam of light hitting the first of the working Joes pale bald heads, similar to the pairs own, all perfectly smooth, although theirs is due to laser treatment not rubber skin, looking around reveals more, each of the synthetics assigned to them are frozen in place. “What’s up with them?” Ed asks, the YY himself then spotting each pair of their LED eyes. “Their eyes are red now…”
“They're not moving.” The other YY says joining his side.
“You noticed that did you.” Ed says turning to him momentarily.
The Boltgun “Clangs” On the metal railing with another head mount and separate beam of light revealing the exact same thing below. “Beats me.” More synthetics locked in place, tools still in hand but none of them are moving to use them. “Do you think we should go down there?”
“What, why? We aint getting paid to baby sit a bunch of fucking tin cans.” Ed says returning to look back down at them all. “Come on, fuck them.” He moves from the railing and begins walking, passing by more jail cells, metal doors open, each of them have already been scanned by their spectro-graphs. “Maybe they are rebooting or something.” Ed says.
“I dont think thats how synthetics work.” The YY following behind him says, looking down. 'What the?' He stops and there are a few strides more between them before it registers as an insult to Ed.

“Don’t you think I know that.” Ed growls as his partner bends down, he stops walking, a jail cell full of darkness on his right, one finger pointed towards his head as he turns until he is facing his partner in full. "What the fuck is that?" Ed asks completely sidelining the bout of anger he was going to toss the YY's way.
"Beats.... Me...." The YY lifts what looks like a slime covered plastic bag, some of it unfurls as it rises and the smell hits him. "Gag." Lifting it higher blocks Ed from view, the YY's torch shining right through it, some odd patterns and ribs. 'Like a condom?' The smell and that thought however is 'Too much!' Dropping the disgusting slimey sheet with a "Splat!" This reveals Ed on the other side, his face screwed up and as grossed out as his own, before Ed can speak, a darkness within the jail cell moves.
‘Something large?’ A black long dome shape glistening in the light from the YY’s head mount opposite for only a moment, then red, a shower of it explodes from the side of Eds head, chunks splatter all over the railing, falling down below as the black thing slinks back into the jail cell, disappearing from view.
“What the fuck! The YY screams as Ed falls to its knees, the rest of him follows forward and his body rolls on that large gut forcing his face to slam down harder than it should. “Thud!” Right onto the metal grates, blood begins to trickle between the squared slats and enough of it that his partner can hear every drop. ‘Rain.’ Before he can think or move or blink the same black thing that just killed Ed comes launching out of the cell and into the light, the bio mechanical horror now in full display before him. It stands over the corpse splattering red and takes a bipedal stance, it’s glisten’s, it’s slick polarized skin is near black in tone, a bladed prehensile tail waves gentle behind it, two sets of six-fingered hands with enlarged nails gently scratch the metal beneath its bulk, pronounced ribs, these solid ridges leading up to a translucent to opaque smooth-domed shaped head. Its metallic, toothy mouth seethes crimson bubbles, viscous fluid mixes with chunks of Ed’s brain matter, blood spilling from its maw, the creature releases a loud predatory “HISSSS!” The convict doesn’t even get a chance to scream as the terror launches at him, his vision blurs and everything goes upside down before he hits the metal grates beneath him hard. "Thud, Crunch!" And the "Bang" of the Boltgun hitting the floor, before the pain can even register his skull has suffered the same fate as ‘Ed.’ His partner and long time friend, his boot is the last thing in view, then darkness, his skull shattered, a crimson shower decorates everything, especially the monster, the Xenomorph relishing in the kill, playing in the blood like a puppy in a puddle, then it digs in, it's second jaw taking chunks from the still warm corpse and bringing it back to its throat.

‘Well, these things are lethal! The Xeno ambushed the first YY, okay, rolled for initiative, the Xeno acted first, what a surprise, still I thought... ‘What are the chances?’ And boom a ‘6!’ and that’s a ‘Double kill.’ By the new drone, Xenomorph running around, thought that was going to last a little longer, I had even planned the YY’s escape out, diving over the railing and below, but the dice do what they do and two YY chromo inmates are dead because of it. Thanks for reading and as always hope everybody is safe and sound’.
"The bitch is back" Ellen Ripley.
Topic Author
Posts: 135
Joined: Mon 04 Nov 2019, 23:51

Re: Aliens. Solo campaign play, Ongoing.

Mon 20 Jul 2020, 23:36

Fiorina. ‘Fury’ 161.
2183. December 05.

“Son of a...” Grimm curses as his hand snaps shut on air, missing Billy completely as he charges past on a collision course with William, the other YY shoves the small marine, the Rookie in front of him to the side, clearing the space and raising his fists with a smile.
“Come on.” William taunts. Billy stumbles a little, arm whipping round from behind his back in one wide swing, but William deflects it with his forearm and the two men collide back into the wall.
“Argh….” Billy growls.
“Fuck you.” William spits past his face, Turock a few steps behind Billy as well as those few seconds, he passes Grimm and slams into the back of the YY, the two men already in a scuffle causes the choke hold he is attempting to fail, Billy’s body instead forces him back and away from them. The Rookie charges in from the side lowering himself, clearly going in for a tackle of some sort, William turns as the young marine collides with the pair of YY’s and almost bounces off of them, taking Williams elbow to the face as a result and he stumbles back holding his nose.
‘Enough of this shit!’ Grimm dives into the melee and with his boot already raised he heaves the moment it connects with the closest of the two.
“Oooooofh!” Billy moans, the air forced from his lungs, shoved hard from the side and sent staggering from directly in front of William, breaking the hold they had on each other and separating the brawl in one move.
“Now stop fucking around!” Grimm barks, finger pointing right at him.
“Cough… Nah.” Billy grunts and charges again, with the same wide swing as before, William turns to greet it, raising his arm just like the last time, the blow glances off his forearm and into the side of his head, punching him in the ear.
“Fuck!” William moans. Turock watches the commotion combusting right in front of him for a few heartbeats, no less before he decides on his next course of action, mostly out of frustration that not one of the marines is getting a handle on the situation, even himself. The entire corridor explodes in one almighty “ROOOOAAAAR!” Half a clip of Pulse SMG rounds rip up into the ceiling above them all, debris and scrap showers down, Grimm is the only one of them that does not flinch, instead he turns toward the source of it, the others cup their ears and lower themselves in a panic like most people do, even the Rookie has let go of his nose, revealing that it is bleeding a tad. Turock releases the trigger and the last round of that gesture tears up and away leaving nothing but holes in the ceiling and a bunch of ear’s seriously “Ringing.” Constantly so.

“Do I have your attention?” Turock says, lowering his weapon from above his head, the barrel smoking a little as he slings the SMG behind him, taking a mental note that he is ‘Half a mag down, and one from earlier.’ “Whatever issue you two have with each other, you are more than welcome to hash it out.” Turock says calmly, everyone else catching their breaths, loudly too, all of them out of sync with each other. The two YY’s look at one another, but only the tallest, William stands. “But not here.” Turock says pointing at the ground. “Whilst the CMC is in charge of security on Fury.” Turock points to each of them. “None of this is happening... If you two want to fight, take it outside.” The marine points that way, the stretch of corridors that lead toward the exit. “Next one too swing a punch is getting locked up, I’m sure you can find your old cell, if not we can look it up for you.” Turock says and neither of the two men move, both of them are now thinking pretty much the same thing.
Being ‘Trapped, locked in a tight space with a monster running around the compound.’ Although both their definitions of a monster differ drastically, for the moment.
‘Fuck that.’ “Alright… Cough.” Billy’s definition brings about his decision faster than the other and with him finally backing down so does William. Literally slumping down into the ground, leaning against the wall, sweating profusely and unlike the others now Billy is still struggling to catch his breath. Then that trickle, that tickle coming from his nose and he knew that when he touches it, he will pull two fingers back up into the light and both of them. ‘Would be.’ And are ‘Red…’ Wiping them clean. ‘When did I get hit?’ That thought confused him since nowhere else on him really hurt, other than the on again off again pain in his chest, clutching it with one hand. ‘Hurts…’
“Nice.” Grimm nods at the Lance Corporal, Turock stands there looking at the two YY’s, then moves.
“You.” Turock says pointing at William. “Over there.” Then to a space next to the other YY. “I meant what I said.” Turock says before taking his attention off them both entirely and onto Elson, the Rookie back to holding his bleeding nose with both hands. Sliding along the opposite wall William moves next to Billy.
“This... Ain’t over.” Billy mutters looking up, face just as screwed up.
“Good.” William smiles. “Still got to pay you back for this.” William says pointing at the grubby, blood stained fabric around his throat.
“Wish I had just finished you off.” Billy growls.
“You and me both dickhead.” William scoffs, both YY chromo inmates pissed at the missed opportunities when they had them.
‘Fuck!’ “Bang.” All heads turn as Billy’s fist hits the wall beside him. “I’m good, I’m good.” Waving one hand the marines way in some wasted gesture of peace.
“Your nose is bleeding.” William smiles.
“FUCK....” Billy raises his voice, the marines turning once more forces a pause. “Fuck you.” Billy says in a lesser tone.

Eyes off of the other two. “You good lad, let me take a look.” Turock says tilting the Rookies helmet up and his head back, his hands in the way follow the pain.
“Ah, Yeah.” The Rookie says with a nod. “I’m fine.” Words coming out from behind his fingers.
“Pinch the top of your nose.” Turock says moving one of Elson’s hands that is cupping his face out of the way. “Ah, it’s not broken.” The lance Corporal says and pats him on the shoulder pauldron. “Right... What were you shooting at?” Turock asks. ‘Straight to business?’ This being the only reason that they had all rushed over here in the first place, not so much Billy but that’s neither here nor there.
“A Xenomorph.” But the words don’t come out from behind the Rookie’s hand that is up to his face, instead Turock turns to Grimm who instead spoke for him. “And it’s dead…” Grimm says, still shocked himself at that notion.
‘Dead…’ Turock says in his head half cocked, needing to take that in again. “Dead?” He says now asking them, then just the Rookie. “Dead?”
“Yeah.” The Rookie says while nodding as if it was no big deal, this rubs Turock the wrong way, the same way it had rubbed Grimm when he heard the same fact.
‘How?’ Is Turock’s first thought, he had seen this thing up close and bloody personally, and it had been no walk in the park, the Xeno hit him harder than a Powerloader during their initial meet, knocking him off his feet before it killed the Corporal in one hit. ‘From whatever that was in its mouth?’ Flashes of a savage second jaw punching into Plissken's helmet and he tries to forget them.
“It’s in the Infirmary.” The Rookie says all nasally, pinching the bridge of his nose with one hand, the minor blood flow has slowed to a stop, he turns to face that way.
“Show me.” Turock says.
“What about these two.” Grimm asks and the pair turn to face the two men.
‘These two can’t be left alone together.’ With that notion. “One of you is coming with us, I don’t care which.” Turock orders.
“I’m coming…. Either way.” Billy says, still breathing heavy. “Ain’t Cough! Leaving... Me defenceless, not happening.” He finishes the struggled sentence.
“Yeah… Hate to agree with him, but I’m not staying here on my own.” William says.
“Fine, both of you are coming.” Turock says and with a look he tells Grimm to keep an eye on them which he replies to with a half assed two fingered salute. “Let's move.”
"The bitch is back" Ellen Ripley.
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Posts: 135
Joined: Mon 04 Nov 2019, 23:51

Re: Aliens. Solo campaign play, Ongoing.

Fri 07 Aug 2020, 23:50

Fiorina. ‘Fury’ 161.
2183. December 05.

Eight look’s down once more at the dark burgundy patches between his feet and along the floor panels, fleshy lumps mixed into the trail that glisten in the fluorescent light of the bulbs along the halls walls, the YY follows them with two fingers, walking the air in front of him, dancing behind the two marines in single file ahead. Ratzach is still positioned between the convict and his partner, ever since she decided she wanted the gap kept between them.
“This...” Vasqeuz says but not too the convict, speaking to Ratzach alone, without looking back and raising the blood stained helmet in her hand, again. “Isn’t good.” She says, lowering it. “Joder!”
“Yeah…” Ratzach booms, the fact that he is agreeing with her out loud just confirms the severity of this all even more, something that began only moments ago, before heading off down this main hall to get back to the central compound. Passing through the eventual Hexo-Junction now behind, it was obvious to each of them upon arrival in that area. ‘Something had gone down.’ Something very bad. Amongst the smell of burnt hair, light dust clouds kicked up from beneath the grates and a static field or two, Vasqeuz recognised the ‘Rushed, cut job.’ Floor panels scorched, those telltale mechanical torch marks, sections bent in and pulled up, then there was another, a large panel missing completely, ‘Smashed out of its holdings.’ The ruined thick nuts and bolts aside, only a corner of the large floor panel still remained. ‘Bent upwards?’ The rest of it severely dented and sent flying down the opposite corridor. That is when they found the large pool of blood and the helmet with a hole punched into it, sat in that same pool of blood, all of this was further up and away from the hole in the floor. Now, all of that alone is a ‘Shit show positive.’ Even for her, but with the gunshots she heard it it's obvious there was a ‘Firefight?’ Of sorts, Vasqeuz looks at the ‘Corporals helmet.’ His helmet unlike other marines is not decorated in the typical CMC fashion, that personalised flair most marines tend to eventually add, Plissken's is simply old and worn from constant use, easily recognisable and right now she is currently holding it, it not being where it is supposed to be. ‘On his head.’ The helmet is smothered in claret too, the hole punched right into the top of it seared into the back of her eyelids, every time she blinks she sees it and it’s too much for her delicate denial to keep up with, unavoidably following blood, the same blood leading back towards the central facility is not helping matters. ‘And something else.’ The first large patch of red where this all began, it came with slimy lumps, chunks of something wet and she tries so hard not to put the glaring two and two together. ‘Helmet, head injury.’ Equals... ‘Brains!’ Vasqeuz has to stop for a moment as her stomach slips with the thought. ‘No….’ It literally. ‘Cannot be.’ Way too hard to believe... “Try the radio again.” Vasqeuz says and Ratzach catches up to her as she turns around, swinging the Smart Gun round without stopping and he places a large hand out to stop it for her. ‘She looks concerned.’ Stopping the weapon and meeting her gaze, Ratzach can see that much all over her face. ‘Things don’t look good right now.’
Raising the Comms device to his mouth, way above her head which she follows.‘Hoping…’
“Boss… Come in?” Ratzach booms but he is met with the same answer they received before. A “Static” Nothing, making his partner's concern peak and that rattle of anxiety within her follows. “Boss…” Moving the radio down and lightly shaking his head. ‘No.’ Again.
“We are within range, someone should be on the other end.” Vasqeuz snaps, shaking her body all over before continuing to march on, this time a little faster than before and everyone else has to pick up the pace to keep up. “Especially... if there has been a major incident…” Vasqeuz says now jogging, the Smart Gun Rig making allowances for the forced march with subtle “Whirrs.” Vasqeuz knows however that this cannot be sustained for long, pushing it to its utmost limit until. ‘Finally.’ Up ahead Vasqeuz spots the junction and the beginnings of the central compound come into view, the various rooms and partitions sitting behind shatterproof glass that lead into the central hub areas. ‘Just a right turn and then a straight sprint to the infirmary.’ This much she knew. ‘Where the Corporal will be sitting, smoking…’ This much she wasn't so sure of, looking down, more ‘Blood.’ Shaking her head free of any possibilities, getting closer now Vasqeuz notes the working Joe's partially in sight are standing still and not doing anything, two of them on the corner holding tools and equipment, LED eyes glowing. ‘Que? Red?’ A reminder. ‘Blood… The Corporal!’ “No.” Vasqeuz mutters, putting on the brakes, her boots slide her to a stop and she lifts the Smartgun with one arm, shifting it upright to pass by the working Joe frozen on the spot to her left .

All of them arrive at the larger main hall, lengths of crisscrossed glass along that section and some doors, only the YY among them is hunched over out of breath, the marines instinctively follow the blood trail and it continues on down the left passage, carrying on further down that way. ‘Toward the office?’ Vasqeuz wonders. ‘Who?’ Still battling with the thought, Ignoring the fact she has the damaged blood soaked evidence in her hands of a possible. ‘Who? No!’ She looks right, nothing, no blood that way just working Joe’s not working.
“What’s… With… The Joe’s?” Eight struggles between breaths to say waving his hand in front of one rubber face. “Are they... Sleeping?” He continues clicking his fingers, this time in front of the red LED hue from a pair of pale eye sockets before leaning on the synthetic, it does not move, solid as rock, still as a statue. Vasqeuz smirks, pausing and holding that smirk for a moment before turning to her partner, looking straight up at Ratzach, the large marine facing her way, already waiting for an order.
“Everything else and now the Joe’s?” Vasqeuz nods with the notion giving the order. ‘Let's Rock!’ The marines separate. “Something has fucked up somewhere.” She finishes, it’s glaringly obvious at this point, as much as her mind is trying to sugar coat it. Putting their backs to each other and tucking into the walls, both of them looking down opposite corridors, each filled with frozen synthetics, Eight just stands there between them looking confused.
“What’s happening?” Eight says scratching his bar code, he of course is ignored as he has been since pissing present company well and truly off, the only female present company among them anyway. Vasqeuz herself tries to take in everything asking herself the same distracting question. “What is happening?’ But not out loud as to not agree with the convict, these thoughts stop immediately when she spots movement all the way further down the corridor, almost too far, flicking the eyepiece over her face, the digital display kicks in and immediately tags two moving targets. ‘Blue…’ The outline around them. ‘Friendlies.’ Not just any friendlies either. ‘Corporate Agents.’ The only thing keeping the Smart Gun in her hands from honing in on either one of them and positioning itself for a perfect shot is that fact, but she can clearly see Mr Black and Sarah Foster, both of them having just exited the office rather rapidly before walking off in the other direction. ‘Is he?’ Zooming in with a finger tap. ‘Dragging her along?’ Because that’s what it looks like but the pair move behind a group of Joe's before she can get a better read on the situation. ‘What in the shit is happening?’ Knowing neither of them should be walking around without a CMC chaperone, now more than ever with. ‘Whatever the hell is actually occurring?’ But there they are, the pair of them walking off into the distance. ‘No point in calling out.’ Vasqeuz pans the sight back to where they came out of, the office door, then down to the floor and the blood trail that leads right into it. ‘Whoever is injured is in there or was in there.’ “I’ve got movement.” Vasqeuz finally says back to her partner, Ratzach turns his head then moves, whipping past the oblivious YY chromo he slams into the wall behind a synthetic opposite.
“What you got?” Ratzach asks.
“Two friendlies, the Corpos. They just came out of the office and rushed off up that way.” Vasqeuz replies looking at him, the large marines Pulse Rifle resting over the shoulder of the working Joe he towers over. “The blood leads all the way into the office.” She nods down toward it without looking, shifting the digital eyepiece away from her face and taking a long breath, almost a sigh.
“You want to go check it out?” Ratzach says and she smirks, turning to look toward the office.
“Si.” Vasqeuz replies, she has to know, gripping the straps of the helmet in her hand she raises the other and points forward. “Let’s move.” And she is the first to take up a position before marching forward.
“Ergh good luck with that shit, I’m gonna take off.” Eight says from behind them. “Not getting paid to hang around with marines all day.’’ Watching their armoured backs as they continue on without looking or replying and he shifts his gaze to the only female, licks his lips and frowns a dirty frown. ‘Another time lass…’ With that notion Eight heads of the other way in search of. ‘Something to eat.’ Perhaps.
“Good Riddance.” Vasqeuz says glancing at Ratzach beside her, her smirk intensified hearing the man behind them is gone, moving down the hall the marines part briefly so they can walk around a group of working Joe’s unhindered, the synths grouped around an exposed ceiling module, the way Vasqeuz passes, to the right, is. ‘Of course.’ Also the same path the blood is on, she tries to avoid looking at it as they get closer to the office, the door to which is on the right. Vasqeuz arrives first, Ratzach takes up position at the door, ducking down a bit for his height, she looks down, the blood leads right in and she steps raising her weapon thinking of ‘Knocking.’ Before placing a hand on the door knob. ‘Way past pleasantries!’ And the marine twists the handle and is met with barking.
“Woof! Woof!” And a ton of “Growling.”
‘A dog?’ And Vasqeuz remembers when Mr Black and Ratzach heard exactly that. ‘Seriously.’ “What is going on?” Looking at her partner, the same blank face he always has and he shrugs. “Right.” And Vasquez opens the door, what can only be a dog back peddles under the table but that is not what catches her gaze, following the blood to the body on the table, facing their way. “B… Boss?” Vasqeuz barely mutters as her world shatters, everything goes heavy and her view shifts to a lower perspective, legs giving out from under her as she lands on both knees staring at the Corporal’s bloodied corpse. In that same moment the distant but very distinct “Roar!” Of a Pulse SMG echoes down the corridor they did not follow, rumbling past the YY chromo Eight who jumps, it reaches Ratzach and he turns from the sight in the office to look down the hall. ‘What now?’ The large marine glances at his partner who continues to stare into the room, eyes drifting over the Corporal on the table, blood everywhere Vasqeuz does not react to the sound at all.
"The bitch is back" Ellen Ripley.
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Posts: 135
Joined: Mon 04 Nov 2019, 23:51

Re: Aliens. Solo campaign play, Ongoing.

Sat 22 Aug 2020, 22:31

Fiorina. ‘Fury’ 161.
2183. December 05.

Mr Black squints leaning in to view the digital display of the monitor, every time he relaxes them his eyesight is a little more blurry, sides of his head, temples aching as the pretend company agent but very real company asset continues to read the last of the data packet unlocked for his eyes and his eyes alone. The real company agent, Sarah Foster and the dog left behind by the marine are standing in the middle of the room, the dog behind her, she avoids looking at the dead body, so focused on Mr Black and still utterly ‘Confused!’ “What’s going on?” Sarah asks, trying to sound firm. “How did you access the system.” Sarah says. ‘Whole thing was jammed up?’ Taking a slight step forward with the notion.
“Like I said before Miss Foster.”
“What in the heck are you reading?” Sarah says, taking another step forward, the moment her body moves into the new position somewhat closer to the main desk Mr Black’s face rises up from staring at the screen and she freezes on the spot, heart skipping the same beat as getting caught by a parent for not being where you're supposed to be, all with a look so blank and so brief.
“Above your pay grade.” He says coldly before looking back down, the intel packet had been a full one, a lot of baggage heavy data attached to the file that he could choose to read if he so pleased, and he has sifted through most of it to get to some of the more heavily redacted material. Something about. ‘Xenomorph Asset Protection, Capture and Containment.’ Cycling through it, nothing for him to really be getting involved in. ‘A lot of highly probable this and minor possibility that, which mostly involves the working Joe’s and a set number of redacted factors… Three of them primarily?’ Leading into extensive paragraphs of solid black blocks and bars that helps the entire thought process none. Next a series of endless algorithms and coding, the wall of digital data moving, flowing as numbers and patterns shift with the tide of numerical values. It doesn't take long to realise that it is all stemming from a system dubbed. ‘ARTEMIS?’ Also this system is attached to the synthetics central control cores. ‘The reason for their current behaviour?’ Glancing round the computer and looking at the Joe frozen in the corner of the office before returning his gaze to the screen, whatever it is, won't let him in past that wall of living numbers and so he cannot confirm whether it is that that is messing up the systems. He moves on to the final section of the data packet. ‘Special Order-940’ That triggered his sleeping orders. ‘A Xenomorph the company is after?’ Glancing past the screen briefly to take another look at the dead marine before returning. ‘Gotta be worth something.’ Killing a veteran marine like that, realising he should probably take a look at this thing, may be of some help if he himself crosses paths with it, but the moment he clicks into the file he spots that all of the information regarding the actual creature itself is missing. The only thing made very clear is that the Xenomorph is not to be harmed, in any way, stated multiple times and highlighted throughout too. ‘

The screen fades to the pixelated map files and grid networks that belong to the compound, one Mr Black recognised having studied it before his arrival. Waypoint markers are up and pulsating, leading a path through the facility and to the surface, there, highlighted on the display is a totally separate building from the compound, one he had no idea that existed until now. ‘Outbuilding One.’ Probing into it a little further Mr Black finds out the entire thing is brand new, it being Seegson property and not a part of the old Weyland-Yutani correctional facility, all of it built by the synthetics and completed before any human personal actually arrived on site. Glossing over most of it he takes in the bits he needs to know to proceed with his mission. ‘Protect the company asset, one Sarah G Foster, all other personnel on site… As always, they are expendable.’ That includes him of course but he doesn’t bat an eyelid at that, comes with the job. His eyes flick up and down catching Sarah’s silhouette, she hasn’t moved still, the colour in her cheeks is coming back though. Mr black scrolls further down. ‘Proceed to Outbuilding One.’ Currently highlighted on screen, the map coming up again, the way points all leading that way. ‘Secure Outbuilding One and await arrival of Seegson Special Task Force.’ “Simple.” Mr Black says.
“Excuse me?” Sarah asks.
“Nothing.” Mr Black barely replies, with a final tap of the keyboard and click of the mouse the entire network shuts down and the computer display turns blank for a moment, the corporate asset leans back in the chair before a capital ‘A’ pops up on screen and it stays that way. An audible “Pop” As he cracks his neck then moves the chair with his feet, slowly dragging it on its wheels away from the desk, moving sideways until he is out, now sat in full view. Sarah watches him, the dog behind her does so to, the canine backing up a little as the corporate asset moves out into view. Still trying to put ‘Any of this!’ Together in any way.
“You must have someone up top looking out for you.” Mr Black says leaning back even further in the chair and in that instance a light bulb strikes Sarah in the face, metaphorically of course, that knowledge hitting so hard metaphorical glass shatters and rains down around her, each fragment smashing into the forgotten reminder, a sea of black on the horizon, a past spent in the shadow of another, in the shadow of her...
‘Father.’ Sarah felt sick again for different reasons than seeing a dead body or two, parental meddling being one, with too many others currently piling onto the list to count, beyond the anger of the ‘I should have knowns?’ Almost immediately the gold plated watch on her wrist feels as heavy as ever, enough to slump her stance to one side. “Heh…” Sarah laughs and Mr Black brings his head back down from leaning back to look at her, his face emotionless, hers showing way too much. “My father of all people!” Sarah says.
“I am not at liberty to discuss…” Mr Black says but is cut off.
“You don’t need to.” Sarah buts in. “A leading senior researcher for Seegson R and D, one of the men responsible for the creation of the A.P.O.L.L.O computer systems... All this.” Lifting one arm she gestures to everywhere. “Special order 940, Project Artemis bollocks... A Xenomorph? Casualties... This is all because of him.”
“I don’t know who that is.” Mr Black says in a tone that can only be described as grey, the man stands like lightning, moving faster than Sarah could ever have anticipated making her jolt accordingly. “More importantly… I do not care, I have a job to do, one I am at no liberty to share with you.” ‘Although you know a little it would seem.’ Mentally noting her mention of the two specific tags within the data packet. ‘Special Order-940.’ And.’ARTEMIS.’ Intel meant for only him but he says nothing, grabbing the P-DAT he had been using it already shows the map on screen, the highlighted route to their destination leading the way. “Right we are moving.” Mr Black says, Sarah Blinks and he is already beside her, wrist gripped in a vice and she is tugged towards the door.
“Where are we…” Sarah asks pulling back as she is dragged across the floor. “Stop!” Sarah tries to pry his fingers open, the dog just moves staying parallel but opposite the whole time, ears down and stump of a tail between its legs, Mr Black’s grip is like iron, she almost loses a nail digging into his hand, pulling her to the door he lazily runs to look back.
“Look… If I have to I will render you unconscious and carry you to our destination. It’s no trouble.” And for a moment she sees the old smile of his and it unsettles her even more than the lack of emotion.
“Okay.” Sarah says in submission hanging her head low. Mr Black turns away and opens the door, peeking out to the left first, the path of the blood and the way the marines went, then to the right, the path highlighted on the P-DAT towards their destination, Sarah looks back at the dog as she is gently pulled out of the office, closing the door behind her in a daze.

‘Sorry its so short, been reading loads of new rpg books so i'm all over the place Rpg world wise and which one I want to do a similar thing like this. Anyways so does anyone after all this time, anyone, anyone who reads this, let me know where you want one of the Xenos to turn up next? The runner or drone? Anywhere? Marines, Company agents, YY chromos? Please decide and message me, would love some one, anyone's put. Thank You for reading, as always hope everyone is safe and sound.’
"The bitch is back" Ellen Ripley.
Posts: 1
Joined: Mon 31 Aug 2020, 17:53

Re: Aliens. Solo campaign play, Ongoing.

Mon 31 Aug 2020, 18:08

In role-playing games, a campaign is a continuing storyline or set of adventures, typically involving the same characters. ... In a campaign, a single session becomes a scene or an act within an overall story arc. At its inception, a campaign may or may not have a defined conclusion.
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Joined: Mon 04 Nov 2019, 23:51

Re: Aliens. Solo campaign play, Ongoing.

Sat 19 Sep 2020, 00:48

Fiorina. ‘Fury’ 161.
2183. December 05

The Rookie still holding his nose, winces through the last of the pain, he trades glances with the active motion tracker in his hand and looking up at the ceiling, mainly at the open panel that leads up to the ventilation system above, the leak from before has stopped and all but dried. Turock and Grimm either side of the young marine crouch down for a closer look and inspection beneath, both of them stare at the small steaming pile of Xenos remains underneath the metal table, a hole melted through the inches thick middle, only a single gangly digit juts out off the mess, steam gently rising up and through the hole. Covering his mouth slightly with his fist as the smell hits, his facial expression stays the same, Grimm looks over at the Lance Corporal on the other side of the Rookie, his face saying it all already, but it is always better to have facts rather than assumptions. “This the Xeno that attacked you and the Corporal?” Grimm says, expecting a ‘No.’ Turock moves the table back a little and stands.
“No.” The Lance Corporal replies and the regret is evident in both eyes, Turock himself hoping the Rookie had got ‘A lucky shot off .’ Killing the Xeno and ending this entire mess however unlikely. ‘Nope.’
“Wait… That’s not the thing… The Xenomorph?” The Rookie, Elson himself lowers the motion tracker. “So what the hell is that?” The Rookie says pointing at the mess melted into the floor, Grimm stands, all three of his cloned limbs were doing that thing, the thing that told him things weren't on the up and up.
‘Shit.’ Being Grimm's only thought after that.
“Nothing like this is on the flora or fauna archives.” The Rookie says and Grimm nods along.
“I know, I read through them too.” Turock says then turns to Grimm. “Nothing like what I saw was on any archive either.” The look in his eyes and the image of the dead Corporal combined answered other questions silently.
‘It’s much bigger and deadlier.’ Than the dead thing under the table in front of them right now. “Great... So where did it come from?” Grimm asks. “Where did they come from?” Grimm says and Turock shrugs.
“Fucking Corporate?” Grimm spits the moment the thought spirals inside his skull, his past flares each notion. “Bet Seegsons got something to do with this? Has to. How could they not Know.”
“Maybe… Miss Foster didn’t know anything though.” Turock says.
“I know she didn’t.” Grimm replies.
“ I haven't seen the other one around though either so it's too early to say.” Turock says and Grimm shakes his head. “I’ll bet an arm and a leg on it.” He says waving his cloned one up and down.
“So we got Xenos running around the compound, they aint native and we don’t know where they came from.” Grimm says and Turock nods.
‘Yes.’ The Lance corporal agreeing silently, trying to process it all.
“That one came out of some egg or pod type thing up there…” The Rookie says interrupting between his two seniors and pointing up with the answer, both marines eyes follow then come back down to each other, then to the young marine .

“Why didn’t you… Never mind.” Turock goes to ask but decides not to. ‘No time.’ Turning once more to Grimm, the order already in his head, the Lance Corporal in two minds for a moment on who to send up there, before deciding on himself, the unit's Pointman always, even though right now he is the team's only leader.
“I’ll do it.” Grimm nods, cutting the thought process. “Cover me just in case yeah.” This Grimm says to the Rookie.
“We got you.” Turock replies, raising his SMG, he grabs the motion tracker still in the Rookies hand and takes a look. “All clear on the tracker.” Turock says and Grimm grabs the table, four legs scraping the floor briefly as he puts it back in place then climbs on top.
“Keep your eyes and ears ready boy.” Turock says to the Rookie without looking, Grimm switches on his shoulder mount HI-Beam and rises up through the panel, there's a pause as he turns then stops.
“Huh.” Grimm says, lowering his head out. “Yep. Somethings up here alright.” Poking his head back up, then down. “Top of it looks open.”
“Get it down here if you can… Stay frosty.” Turock says.
‘Frosty as fuck.’ Grimms thoughts as he lifts himself up into the ventilation system and disappears from view below. The Rookie keeps his eye on the motion trackers readout and all he can see is the allied tag for the Private first class now up in the ducts, there's a moment of shuffling above, the panels trembling with motion and a single. “Grunt.”
“You good Grimm.” The Rookie says quickly leaning forward and looking up, Turocks arm comes up to catch him, grabbing his collar and pulling him back, a large slimy leathery object lands hard with a “Thud!” On the table. The Rookie jolts. It “Splatters.” Viscous fluid and slime lands all over the place, four lips flowered open on one end of it, it spills pinkish sludge loosely from within. Turock shakes his head staring at it all, waiting for. ‘Something, anything to move.’ Within it all, It doesn’t, even as Grimm reappears climbing back down, he has to swing himself past the table now covered in the remains of the egg, landing awkwardly next to the Rookie.
“That.” Grimm says pointing at the thing under the table, wiping the residue of grime from it on his trouser leg. “Came out of that.” He points again, this time at the thing on the table and looking directly at the young marine.
“Yeah.” The Rookie says.
“So where did that come from?” Grimm says this time looking at the Lance Corporal, Turock still staring at the bloated remains on the table, eyebrows raised and Grimm knows the answer. ‘I don’t kno…’
“I've seen more of them.” And the marines all look at each other, the words coming from none of them and behind them, they all turn, standing there beside each other on the other side of the room are the two YY chromo inmates, William Allen on the left and Billy clutching his chest on the right.

“Who said that.” Turock asks and William turns.
“I’ve got nothing.” WIlliam says, Billy raises the hand over his heart up and above his head.
“I’ve seen more... More of whatever that thing is.” Billy says and the Rookie looks back at it.
“How many? Where?” Turocks asks.
“Three? I think, maybe more.” Billy says and everyone listens.
“Where?” Turock asks again.
“Up in the ventilation network” Billy says pointing up. “An old heat vent chamber…” He stops looking confused in thought. “ The whole place up there was covered in some fucked up shit!, some sort of growth.”
“Where!” Turocks repeats a little louder.
“I don't know, I was running all over the place.” Billy says.
“You need to think, think, was it where I first bumped into you?” Turock asks giving him the first breadcrumb.
“I don't think so, no.” Billy says shaking his head.
“Really.” Grimm says, sounding annoyed without looking it.
“Give him a moment.” Turock says.
“Wait, I think I managed to scan the area on this bloody thing.” Raising the Spectro-graphic device, the wrist attachment screen smashed, shrugging, the man clearly uncomfortable.
“Then we got a target.” Turock says and Grimm nods hearing it.
“Gotta upload the data back at the office.” Grimm says
“That’s not all.” Billy says then stops to take a breath.
“Who pauses...” Grimm blurts but Turock raises a finger shutting him up.
“What's not all.” Turock says.
“The other thing that attacked us at the Hexo-Junction.” Billy says.
“Yeah.” Turock says and Grimm nods, the Rookie stares. “I think I saw a dog give birth to it.” Billy says this and gets silence, then the odd look from Turock, the Rookie and William beside him. “I mean like, it exploded out of a dog.” The YY gesturing with both arms in front of his stomach.
“You think or you saw?” Grimm says.
“No I fucking saw.” Shaking his head as he corrects himself. “Was up in the ducts where I found more of those.” Pointing past them, to the egg splashed all over on the table. “That thing from back then, I’m sure of it… It came crawling out of its insides and ran off on all fours, tail and all.”
“How big was it.” Turock asks.
“Size of a small dog when I first saw it, fuckers grown!” Billy “Coughs.” Clutches his chest.
“Wait…” Turock says and turns to Grimm, for the first time since the weeks he has known him, the Private first class's facial expression shifts, he looks worried.
“Miss Foster.” Grimm says.
“The dog!” Turock follows along with the notion.
“We just locked her in a room with a dog that may or may not give birth to a deadly Xenos… Fuck.” Grimm says.
“Go now, take the lead, we will catch up and back you up.” Turock barks the order quickly even as Grimm is in motion towards the exit.
“You're a dick!” Grimm says as he passes the convict.
“Information that could have helped way before we got here.” Turock says moving closer to Billy.
“Aww come on man, with everything.” Billy says. “Cough.” Arms out, he shrugs clutching his chest with one hand. “You have no idea what I've been through, guy… None.”
“We are about to find out it would seem, move.” Turock says and ushers the Rookie past him. “Hey, take the rear, stay on the tracker.” The Rookie nods along with every word.
"The bitch is back" Ellen Ripley.
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Re: Aliens. Solo campaign play, Ongoing.

Mon 17 May 2021, 01:25

COMING SOON! planning on continuing this once I get my hands on the new colonial marine expansion, not sure how many of you actually followed and or enjoyed this but my hiatus is almost at an end, my marines will live or die on Fury 161 and the story will be told.
Thank you for reading, hope everyone has been safe and sound during the worlds current events.
"The bitch is back" Ellen Ripley.
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