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Fuel Usage Question - City Travel

Tue 30 Mar 2021, 17:14

Just a Quick Question regarding Fuel Usage when Traveling.

The Players Manual states:
Vehicles need fuel to operate. The lists in chapter 5 indicate each vehicle’s fuel capacity (in liters) and fuel consumption (in liters per hex driven). Off-road, the fuel consumption is doubled
The discrepancy I'm seeing is that for travel between Cities, it's counted as 10km Hexes, but in a City, travel is with 1km Hexes.

Does traveling through a 10km Hex with a City in it (assuming the only good roads go through the city) change to City travel rules for purposes of Encounter pulls and Fuel Usage OR if the players don't stop in the city and Explore, they instead to choose to stay on the main highway and drive through, does it stay a 10km Hex and only use up 1 travel Hex's worth of Fuel?

Edit: Rewording because this may be a bit confusing:
When does a Hex change from 10km Travel to 1km City? Is it when the players enter a hex with a city or only if they stop in a city?
I do this in real life for fun on the weekends. #SurviveOmega #DoMoreWithLess

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