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Zertorme's Pillar of Fire and Conflagration – how many WP is he allowed to spend per cast?

Posted: Fri 29 May 2020, 13:11
by Spiraller
Fire Magic isn't a normal path/talent to follow, so does it count as a rank 1 or as a 3? Or something else?

Re: [Moved] Zertorme's Pillar of Fire and Conflagration – how many WP is he allowed to spend per cast?

Posted: Fri 29 May 2020, 13:25
by Fenhorn
A GM discretion of course, but since he is a Key player and have sacrificed something to be able to do this (his face), I would say that he has Fire Magic Rank three or four. I used three because we, when we played this only was two players (besides me, the GM), but perhaps four is better for a larger group.

Re: [Moved] Zertorme's Pillar of Fire and Conflagration – how many WP is he allowed to spend per cast?

Posted: Fri 29 May 2020, 13:29
by Spiraller
Thanks. And sorry for posting the wrong forum!