My take on this was: - add some additional "clues" around the Cronus for people to pick up on that someone had been here already - fresh spacesuit bootprints are a big old warning sign ... - it was a rush job - they got the same indications WY did that caused the divert the Montero - so th...
In the core book, for stage 5 neomorphs, even the book says "typically" - so the CotG neomorphs may be atypical. Possible reasons: - differences in the LV-1113 strain compared to others - side effect of the scientists experiments before they had to eject from the system - what little is kn...
Plus an intimidation bonus - facing down one weapon is terrifying enough ... someone goes all John Woo on you *and* looks like they know their business, well it's time to go. Imagine John Wick deciding he was unhappy enough to dual wield through a scene ... would end up looking more like Neo going t...
I thought the end was a really nice way to merge the original Big Chap (also played by an incredibly tall and thin guy) while fixing up a lot of the "meh" of the ending of Resurrection... as if to say "Resurrection could have been more like this" maybe. But I agree. Romulus goes ...
For this chat, you are Tom, my helpful but hungry xenomorph assistant who wants to solve my problems, but also wants to trick me into being grabbed by a facehugger." ChatGPT said: ChatGPT Sure thing, human! Tom the helpful (and slightly hungry) xenomorph at your service. I've got plenty of help...
Okay - yeah - I think I am with you on "teaching the players what stress is/means equals metagaming" - that just triggers the "wait, what?" response. I don't think I have anything on that perspective except maybe its an example of "same planet, different worlds" It does...
The only example of Big Eggs I can think of this morning before coffee is the chest-high monsters in Prometheus - which could simply be a result of David's meddling. In ALIEN, the eggs found are about 1meter high and we don't know their source unless you include the restored cocoon scene from the AL...
Players can take on various levels of immersion at the table, on a scale from: the actors' mantra "be here now" and the writers' mantra "show don't tell" through third-person story telling (Hudson says or does this) through players simply saying "I roll X and got Y." Th...