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by Fenhorn
Mon 09 Sep 2024, 13:30
Forum: General
Topic: Some more questions about RULES
Replies: 1
Views: 17

Re: Some more questions about RULES

1- Is there a maximum bonus, or damage value, that a weapon or armor can have? I would assume it would be +5 (or 5 damage value), but I don't see it indicated in the book... Nope. I don't think I have seen an artifact with a higher bonus than +3 and I don't think I have seen a higher weapon damage ...
by Fenhorn
Mon 09 Sep 2024, 11:38
Forum: Zone Wars
Topic: Clarifiactions about the core box rules
Replies: 6
Views: 59

Re: Clarifiactions about the core box rules

The intention with the counterattack rule (which is in the melee attack section of the rules b.t.w.) is that if someone attacks you in melee (base to base), even with a ranged weapon (you are allowed to use a pistol even in melee), you can counterattack that person if you survive. If you are pushed ...
by Fenhorn
Mon 09 Sep 2024, 11:17
Forum: M0 - Allmänt
Topic: Spelkort 2
Replies: 3
Views: 2616

Re: Spelkort 2

Kommer inte alls i håg vilka det är men jag har ett svagt minne utav att de lade till fyra mutationer (regenerera kommer jag ihåg) i regelboken (alltså den som såldes som bok och inte i box) jämfört med den första versionen som var en box och då släppte dom de mutationskorten i Spelkort 2, i stället...
by Fenhorn
Mon 09 Sep 2024, 10:12
Forum: Zone Wars
Topic: Mutations/modules questions
Replies: 4
Views: 23

Re: Mutations/modules questions

If no part of the target model is visible (the base doesn’t count), the line of sight is blocked <> If your model can "see" any part of the target model, then he is within LoS of that model (and vice versa). This means as long as some part of the model is visible, the model can be seen and...
by Fenhorn
Mon 09 Sep 2024, 09:51
Forum: Zone Wars
Topic: Clarifiactions about the core box rules
Replies: 6
Views: 59

Re: Clarifiactions about the core box rules

Does not fully answer my question though. So it is the model's base that need to clear the terrain when charging? since the measuring tool you're using have no real impact. I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, sorry. My answer was how move, sprint and charge works. You are clearly ...
by Fenhorn
Mon 09 Sep 2024, 09:32
Forum: Zone Wars
Topic: Mutations/modules questions
Replies: 4
Views: 23

Re: Mutations/modules questions

Mutations are powerful (and they are not removed when used). Regarding Psionic Boost, sure it is powerful, but that is also his action for the round. In a game that usually lasts around five rounds, that is a bit of a big deal, if he uses this, he doesn't attack anyone, he doesn't pick up any artifa...
by Fenhorn
Sun 08 Sep 2024, 23:42
Forum: General
Topic: Looking for players for a Play by post game of Tales from Loop
Replies: 2
Views: 16

Re: Looking for players for a Play by post game of Tales from Loop

It is ok to use links as long as it is clear to where it goes and is not hidden, is related to the topic and of course not shady, crappy things like casino bs or something illegal.
by Fenhorn
Sun 08 Sep 2024, 22:09
Forum: Zone Wars
Topic: Clarifiactions about the core box rules
Replies: 6
Views: 59

Re: Clarifiactions about the core box rules

1) Movement (p.6) says A model can turn as many times as it likes as it moves, but it must follow a defined path.... Does this mean that you need to move along the Measurement ruler or can you change direction? And if the model can change direction, does it only count in increments of Close movemen...
by Fenhorn
Fri 06 Sep 2024, 13:21
Forum: Customer Support
Topic: Coriolis: FVTT Core Rule Book
Replies: 1
Views: 66

Re: Coriolis: FVTT Core Rule Book

If this is a foundry issue then you can install and run different versions of foundry (you can have both v11 and v12 installed).

Have you tried asking over at Foundry VTT discord, free league has a channel there.

The official answer can be found here.
by Fenhorn
Thu 05 Sep 2024, 09:18
Forum: General (English)
Topic: Attack with Dragon Success vs Evade/Parry
Replies: 5
Views: 56

Re: Attack with Dragon Success vs Evade/Parry

The success from the defense doesn't count anything if it's not a Dragon (against an attack with a Dragon), exactly as a failure.
RAW, no it doesn't. But a common houserule is that if the attack is a critical hit, a normal defense will lower it one step to a normal hit.