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by Short Fey
Tue 03 Dec 2024, 11:11
Forum: General (English)
Topic: Damage mitigation using WP
Replies: 5
Views: 160

Re: Damage mitigation using WP

Then (and i mean this with respect and genuine curiosity) how have you been playing? Because the impression i get is you've ben taking a lot of damage that could have been avoided.
by Short Fey
Tue 03 Dec 2024, 09:55
Forum: General (English)
Topic: Damage mitigation using WP
Replies: 5
Views: 160

Re: Damage mitigation using WP

I think it's not a good idea tbh. Sure, you get downed easily, but if you have more than 10 in CON then the odds of you surviving ois still decent as long enemies don't gang up on the downed pc. And sure, some monsters can one shot you, but those are fairly rare (unless you have a particularly vindi...
by Short Fey
Wed 06 Nov 2024, 09:32
Forum: General (English)
Topic: NPC "monsters"
Replies: 4
Views: 230

Re: NPC "monsters"

Hello! As per the rules as written, skeletons, orcs and goblins do not count as monsters and the rules on page 83-84 of the rulebook do not apply them, and thus they do not have dark vision. I have a slight logic-problem here. Skeletons don't have eyes at all - why should they rely on light? Regard...
by Short Fey
Fri 01 Nov 2024, 11:08
Forum: Allmänt (svenska)
Topic: Husregler för reaktioner i strid?
Replies: 2
Views: 202

Re: Husregler för reaktioner i strid?

Det är ett knivigt problem. För det första det skulle göra vissa hjälteförmågor (3vp för att parrera/undvika utan att använda sin handling) meningslösa (varför ta en hjälteförmåga som gör samma sak för 3vp när du kan göra det grattis?) Eftersom du endast förlorar din handling om du misslyckas med ka...
by Short Fey
Wed 25 Sep 2024, 14:01
Forum: General (English)
Topic: Orc's 'Tough' ability clarification
Replies: 6
Views: 307

Re: Orc's 'Tough' ability clarification

If it required an action to activate it it would say so. As for being potentially op in my oppinion i don't think so because: 1: only activates if you reach 0 hp without instantly dying, so ideally you should'nt be activating it often. 2: you must spend wp to use it, so it's not a freebie. 3: your s...
by Short Fey
Tue 03 Sep 2024, 11:39
Forum: Allmänt (svenska)
Topic: Önskemål för framtida Expert
Replies: 13
Views: 1006

Re: Önskemål för framtida Expert

Mycket av det jag skulle vilja se är sådant de har sagt de vill lägga i (fler yrken/hjälte förmågor/sekundära förmågor/föremål och olika matrial/regler för att äga och sköta om befästringar o storslag). Det jag kan tänka mig mer är: -Regler för olika typer av vildmarker (jungler, öknar, öar med mera...
by Short Fey
Sat 24 Aug 2024, 16:01
Forum: GM Only (English)
Topic: secondary skill or heroic ability?
Replies: 2
Views: 396

Re: secondary skill or heroic ability?

I think it might work as a Secondary skill, with more complex potions working like spells of a higher rank, gotta research from the simplier recipes first.

It should be noted alchemy will likely be included in the book of magic.
by Short Fey
Thu 22 Aug 2024, 09:06
Forum: Allmänt (svenska)
Topic: Hiälteförmågor efter FV18
Replies: 2
Views: 408

Re: Hiälteförmågor efter FV18

Personligen skulle jag tolka det som att det inte funkar om du sätter ett kryss på en förmåga där du redan är 18 i. Du får din hjälteförmåga när du går från 17 till 18. Eftersom du inte kan advancera högre från 18 skulle det inte göra nånting. Men jag köper att du kan få en ny HF om din förmåga sänk...
by Short Fey
Mon 19 Aug 2024, 12:38
Forum: General (English)
Topic: More magic schools?
Replies: 16
Views: 1748

Re: More magic schools?

In a interview Tomas did at GenCon (link here: ) he talked a bit about the book of magic. The bullet points of what it contains are:
-15 schools of magic
-alchemy (which may or may not be one of said schools)
-more rules on magical items/weapons
by Short Fey
Tue 30 Jul 2024, 21:35
Forum: GM Only (English)
Topic: Charge + Permanence in Path of Glory
Replies: 2
Views: 340

Re: Charge + Permanence in Path of Glory

Charge. "You transfer your WP to an inanimate object of your choice, which acts as a battery. Each power level lets you transfer up to 10 WP. Anyone in contact with the object can then use its WP instead of their own. After one shift of time, the charged WP dissipate, unless combined with PERMA...
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