Search found 24 matches

by Finnac1e
Sat 07 Sep 2024, 19:03
Forum: GM Only
Topic: Inverse the colors of "Stars of the Middle Heavens" and print it as a poster
Replies: 0
Views: 132

Inverse the colors of "Stars of the Middle Heavens" and print it as a poster

Hi, I would like to inverse the colors of "Stars of the Middle Havens", i.e. make black to white, and then print it at the Helsinki Oodi library as a ca. 1,3 m x 2,1 m paper. They have a free-to-use poster printer there, so it would be pity not to use it. The print would then serve as a ta...
by Finnac1e
Thu 01 Feb 2024, 18:15
Forum: General
Topic: Gaining specialities in the life path
Replies: 1
Views: 249

Gaining specialities in the life path

Hi, a simple question: if I understand well, during a new career step a character only gains a new speciality if the character is successful in the promotion roll? Two new skills or skill level increases are always acquired, but the speciality depends on the promotion. Thanks!
by Finnac1e
Tue 08 Mar 2022, 22:31
Forum: Ruins of Symbaroum (5E OGL)
Topic: A silly question about the Warden of Davokar package
Replies: 3
Views: 809

Re: A silly question about the Warden of Davokar package

Ok, it’s slowly dawning on me. Symbaroum is the original one, and RoS is the 5e thing, which means that I already have the core books as D&D 5e core books, right? Next dumb question: is it possible to play the existing Symbaroum adventure modules with the RoS rule books, or do I need to wait tha...
by Finnac1e
Tue 08 Mar 2022, 22:02
Forum: Ruins of Symbaroum (5E OGL)
Topic: A silly question about the Warden of Davokar package
Replies: 3
Views: 809

A silly question about the Warden of Davokar package

Hi, this is ptobably a silly question. I bought/backed the Warden of Davokar package (998 kr), which includes the Bestiary, GM and Player books, and assumed that this would include all basic and core stuff that I need as a GM to run a campaign. However, now that 1 year has passed (and the delivery i...
by Finnac1e
Sat 26 Feb 2022, 23:14
Forum: General
Topic: How to find fuel?
Replies: 6
Views: 1067

Re: How to find fuel?

Thanks for your prompt replies! I will follow those guidelines :)
by Finnac1e
Sat 26 Feb 2022, 22:40
Forum: General
Topic: How to find fuel?
Replies: 6
Views: 1067

How to find fuel?


maybe I just missed it, but it seems to me that there are no rules for finding fuel?
There are rules for finding water, food and random items (PM p. 144-145), but nothing about fuel for our Humvee.
I suppose I need to improvise. Thanks for any views on this!
by Finnac1e
Thu 17 Feb 2022, 11:33
Forum: Customer Support
Topic: Foundry and Forge question
Replies: 2
Views: 916

Foundry and Forge question

Hi, a newbie question: does Forge include all possible VTT core material and campaigns from Fria Ligan games, e.g. Alien and TW2k? I already purchased Foundry (plus some VTT stuff from Fria Ligan), but I’m beginning to realize that I should be a graduate engineer in IT to get everything working perf...
by Finnac1e
Fri 11 Feb 2022, 21:41
Forum: Referees Only
Topic: Foundry scene creation help
Replies: 4
Views: 1144

Re: Foundry scene creation help

It’s tricky, but I managed to align both the battlemaps and the travel maps with the Foundry hex.
by Finnac1e
Thu 10 Feb 2022, 09:45
Forum: General
Topic: Central Poland Sourcebook: now available through the Free League Workshop!
Replies: 16
Views: 2515

Re: Central Poland Sourcebook: now available through the Free League Workshop!

I just purchased it and had a quick glance. Good stuff: 1) it gives a very plausible description of how the society is (dis)organized, 2) I like the description and encounters of the example town, because it gives a good model for other communities and towns that the players encounter, and 3) the pr...