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Re: Feedback Thread for Coriolis: The Great Dark Quickstart

Posted: Fri 29 Mar 2024, 22:22
by Kelmain
First of i really Love Coriolis - that Game my entry to the awesome MYZ Engine and all your fantastic Games behind it.

For the GREAT DARK Kickstarter i was very happy to see that Grim Dark crit table, that of course could be less fatal with the full picture of Talents. What i liked was that Combat could be deadly (like Coriolis 1 and many others MYZ Engine driven Games) and Players try to avoid it and may find better solutions. I mean the space itself is super Dangerous, even a small hit could be devasting If you add blight, breathing etc. The Human Body itself is also very vulnarable, much more If you count in advanced weapon technology.

So it was sad to see that you clearly cutted death down to only a 66...

Coriolis shouldnt be Star Wars or DnD in Space. It also close the door for Talents that may cover that point a bit better or important Gear.

I am a Fan of fast and slow Action overall, i can see the Shift to DRAGONBANE here but that could be a trap.

If you keep that older System i really prefere to announce Dodge/Parry before enemy Rolls for attacks cause that makes sense. You try (If you want) to Dodge a Hit or bullets instinctly and dont wait for the Impact so it clearly should be in the same timestep: If someone try to attack you, you decide If defence reaction is used, waiting for successfull Hits or not is just meta gaming.

Re: Feedback Thread for Coriolis: The Great Dark Quickstart

Posted: Sun 31 Mar 2024, 22:35
by timgray101
Random thought: I don't think there's anything in the adventure that would tell the PCs the backstory of the place, is there? So the title of the adventure never makes sense to players.

Re: Feedback Thread for Coriolis: The Great Dark Quickstart

Posted: Tue 02 Apr 2024, 13:18
by Raldanash
Having read all the above, much has been said already... So these are pretty minor points.
- mechanical use of ropes (not explained), ice pick, hammer (bonus to climb): With the abstraction of the delve roll, carrying "4 markers worth of rope" is just fluff. And the question came up from players whether a climb bonus would help with the delve roll. I don't *think* it is meant to, but there seems to be a fair bit of climbing gear for something with a limited use case.
- the delve felt quite board gamey and took a lot of rolls before reaching a meaningful interlude. Might be down to me making more of each event as a GM, of course.
- horizontal moves / diagonal moves. If for instance the group get down to the Auxiliary chamber at depth x, and then want to go back to the main drag at depth x, the map would indicate going up a level and back down a level. Is this two marker's worth of effort, and with it supply, or not? The later diagonal slope allows quicker progress (2 squares per depth marker), which I can see reasonably, but to an extent, the distance calculation only working along the y axis causes brain twists. Would a simple "per square" measure of distance be better?
- time spent moving around the structure. If the players chose not to search a room, would moving from one to the other not take any time (these are on the same level)? I ruled that the corridors didn't take time, but the rooms did, so a full circuit of the three rooms took two stretches. (still don't like that word, sounds like people are doing stretches before exercise)

Re: Feedback Thread for Coriolis: The Great Dark Quickstart

Posted: Wed 03 Apr 2024, 16:39
by RedSirus
For the GREAT DARK Kickstarter i was very happy to see that Grim Dark crit table, that of course could be less fatal with the full picture of Talents. What i liked was that Combat could be deadly (like Coriolis 1 and many others MYZ Engine driven Games) and Players try to avoid it and may find better solutions. I mean the space itself is super Dangerous, even a small hit could be devasting If you add blight, breathing etc. The Human Body itself is also very vulnarable, much more If you count in advanced weapon technology.

So it was sad to see that you clearly cutted death down to only a 66...

Coriolis shouldnt be Star Wars or DnD in Space. It also close the door for Talents that may cover that point a bit better or important Gear.

I wonder if the critical injury table is an opportunity to give groups the ability to chose the "danger level" of their games, and a few different options could be offered in the final product. Possibly just modifying the values from 61-66:
  • A "Lethal" table could have insta-kills from 63-66, and have lethal-in-a-round injuries on 61-62, like ALIEN
  • A "Standard" table could keep the insta-kill at 65-66 or just 66, and keep the other 60s as being lethal-in-a-round
  • A "Breathing Room" table could have no insta-kills at all, but have the higher 60s as being lethal-in-a-round (I think this was described as Vaesen-level dangerous in an earlier comment)

Re: Feedback Thread for Coriolis: The Great Dark Quickstart

Posted: Wed 03 Apr 2024, 20:17
by KelYco
I fully agree. The Critical tables set the tone of the game.
In the past, with the same game i tried different criticle tables and it is clearly obvious to see how the players are playing differently.
I will keep the critical tables of the QS V1.0 and 1.1 to see what kind of game i want to play.
So, giving 3 critical tables with 3 different levels of lethality in the Core book could be a very good gamedesign option.

Re: Feedback Thread for Coriolis: The Great Dark Quickstart

Posted: Fri 05 Apr 2024, 23:08
by dogea
Hi everyone,

I'll be playing The Sky Machine tomorrow with a couple of friends and so, I am preparing some cheatsheets and notes to my tomorrow's self.

Reading through the scenario, I spotted two things (I'm using the updated Quickstart pdf):
  • The text mentions that the prospectors have disapeared 3 days ago, but the handout mentions 5 days. Most likely a typo
  • the Structure scan handout does not contain the levels of Blight
Hope it helps. I have to say, that I am very excited by this project and look forward for more :D

Cheers mates,


Re: Feedback Thread for Coriolis: The Great Dark Quickstart

Posted: Mon 08 Apr 2024, 15:26
by timgray101
Reading through the scenario, I spotted two things (I'm using the updated Quickstart pdf):
  • The text mentions that the prospectors have disapeared 3 days ago, but the handout mentions 5 days. Most likely a typo
  • the Structure scan handout does not contain the levels of Blight

I think there's a note in the updated one that the final structure uses outbreaks/explosions of blight instead of background levels. But it could be clearer.
Probably just need to tell players there is blight but it's chaotic and hard to pin down.

Re: Feedback Thread for Coriolis: The Great Dark Quickstart

Posted: Thu 11 Apr 2024, 10:12
by wahoffelmadenga
- the delve felt quite board gamey and took a lot of rolls before reaching a meaningful interlude. Might be down to me making more of each event as a GM, of course.
My group hated this aspect of the quickstart and after playing the Delve, 3 members of the group cancelled their pledges. It was far too board-gamey to me, and turned into: roll some dice, subtract some resources, repeat. There were few, if any choices, to made and if the Delver rolls had few success then there were constant blight armour rolls, which quickly became tedious. The events had the chance to make the delve interesting, but again often turned into roll a dice, subtract a resource. The narrative events (the lights above and the radio chatter) were good, but the events needed more meat to them to make them interesting.

Re: Feedback Thread for Coriolis: The Great Dark Quickstart

Posted: Mon 15 Apr 2024, 00:32
by doc-t
pg. 32, Death and Stabilizing Critical Injuries. The quickstart rules don't make particularly clear, if, upon successfully applying first aid, the First Aid roll comes first, or the Death roll. So, if the unlucky character receives a lethal critical with a time span of round, and the first aider succeeds and thereby prolongs the time span, does the unlucky character roll three times (because Death Roll comes before First Aid) or zero times (because First Aid prolongs the time span before the Death roll is required)?

The wording of the paragraph top right of pg. 32 ("you don’t need to make any further death saves" and "but only after another death save has been made.") suggests the former, i.e. three Death rolls.

Re: Feedback Thread for Coriolis: The Great Dark Quickstart

Posted: Mon 15 Apr 2024, 00:36
by doc-t
pg. 33, "Note that some critical injuries will kill you outright. If you gain any of these, your character dies immediately."

Actually, after reworking the critical injury table, there is only one critical fulfilling that condition, so the sentences need to be reworked.

I prefer a more dangerous game and liked the critical table of quickstart v1 better than the v1.1 version, FWIW.