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Re: Moria Alpha PDF Feedback

Sat 02 Mar 2024, 23:59

On p. 22, Haldir of Lorien : DISTINCTIVE FEATUREE (final E is doubled)
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Re: Moria Alpha PDF Feedback

Sun 03 Mar 2024, 01:07

On page 150, there's a sidebar. Throughout, it calls the subject of discussion "slag-worms", except on one place where it calls them "slag-forms".

It's possible that it's a typo or it could be intentional. It kinda of fits, but it's also the one place I'd have expected it to be "slag-worms".
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Re: Moria Alpha PDF Feedback

Sun 03 Mar 2024, 04:27

March 1st. Not a typo, but the label for the Roadwarden's Hall, B looks very much like the number 13 to my eyes.

Is there going to be no reference to Durin's Stone on the map: where Durin first looked into the Mirrormere (etc) ? Somewhere just outside the east gate.
It talks of a single stone marking the mirrormere p.70 already
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Re: Moria Alpha PDF Feedback

Sun 03 Mar 2024, 07:35

This is an error in my eyes, or at least open to interpretation:
There are multiple creatures in Moria with the Denizens of the Dark fell ability, which says, "All attack rolls are Favoured while in darkness." The Udun-Orc Fanatics and Fire-Touched wield a 'Torch-staff', while the Balrog has a flaming sword. Many Loremasters are going to see this and say that the creature is not in darkness because they are illuminated by flame at least as bright as a torch. If the intent is to give the creatures a boost anytime they are not in sunlight (or magical light), then the ability should be rewritten to say "all attack rolls are Favored except in sunlight".

House of Healing (pg 99) - I think restricting the old anatomical texts to only being Useful Items when treating Dwarves is restricted to the point of wasting space. We don't apply penalties when a Man treats a Dwarf in normal gameplay, so there's little reason to add that extra restriction on what is already a minor item that requires proficiency in Khuzdul. This is doubly true if it takes up one of the character's Useful Item slots.

Last Lamps of Moria (pg 99) - Do they function if the PCs remove them? Is there a sense that the lamps shouldn't be removed, especially by dwarves?

Enemies - Moria is a place where you can end up encountering large numbers of foes if you tread in the wrong areas. However, just like the main book, monsters are written up with 3 dice (or more) in their weapons. Giving some weaker foes like goblins or the dwarven slaves 2 dice gives more flexibility for the Loremaster to throw larger numbers of foes at the party without making a total party kill the likely result.

Difficulty for newer characters - I didn't see anything warning Loremasters about how dangerous Moria is for newer characters. Someone who has just finished playing the Starter adventures is woefully unprepared for adventuring in Moria. This should be an important part of the book, as Moria is one of the most dangerous places in all of Middle-Earth.
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Re: Moria Alpha PDF Feedback

Sun 03 Mar 2024, 10:26

This is an error in my eyes, or at least open to interpretation:
There are multiple creatures in Moria with the Denizens of the Dark fell ability, which says, "All attack rolls are Favoured while in darkness." The Udun-Orc Fanatics and Fire-Touched wield a 'Torch-staff', while the Balrog has a flaming sword. Many Loremasters are going to see this and say that the creature is not in darkness because they are illuminated by flame at least as bright as a torch. If the intent is to give the creatures a boost anytime they are not in sunlight (or magical light), then the ability should be rewritten to say "all attack rolls are Favored except in sunlight".
“The Denizen of the Dark fell ability is not negated by torch light or other sources of light, it’s an environmental bonus. Vulnerability to light is handled by Fear of Fire or Hate Sunlight. Maybe a clarification is in order.” - Francesco, rpgnet ... t-25102975

I think we can expect a clarification coming for this.
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Re: Moria Alpha PDF Feedback

Sun 03 Mar 2024, 10:38

"If you roll an Eye of Sauron when using a Gift, that Gift no longer provides bonuses during this mission. Mark an ‘X’ in the box next to the Gift’s description on that Ally Card to indicate the Gift being unavailable."


"During the Fellowship Phase, you clear any marked boxes to regain the use of those Gifts."

First one says the Gift cannot be used for the remainder of the current mission, while the second says it is first refreshed during a Fellowship Phase. Aren't these two independent of each other? I had assumed you could use it in the following missions, or are you assumed to take a Fellowship Phase after every mission?

"Once a mission is completed or abandoned, you return to the Safe Haven of Balin’s outpost in the First Hall to rest, recover, and plan your next foray into the long dark."

Could be helpful to clarify that a ‘mission’ = an ‘adventure phase’ if that's the case.
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Re: Moria Alpha PDF Feedback

Sun 03 Mar 2024, 10:40

(p.54) Spelling mistake — “the Orcs of Udûun” should be “the Orcs of Udûn”


(p.71) “Year 1,600” should be “Year 1600”.


(p.77) Reference to “the stair” is sometimes capitalised — “the Stair” — and other times not.


(p. 182) Wailing Horror stat block spelling mistake - “ite” instead of “Bite”


(p.202) Under 'Dying Allies', 'EXPERTISE' is not formatted correctly (should match the same formatting as 'Healing' two words before it)


(p.209) The 'Skill Special Success' table in the solo section doesn't have 'Build Advantage' like the Strider supplement, it has the same table as the core book. Mistake, maybe?
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Re: Moria Alpha PDF Feedback

Sun 03 Mar 2024, 14:40

p191: Starting Readiness is 4 but Starting TN for the band is 17?!
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Re: Moria Alpha PDF Feedback

Sun 03 Mar 2024, 17:56

On Page 23 in the box about Arcinyas:

"If Saruman becomes aware that there are explorers active in Moria, he would approach them an offer his services as a healer." -- "Saruman" should be replaced with "Arcinyas".
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Re: Moria Alpha PDF Feedback

Sun 03 Mar 2024, 18:16

Hi. Pg 140
6. The chamber of narvi

Type o in first paragraph.

Narvi was accomplished in other crafts, too — in stone working, in the sciving of runes.

Should say scribing.

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