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MYZ with kids

Mon 09 Oct 2023, 16:23

I would like to run a MYZ campaign with my 9y/o and my 11y/o kids, plus my wife and another friend. Do you think I can make it work and keep it interesting for such young kids (given the somewhat gritty tone) ? Do you think the game is appropriate for this kind of young audience ? Thanks for your feedback.
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Re: MYZ with kids

Mon 09 Oct 2023, 17:04

If my own experiences with Gamma World when I was around those ages is any indicator, it can work well.

If you haven't seen it - give a kids cartoon called Thundaar The Barbarian a look.

It was one of my favorites growing up, and can be mined for a lot of inspiration for "stuff in the Zones".

Making Ark politics interesting? Hmmm maybe if you pitch it kind of like Peter Pan's Lost Boys type interactions. The building and improving projects could still work well.

If the kids are readers, let them read the entire player section then discuss with them what sounded cool and interesting, what they would like to see or learn more about, and what sounded "boring".

I would scale back the gritty and keep the icky ... the Rot is more about yuck and less about gangrene and the joys of amputations or whatever.

But, 9 and 11 are great years to introduce the themes without going into the body horror

Cooperation with folks different than you - interest in history and how things work - restoring ecology and technology - food pyramids and inter-dependencies

Especially if you bring in GenLab Alpha and Mechatrons because animal-people and robots are cool.

I still re-read Gamma Worlds "Albuquerque Starport" referee screen module from time to time and remember how I wished I could have found a way back then to keep that port and shuttle and station working to help rebuild things when I played in it.
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