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Tue 08 Aug 2023, 09:45

For some reason (old age no doubt), I convinced myself that the 1e Virtue, the Speakers, was still in TOR2e. (In the earlier game it's a pretty niche Virtue, but it has come in handy inside a dungeon crawl, or exploring ruins etc; particularly when other Common Skills came up short.)

So I looked at Luminescence to help with the exploring. Elsewhere this enchantment has already been described as a pretty feeble bonus in gaming terms. This seems wrong to me: when you look at the impact of "Beater and Biter" on the goblins in the tunnel, it is so much more than merely glowing in the dark like a candle.

And then we see the Virtue, Gleam of Wrath. That description is of internal Elvish spirit/fury somehow powering a weapon to drain Hate with every blow. (Fair enough: another magic quality: where that Elvish affinity/skill with material objects enhances a pyschological effect on their enemies.) But is this not the essence of Beater and Biter (Glamdring and Orcrist)? And the pyschological effect of their blue light - their coincidental Luminescence - is the manifestation of Gleam of Wrath.

So, is Luminescence an unnecessary enchantment? Or is Gleam of Wrath actually wrongly labelled as a Virtue, when it should be an enchantment for Elvish weapons forged in the First Age (i.e. from Gondolin).
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Re: Luminescence

Tue 08 Aug 2023, 12:06

The Goblin reaction to Orcrist and Glamdring ("biter and beater") wasn't a magical or inherent effect; they merely recognised the swords' history. If an Elf took Gleam of Wrath and wanted to flavour it as being like that scene, then I'd allow it.

However, I don't think that scene is GoW. Instead, I seem to remember a scene where a character was fighting and had a look of wrath on them that made their enemies flee. Apologies, I can't remember where and apparently Google isn't my friend today. Anyways, that's what I think of as GoW - a reminder in the eye of the divine wrath. As such, I think it's appropriately placed.

Mechanically speaking, I'd be very reluctant to move it to Rewards. Elves have a heavy malus, and this is one of the few Virtues they can take that isn't basically just counteracting the malus. It would make the Elves even more just about the Magical Success trait.

Perhaps if there were Cultural Rewards...
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Re: Luminescence

Tue 08 Aug 2023, 12:17

That said, Luminescence is a bit weak. It's not very often that specifically the Bane creature sets up an ambush; I'm considering boosting it so it's more useful. Perhaps giving a faint light when the bane creature is in the general area? Or make the Intimidate Foe Combat Task or Awe Skill Checks against Bane creatures Favoured?
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Re: Luminescence

Tue 08 Aug 2023, 12:25

I think the insert about Bane Weapons at the top of page 164 covers the goblins' reaction to Beater and Biter, "...Bane weapons are [also] destructive to elements connected to creatures that are the object of the Bane, and would immediately be recognised as such by them." The specific examples given include orcs not daring to touch a blade forged for the Bane of their kind.

If 'Gleam of Wrath' was also able to be an Enchanted Quality, it would be very similar to the Dwarven Enchanted Quality 'Gleam of Terror', which inflicts a loss of 2 points of Hate or Resolve for each hit.

I created a Longsword for my Magical Treasure Index with Luminescence and Flame of Hope (I borrowed the 1e rules from Erebor about joint Elven/Dwarven craftsmanship from Eregion, along with the name and background of "Angrenithil"). It also has a 'Hunted' curse. The company has benefitted from automatically not being ambushed on several occasions. Applying the Bane Weapons guidance requires a bit of work from the LM, but it's worked well in our campaign so far - for fights, I've tended to apply stronger orcs engaging the bearer of the weapon, but if they are defeated then the others running away earlier than they usually would.

From my experience, you also shouldn't underestimate the cool-factor of Luminescence. Everyone else in the company seems to be a little bit jealous of the elf with the glowing sword :D
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Re: Luminescence

Wed 09 Aug 2023, 07:24

I enjoyed having a glowing sword in the 1e campaign I played in. The Loremaster developed it nicely to fit the story arc of the game.
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Re: Luminescence

Wed 09 Aug 2023, 09:16

Just checking thru the description, Luminescence does glow when the Bane creature is "near". And p164 just means that Bane creatures wouldn't want to touch the actual weapon or even dare to.

I am amused to read about "weapon envy" between players - but that is possible with enhanced narration too isn t it?

I suppose I still feel that such a superior weapon ("made in Gondolin for the Goblin wars") should either give a more direct positive bonus to the player, or a direct negative effect on Bane creatures. Linklite's psychological effects seem a good way to go.

So Gleam of Terror can be used anyway as an Enchanted reward? Sort of duplicates Gleam of Wrath then.
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Re: Luminescence

Wed 09 Aug 2023, 12:11

I think that a blade made in Gondolin would have a couple of other Enchanted Rewards, in addition to Luminescence. Superior Keen and Foe-Slaying would be a pretty good combination.

I also agree with Linklite about Gleam of Wrath best off staying in Cultural Virtues. Just imagine a First Age Elven warrior in his Dwarf-made Ancient Close Fitting, Ancient Cunning Make Mithril Coat of Mail, charging a warband of goblins with his Orc-Slaying, Superior Keen, Luminescent Long Sword while shouting "Elbereth Gilthoniel!" with a Gleam of Wrath in his eye!
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Re: Luminescence

Thu 10 Aug 2023, 10:08

An elf with Gleam of Wrath, holding a dwarf made weapon with Gleam of Terror.

Is that a minimum of three Hate drained per successful attack?

Sorry, it's just a quick thought based on Capt Haddocks elf hero..

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